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Chapter 2

Amanda's POV

I slowly walk into Mrs. Jacobs class and she starts shouting at me for being late... Again. No I'm not like Mr. sexy pants aka. Austin who is a bad ass. I just don't like maths At all. Never understood the point I mean if you're going to be a rocket scientist then sure, go ahead and do maths but I'm not going to be a rocket scientist so... Why am I here?

I sit down at my desk and put my head in my arms, tuning out Mrs. Jacobs as she explains trig graphs to the class. I start day dreaming about boys. Boys are amazing. God's gift to us woman. Those veins in their arms... Is it just me? And the V-line. Yummy. When their hair looks good it just makes them about ten thousand times better. Am I right?

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and look up.

My adorable little maths partner, Susan, is staring at me through her big rimmed purple glasses.

“What?" I whisper. Her lips curl up at the corners and she touches the side of her lip, "You got a little drool..." I wipe my mouth and glare at her as she starts giggling. "You lied there's nothing there." I stare at her and shake my head. "Yeah, but let me guess, you're dreaming about boys?" She says and I shrug smiling, "Maybe I was." I say and go back to day dreaming.

I choose not to dream about boys but instead about giraffes. Don't you think they are so sexy? The way they walk like they on a runway. Ooh, and the way they're technically like bucks except their necks went like the person from Incredibles and stretched. And the way they chew is so weird and slow and gosh they are just so majestical.

See, this is what happens when you make me do math... I start daydreaming about giraffes.

Once class is over I pack my books back into my bag and leave. I go into the girls bathroom to make sure my hair looks okay and bump right into Austin Diesel.

"Watch where you going." Austin says as he glares at me with his sexy eyes, brushing a hand through his hair. He has sexy everything. Well, at least he didn't push me over. I roll my eyes, "Why are you in the girls bathroom anyway?" I say. I already knew the answer. Everybody knows that he likes to do his 'fans' in the girls bathroom.

Austin pushes me up against the bathroom wall, he is standing really close to me and I can feel his hot, minty breath fan my face. "Listen cupcake, unless you want to meet me in the bathroom stall later on, you better stay out of my way." Austin says. Yeah right, no way I would become one of his 'fans'. Who knows where that mouth has been? *internal gag* Speaking of 'fans', Jessica Parker walks out the bathroom stall with her hair messed and her skirt way too high, "Come on Austin, ready to go?" Jessica says.

"Why are you talking to me?" Austin says and rolls his eyes then walks out the bathroom. "But we just-" Jessica sighs like this has happened to her before and then follows Austin out the bathroom.

Yup, that's Austin Diesel everybody.


Amanda's POV

I walk towards the parking at our school where my splendipulous boyfriend is waiting for me. Yes, the word splendipulous exists okay, it's in the Amandictionary. That's a thing. No questions.

Ah, there he is. My pretty boy, Evan. He smiles and waves at me, combing a hand through his hair. I mean, I love Evan and all but he has a serious case of the fuckboy hair syndrome, FHS for short. There are a bunch of girls surrounding him that are probably having eyegasms from looking it him. I internally roll my eyes as I walk up to him with a smile. "Hey beautiful." He says. I like the sound of that. "Hi" I say and grin.

"You ready to go?" He asks and I nod my head. In case you're wondering where we are going, we are going to go have sex on top of the yellow school bus.

Just kidding, we're going to the movies.

We get into Evans car stop at a red light. I look out the window and see a super sexy silver car stop beside us. Hold onto your butts because you'll be blown away not only by the car but by the boy driving it. It's the one and only Austin Diesel in his Hennessey Venom GT.

So yes, he is super rich. His dad and mom both own an oil company and so they are loaded. If you haven't figured it out yet the oil is called Diesel. I'm pretty sure everybody knows about it. Everybody knows Austin and his parents, they are basically famous. Austin definitely acts like he is. Ugh, I want that sexy car.

I see Austin sitting inside the car and there is a blond girl that I have never seen before in the passenger seat, she is obviously flirting with Austin by the way she is giggling and twirling her bleach blonde hair but Austin is not even looking at her.

Evan laughs at me,"I know it's hot but stop drooling." Wait, is he talking about Austin? If he is then yes, it is definitely hot. I give Evan 'the look' knowing that he is obviously talking about the car but he just smirks at me. "It's beautiful can you blame me?" I say looking out the window again, even though the beautiful car was long gone.

A while later...

The movie was very average. Mostly because we weren't actually watching the movie if you know what I mean *wink* *wink* Its sad to admit but we are one of those irritating couples that can't keep our hands our mouths off each other. I don't even really know what the name of the movie was but Dylan O'Brien was in it so I had to watch it. Dylan O'Brien is my number one bae, sorry again Evan.

According to my best friend, Jen, the movie was as I would put it; Splendipulous. Except she didn't use my word. Nobody can use my word.

I'll just assume it was a good movie. I know for a fact the Dylan O'Brien is splendipulous. Right now I'm driving home and text-fangirling with ]en over Dylan O'Brien.

Jen, 8:45pm: But damn, he even looks sexy with dirt on him. How is that even possible?

Me, 8:45pm: I know right! But I‘m pretty sure my favorite character he acts as is Stiles. Stiles is hilarious and hot, what more could you need?

I say referring to his role in Teen Wolf.

Jen, 8:46: I know, but when he acts as Thomas he is also pretty hot. Imagine being Theresa, being in that maze with Thomas, Newt, Minho and all those other aesthetically pleasing boys *swoon*

I laugh at Jen's comment and shake my head. I'm so glad she likes Dylan O'Brien as much as I do, but then again, who doesn't like Dylan O'Brien?

"Freaking out over Dylan O'Brien again I see?" Evan says smirking while driving. "Maybe." I say grinning. "Why perv over him when you have all this." He waves a hand down his body with the hand that isn't on the wheel of his car. I roll my eyes. "Because it is Dylan O'Brien." I say as if it was obvious. Evan just laughs and shakes his head knowing how there is no point arguing with me about that.

We get to my house and stop outside the front door. "So, it's your birthday in two days." I say staring up at his angelic features. "Mhmm." He says leaning down to kiss me. "And I know what I'm giving you for your birthday." I say and wink. "I hope it's what I'm thinking it is." He says. "Well, what are you thinking?" I ask, leaning up on the tips of my toes to kiss him again. A sexy smirk appears on his face and he walks backwards towards his car, "Good night babe." I smile at him shaking my head. "Good night, Evan." I say and go into my house.

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