"Party at mine! Everyone's coming." Ivory grins excitedly, handing me and Trish a note with an address scribbled messily across it.
Only an hour remains before school will officially be over for the weekend. I immediately open my mouth to let her know I can't make it. It's my automatic response to any social situation. Trish grabs hold of my arm, pulling me back before I can speak.
"We'll be there, count us in!" Trish smiles. Ivory does a small cheer before moving onto the group of people be- side us.
"Trish! I don't go to parties, you know that." I tell her. Trish pouts sadly, giving me her best puppy dog eyes. It's so hard to resist her puppy dog eyes.
"Please Em! It's your birthday tomorrow so think of it as your birthday party! I know it's not your scene but do this for your best friend. Please?" Trish whines, her voice dripping with persuasion. I roll my eyes at her but can't help my lips from tugging up into the smallest of smiles.
"I'll see what I can do," I respond, feeling the nerves and excitement beginning to build up inside me. I've imag- ined my first party for so long . . .
I pull out my phone and find my mothers number before taking a deep breath and calling her. Trish nervously sits beside me, her leg bouncing up and down in anticipation. I cross my fingers on my left hand and Trish does the same with both of hers, mirroring my actions. I need all the luck I can get. Mum finally answers after a few rings. I breathe in deeply, ready to throw my acting skills in her direction.
"Hey Mum! So it's really close to exam week and I'm behind on homework. I was wondering if I could spend the night at Trish's house. You remember my friend Trish from school, don't you?" I ask, blabbering way too fast.
"Emily slow down! Yes I remember Trish." Mum says on the other end. I bite down on my lip, waiting for her to decide whether I can stay with Trish tonight.
"Fine, can study at her house tonight but remember you need to be home early tomorrow morning for your birth- day."
My mouth flies open in shock. Mum actually agreed to let me stay out for the night. I did lie to her but she doesn't need to know the real reason, right?
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say quickly, ending the call before she can change her mind. Trish's eyes light up and she squeals loudly, holding out her arms. I squeal back in response and lunge for her, embracing her in a tight hug.
"I can't believe this! My best friend is going to part-ay with me tonight!" She pulls me back happily, placing her hands on either side of my face. I grin widely, feeling the excitement practically burst through me.
"Maybe Jake will be there?" Trish teases, wiggling her brows at me suggestively. I feel my cheeks heat up in em- barrassment and lightly slap her arm.
"Stop teasing me," I smile, biting down on my lip nervously. Almost every night Jake and I talk about anything we can think of. The conversation always flows so easily with him and ends with my stomach sore from laughing. A good kind of pain.
The late night phone calls would sometimes drift over into the early hours of the morning. He'd quickly became someone I thought of regularly and seeing him in college every day was the cherry on top of our friendship. He's funny, cheeky and not as scary or dangerous as everyone else made him out to be.
"I cannot wait to party with you. This is going to be the best night ever!"
I couldn't help but giggle in response, the feeling of excitement overcoming my anxiety and nerves. It's party time!
"Trish!" I groan, staring in shock at the shortest dress in history.
"I cannot wear that! I'll look like I belong on a street corner!" I explain, handing her the dress back. I was sprawl out on her bed, watching as she rips apart every corner of her wardrobe.
"Jake will like it," she winks, causing me to shoot her a stone cold glare. "I don't dress to please a guy."
She rolls her eyes playfully before disappearing back inside her wardrobe. Yes, it really is big enough to get lost in.
"Aha!" she yells triumphantly, appearing with a dress in her hands. It's gold, short and covered with sequins. I gawk at the dress and throw Trish an amused look.
"How many prostitute costumes do you own?"
Trish gasps, her eyes widening before she takes a second look at the dress.
"Okay maybe you're right, only a little. This one is definitely a no." Trish grimaces before hanging the dress back up.
"I think I'll dress myself Trish," I smile, rolling off the bed and heading for her wardrobe. That's how I end up two hours later wearing a long sleeved top with ripped jeans and black boots. My outfit covers the scars and bruises running up and down my body and that's good enough for me. My hair is curled to perfection and I've applied more makeup than usual with some red lipstick and dark eyeliner.
I'm definitely channeling my inner Taylor Swift.
I spritz myself with some perfume before standing back and scrutinising myself in the mirror.
"Wow. We look hot," I grin, holding my hand in the air for Trish to high five. Trish beams back at me and slaps my hand hard.
"Yes we do." Trish smiles, adjusting her bright pink crop top. She wore it over black distressed jeans matched with pink stiletto heels. Trish doesn't leave her house for a party without bringing her bright pink heels.
"Come on, we've got a party to get to!" Trish giggles excitedly, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of her room. A smile stretched across my face and I felt my level of excitement rise quickly. This is really happening.
Tonight is the night I break my party virginity.
"Let's make my first party a memorable one." I grin, feeling completely carefree. It's time for me to finally act like a teenager.
As soon as the taxi parks up outside and I step out, I gaze up at Ivory's house in slight awe. The large building stood in front of me was decorated beautifully from the outside, the grass is trimmed and flowers looked after. Two expensive looking cars are parked across the driveway, their shine so bright despite the darkness of the night.
"Wow," I say under my breath, my stomach breaking out into nervous butterflies. Beside me, Trish let out a low whistle.
"Are you ready?" She asks me, holding out her palm. I glance down at it before nodding. She takes hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers together. Her warmth spreads through my palm, calming down the nerves bubbling inside of me.
When we enter, the hallway and living room is crowded with teenagers, laughing and chatting. The music blared all around the house, bouncing off the walls. I crane my neck, noticing a large group of tightly packed people dancing in the living room. Across from them, a bunch of guys are playing beer pong, clutching bottles of alcohol with silly carefree smiles on their faces.
"Emily! Trish! You made it!" Ivory grins, appearing in front of me. She hands me a drink in a plastic white cup and I take it from her, smiling back.
"Hey! Yeah I did, this looks great!" I said loudly, leaning into her ear so that she could hear me over the loud mu- sic. Any louder and we'll all be deaf within the next hour. . .
"It's one of my legendary parties, trust me. You won't forget this night!" She grins widely before wondering off into the crowds of people. I lift the cup to my nose and sniff it warily. The smell of alcohol knocks me back so I slowly put it down behind me on a table, grimacing slightly.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Trish chuckles from my side and I roll my eyes before picking the drink back up.
"I guess it is my birthday tomorrow, right?" I said, justifying my action. Trish nodded eagerly, signalling for me to take a drink. I lifted it up gingerly to my lips and let the liquid run down my throat. Surprisingly it didn't taste as bad as I thought it would, fruity with a little zing to it.
"That isn't as bad as I thought it would be," I tell her and Trish giggles, taking a large drink from her own cup. She leans in closer towards me, her features turning serious.
"Lesson number one, don't leave your drink unattended. Lesson two, stay away from the hoe's and their bro's. Lesson three, don't wonder off with a weird guy you don't know, okay?" She says firmly. I nod at her, trying my best to remember all of her tips. Trish nods in satisfaction, her head bouncing up and down.
"Good, and most importantly. . . have fun!" She grins, pulling me into a tight bear hug. I return her embrace, breathing in deeply.
"Thanks Trish."
She pulls back and smiled at me, placing one hand on either shoulder. "You've got this Bestie, say it with me."
"Yeah, I've got this." I repeat her words, sounding confident. The volume of the music grows louder and Trish cheers loudly along with several other people.
"I'm going to get another drink, I'll be back in a minute!" Trish yells, disappearing off into the crowd. I nod and smile, watching her go before taking another sip of my drink.
My eyes scan over the crowd and land on a familiar face - Austin. I wave at him, giving him a friendly smile. We've spoken once or twice but never had a full on conversation. Austin is good looking with his caramel toned skin and large brown eyes. His lashes are long and fluttery, much to the dismay of every girl in here. He's never short of female attention and I watch as he wonders over towards me, shooting me a cute grin. His eyes drink in my ap- pearance and I find myself blushing, a red tint covering my cheeks.
"You look cute when you blush!" He laughs, pointing at my cheeks. I gave him a shy smile, feeling my cheeks heat up further.
"I look like a tomato when I blush, don't lie to me." I say playfully, taking another sip of my drink. Austin throws his head back and laughs, his eyes lighting up.
"Are you enjoying the party?" I ask him and he nods, taking a step closer with the same wide smile on his face.
"I haven't seen anyone I like the look of, until now." His words are suggestive and I can feel the blush deepen on my cheeks. I don't reply and instead nibble on my bottom lip nervously. Austin takes a step closer towards me, resting a hand on my waist.
"You look great Emily! Do you want to dance?" He asks eagerly, I don't respond for a few seconds as I think about his question.
Hey, why the hell not?
"Yeah, let's dance!" I respond, following him towards the crowd of dancing bodies. We both begin dancing care- lessly with each other and I close my eyes, feeling free. I feel a hand on my waist and I open my eyes to find Austin very close to me, his body dancing against mine. I let out a little nervous giggle, glancing around warily for a familiar face.
His hips press into mine and I shuffle backwards, feeling uncomfortable. Austin's hands settle on my hips and I pause, my body stilling. I suck in a breath as he massages the area where Trevor beat me. My body is still tender, covered in bruises.
Austin's hands are directly above the bruises.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...
I lean towards his ear, a frown fixed on my face from the dull pain in my sides.
"I think I'm going to go find Trish!" I yell into his ears, placing my hands over his in an attempt to move them. His hand's tighten, causing an instant flare of pain to shoot through my body. I yell out, yanking myself away from him.
"Stop." I tell him, my hands beginning to shake. He's staring at my body with hunger in his eyes and I watch as they turn shades darker. Austin takes a step towards me and in return, I take a step back. I'm trapped between sweaty bodies, caged in like an animal. I find myself struggling to breathe, my throat tightening. The nauseating smell of alcohol hits me and Trevor's face instantly flashes through my mind.
The last person I want to think about tonight is Trevor.
Austin doesn't seem to hear or see my discomfort. He pushes his body into mine and I shove hard at his chest, hating the way he feels against me.
"This isn't fun anymore Austin!" I protest, my words doing little to slow him down. "Please get — "
I don't have a chance to finish my sentence as he's ripped away from me in an instant. I blink and step back, stumbling into a few other people behind me. Austin was lying on the floor, his eyes wide with surprise and fear.
"Oh my god," I gasp however I could feel the relief run through my body. My sides are throbbing painfully and I can't help but wince in pain every time I move. Jake stands over Austin, his shoulders squared defensively. My eyes travels down to his fist that is tensed, ready to strike.
"Jake, don't!" I cry, lunging towards him as he leans down to hit him. One of Jake's friend picks me up in one swift move and pulls me back in the crowd, not allowing me to get in between Jake and Austin.
"You don't want to get in the middle of that sweetheart," he mutters in my ear, holding me back.I continue to watch in horror as Jake grips Austin by the collar and drags him to his feet. He makes it look effortless despite Austin being the same size as him.
"The girl asked you to get off her. She shouldn't have to ask twice." His words are icy, dripping with danger.
"She was enjoying it." Austin spat back, his eyes burning with hatred and fear. My own widen in surprise at his words and I shake my head, protesting. Jake didn't turn around to ask me if he was right, he already knew the answer.
"If you try that again, you can enjoy my fist in your face." Jake hisses, leaning down to his ear. He doesn't make an effort to quieten his words down, everyone could hear his threatening words. Austin simply chuckles at Jake, challenging him to hit him already.
"She isn't yours to protect, get the hell off me."
Jake makes a low sound in protest and it almost sounds like a growl coming from his throat. I watch in horror as he swings his head back before smashing it into Austin's face. A scream escapes my throat and I want to squeeze my eyes shut so I don't see the blood pouring from his nose. Jake's head snaps towards me and I al- most recoil backwards from his eyes.
I immediately grow silent, frozen to the spot.
His eyes hold a murderous glint and my heart skips a beat in fear. My entire body begins to shake and I open my mouth before clamping it shut again. His eyes are cold, bloodshot and vicious.
Just like Trevor.
Breathe Emily, breathe.
I remain frozen, staring wide eyed in terror at Jake. Visions of Trevor beating me with the same cold eyes clouds my mind and I feel like a hand is closing in around my throat tightly. I gasp like a fish out of water and Jake's eyes soften considerably. He walks towards me and I shake my head further, unable to tell him to stop.
"What's wrong Emily?" I hear Jake ask distantly but Trevor's threats filled my eyes, taunting me. An arm wraps around my shivering body and I whimper, yanking it away from me. My head is pounding hard and my lungs are tightening further. I whimper in fear, feeling my head go hazy and disorientated.
I began to push through the crowds, my legs wobbling underneath my weight.
"I need some air," I whisper, barely able to hear my own words. I use the bodies of others to keep myself standing but it isn't enough.
The inability to breathe finally catches up with me and I feel my eyes roll the back of my head.