"Emily? It's me, Jake."
I blink away my blurred vision and begin to make sense of my surroundings. I'm lying on a double bed, the sheets crisp white and soft. The walls are painted a baby blue shade, the furnishings white to match the rest of the decor.
"Jake?" I say turning towards him, my voice shaking. I watch as he sighs heavily, his gaze dropping to the floor to avoid making eye contact with me.
Embarrassment fills my body and I sit up, stepping off the bed to leave the room.
"I have to go," I mumble, my mind disorientated and confused. My legs buckle underneath me weakly and I close my eyes, getting ready to meet the floor. Jake's hand flies out, circling around my waist. He guides me so I'm stuck between his legs, one on either side. I sigh and push on them in an attempt to be free but they don't move an inch.
"Stop struggling Emily, turn around." His voice is quiet, smooth.
I turn around, my head hung low which caused my hair to fall over my face. I like it, it acts like a curtain to protect me. . . I think Jake knows my secret. Nobody else ever suspected a thing besides from Jake. I figured it out by the way he treats me, gentle and caring. He treats me this way because he knows my secret and he feels sorry for me.
The girl who's beaten by her stepdad.
Jake's hand reaches up, hovering near my face.
"I'm not going to hurt you, don't flinch," he whispers. I stop breathing from his words, my heart beating wildly against my chest. He slowly tilts my chin up until I'm looking directly into his eyes. They're soft and warm, com- pletely opposite to the murderous look he was sporting before.
When Jake is like this, he's harmless. Yet with everyone else, he's as cold and dangerous as the first time I'd seen him in the classroom. His thumb strokes my jaw and I sigh, completely content with the slightest bit of affection. Jake chuckles at my reaction, his stomach vibrating and I blush in embarrassment.
"Stop laughing at me." I mutter, my cheeks flaming up in embarrassment. My heart is beating wildly against my chest.
"You're adorable, I can't help it." He gives me a cute, lopsided smile. I feel my heart somersault and I open my mouth to reply. The words I really wanted to say are lodged deep inside my throat. When I'm around him, I feel butterflies, constantly.
I push back away from his legs, building up the courage to let him know what's really on my mind. I walk around the room, stretching my legs as I examine it, my way of buying myself some time.
"Don't do that," Jake says suddenly, pushing himself off the bed and walking towards me. My eyebrows crease in confusion and I look back at him, frowning.
"Don't do what?" I ask innocently, my back hitting against the wall. Jake's eyes land directly on my lips, causing my heart to stop for a moment.
"Don't bite your lip like that."
"Sorry, it's a thing I do when I'm nervous." I explain, chuckling lightly.
Jake silently walks towards me, closing the space between us. His hand reaches up and combs back his dark hair, leaving me melting from the way his biceps tense.
"What do you really want to ask me?" Jake whispers, placing a hand on the walls on either side of me. He leans down so his face hovers in front of mine, inches away. I'm knocked back by his sudden question and I simply blink at him in return.
"N-nothing" I stutter, cursing myself silently. Whenever I'm around Jake, I lose the ability to act or talk like a nor- mal human being.
"You're still doing it," Jake mutters, his eyes flickering between mine and my lips. As he speaks, his warm breath fans my face and I swear, my legs actually buckle underneath me.
"Don't stare at me and it won't bother you," I shot back, my confidence levels rising.
"Don't be so beautiful and maybe I won't stare," he smirks, barely hesitating with his response. I let out a small squeak at his words and immediately regret my decision.
Nice move Emily.
Jake's eyebrows shot up in amusement, blue eyes twinkling at me. I pull my lower lip into my mouth, biting down on it hard due to my nerves.
"Stop Emily." "No Jake."
He glares at me and I glare back in response, daring him to break eye contact. The corners of his lips tug up and I know he's on the verge of laughing. In one swift move, Jake grabs hold of both my arms playfully, surprising me.The pain shooting through my body is instant and I hiss, feeling fire burn through my skin. My reaction is one I deeply regret. . .
I instantly lift my knee up, hitting him hard between his legs.
Jake groans loudly, dropping to the floor with his eyes squeezed shut tightly.
"What the hell Emily?! There goes my chance of ever being able to have kids." Jake yells, his voice strained.
I don't respond, the pain becoming unbearable to handle. It's shooting down my arms, making me lightheaded. Pain flashes through my face and I turn to face the wall, not wanting Jake to see my tear stricken face. Jake gen- tly turns me around, his eyes full of worry and confusion. Fresh tears sting my eyes and I blink, feeling them slide down my cheeks.
"Stop Jake!" I whisper, my voice breaking apart as I speak.
Jake takes no notice of my protests and silently tugs my sleeves upwards. I suck in a breath, feeling like I've been punched in the gut. Ugly bruises etched into my skin stare back at us.
"Emily?" Jake questions, his eyes filling with confusion.
I thought Jake would take one look at a broken me and he would walk away. Away from the pain and misery in my life. Instead he drops one of my wrists, using his hand to clutch my chin. He lifts it slowly so I'm staring into his eyes. He's searching me intently, blue eyes flickering between mine.
"Let me help you," he pleads, his hand stroking my cheek gently. I've never heard those four words from anyone in my entire life.
Let me help you.
I push Jake off gently and walk towards the door, locking it. My heart is beating so fast against my body, I can practically hear it booming through my ears. I inhale deeply, noticing Jake is watching me carefully, his eyes trained on my every move.
"Please don't judge me," I whisper quietly, my shaky voice barely filling the small room. Jake nods silently, his face completely emotionless. I have to tell him, tell someone. It's making me go crazy, my sanity slipping away every second. I don't eat anymore in fear and I definitely don't sleep. I'm plagued by nightmares of Trevor every single night, each one of them more terrifying than the last.
I squeeze my eyes shut and feel for the hem of my top. My fingers find the soft material and I clutch it tightly, pulling the fabric up to reveal the top half of my body. I feel cold air hit my bare skin and that's when I know there is no going back.
My secret and I are exposed.
I open my eyes, feeling the tears escape and slide down my cheek, fighting over one another. My hands are shak- ing uncontrollably and I let go, allowing it fall back down. Jake is stood opposite me, his eyes fixated on my body where my skin was exposed seconds ago. His eyes are completely emotionless but his jaw clenches tightly in anger. His hands ball up into tight fists by his sides and he appears to be rooted to the spot, frozen.
"My step-dad does this to me," I whisper, feeling the need to explain myself. My secret is out.
I look down at my body, knowing what lies underneath the clothes and recoil away from it in disgust. Black and blue bruises cover my whole stomach. Scars run up and down my legs and arms from years of abuse and my wrists are a mess from what I've done to them. I lift my head and search Jake's eyes for some sort of reaction but he remains emotionless.
"Say something Jake," I urge him, fear settling inside my stomach as I couldn't make out his reaction. He pauses for a moment, blue eyes filling with a deep sadness —
"I think you're amazing Emily. Come here," he finally whispers, his eyes flickering up to meet mine. He walks to- wards me, arms outstretched and I exhale a deep sigh of relief.
"Do you think I'm ugly?" I ask vulnerably, my voice shaking with fear as I fall into his embrace. His warmth wraps around me tightly and I close my eyes, feeling safe. Jake rubs my back soothingly, his face nuzzling inside the crook of my neck. I know he's trying to comfort me but I feel butterflies fill my stomach from his loving actions.
"I think you're beautiful," he whispers, his arms closing around my body gently. . . Almost as if he's protecting me from the danger that lurks around me.