I gritted my teeth and shook hands with the old hag. Liam Walter.
I tightened my grip on his hand so hard that his face became red more from the pain than anger.
Someone cleared their throat and I turned to see her.
Looking all dolled up, is Lara Jones, daughter of this monster and my first love.
Real name Lara Walter but for the fame, Walter seems a bit old fashioned so she used Lara Jones.
Each time I see her, my stupid heart beats for her despite everything she's put me through. I never knew the old hag was her father until after the andersons' project two years after despite being with her for about three years before.
Yes, I know.
I watched as she majestically made her way towards her father and gritted my teeth.
Her father has been a major competitor in the same line of business from day one.
My father and liam started their business about the same time and have been against each other for sometime now.
When I joined the company nine years ago as the vice president before I later became the full owner few months back, I'd been the one representing the company in the Andersons' project.
For the past nine years, the Walter's presented a similar plan to ours and since, they presented theirs first, it always looked like we stole their plans, hence we got disqualified in the first stage.
I never realised why until about two years ago when I went to Lara's house unannounced that I saw the father-daughter duo celebrating what they called my defeat.
There and then, I understood what the problem was, the thing is that in those nine years , few days before the annual projects, I usually presented each one to Lara.
She made me do it, I never suspected anything because I felt she'd just turned it into a practice. I was so in love with her that I didn't see anything beyond her.
But now, everything's changed, I'm no longer the Xander she used to know.
I'm sure she clearly understood that when she came over today.
I already had my P.M do a planning of what seems like a brothel building plan. I sure as hell know that they won't think too much before presenting it.
I felt myself smiling sheepishly at the thought of the embarrassment they'd face if they presented that piece of crap.
The CEO of the andersons finally arrived after few moments.
Lights are dim and people started their presentation. None of them looked quite impressive. Atleast not half as good as mine.
Then came that of the Walter's, suprisingly enough, they presented a different plan and it's kinda impressive.
I watched Liam's son, Blayze smirk at my expense after their plan was applauded. I gritted my teeth but then , my plans were much better.
After minutes of presenting my plans,everyone applauded me and by the look on their faces, they're quite impressed. Even the other not-strong opponents.
Except the Walter's ofcourse, I smirked as Lara rolled her eyes and the father-son gave me a dreadful glare.
I mean I had to do something worth awhile apart from the money, the orphanage project is something I'd definitely love to do.
I love children . I've made it a mission to always visit the orphanage once a month, ofcourse without the public's knowledge.
"So, gentlemen, we've seen all of your presentations ,we'd like you all to step outside, we'd get back to you in few minutes." Mr Anderson said to us.
We nodded and shook hands with him before retreating to the main room. Snacks were being served. I just took a bagel and black coffee.
I had almost forgotten about my personal assistant, she's been quite helpful and smart too. She helped me with my presentation as well.
"Excuse me, sir. The director's called for you. He want to speak to you and mr. Walter." She said interrupting my thoughts about her.
I nodded and made way towards the conference room. I took a seat opposite blayze and faced mr. Anderson.
"Listen, boys, your companies are the leading ones so one of you will get the project. So I've decided that we have to use a criteria to disqualify one of you since you both have impressive plans." He looked at both ofcoyr serious faces before continuing.
"This project is that of an orphanage, which involves kids and family life and we all know what you too are like in that aspect." I felt myself smile sheepishly at his statement.
He's right though. Both liam and I were the same; playboys. You could call us brothers in that aspect. We're about the same with the way we treat girls."
He looked at us and by the look on our faces , he knew that we understood what he meant.
"So boys, I dont think you guys are ready for family life so....."
"I've a fiancee." I blurted out before thinking. Both of their faces expressed shock.
Even I'm shocked at my answer.
Way to go Xee!
Mr Anderson cleared his throat and looked at me with disbelief. "You really have a fiancee, you, Xander?"
Before I could butt in any word, liam did the talking.
"Ofcourse, this is just a strategy to get the contract, trust Xander to be this desperate afterall we've been the one winning the consecutively." Liam said chuckling bitterly.
I clenched my jaw and tried to keep my already folded fist away from his so called handsome face.
I just hate this man but this is the time to convince mr Anderson and not think of this despicable man here.
I breathed deeply and continued "Sir, with all due respect, I'm truly in a relationship. I've been meeting her secretly for a few months."
When I realised that he was paying attention, I took it as a cue to continue so I did. I put my emotional card into play.
"When I met her, I thought I could ignore the feelings I have for her but i just couldn't. After about ten months of being together, I proposed to her just last week but we've not made an official statement on it because she is very shy and reserved."
I gave a dreamy smile thinking of my supposed girlfriend who most probably doesn't even exist.
I watched as mr Anderson's unconvinced look changed into that of an 'how sweet'. Good job , Xander.
He believes me.
Liam gave me a malicious look and I gave him a self -satisfied smirk. 'Oh! How much I love to see you defeated.' I thought bitterly.
"That's quite a beautiful story, I'd love to meet her sometime. You aren't fully getting the contract until I've met this beautiful girl that has captured your heart." He said smiling sweetly.
Now there goes my smart ass plan! It was Liam's turn to smirk. Idiot!