How do you react when your crush is in front of you?
Especially when they have been invading your dreams.
I suddenly lost my confidence. I'm short of words. I hope I succeed in this interview. I can't lose this chance. I need the money... for him.
I quickly composed myself and walked towards him, and in turn he gestured for me to have a seat across from him.
"Introduce yourself," he said without looking up from his paper.
"I'm Nichole Winston. I'm a graduate from New York State University. I studied business administration and I-"
"I've already seen all of that. Which position have you come to apply for?" He said, interrupting me as if saying 'you talk too much'.
"A personal assistant."
"What's the job of an assistant?"
"Um... they assist in every aspect of official duties." I said, trying to sound confident.
"What are your past qualifications - where have you worked?"
"I've worked as a clerk at a firm and I also worked as a waitress for about two years. "
"And do you think I'll be giving the job to you, I mean this isn't just some food company."
Being honest with myself, I feel offended. What does he mean by calling me a waitress? He's probably trying to get a reaction from me.
I breathed deeply and said "Sir, I have the business sense, charisma, and intelligence to do this job. That's why I applied, Sir."
"Well, you've got the job."
Really, that was so easy but then again, I got the job!
I'm so happy! Claire will be elated for me.
"Thank you so much, Sir! God bless you. I really appreciate it and I promise that you won't regret this decision." I said, almost jumping with joy.
He gave me a stern nod and continued "You start tomorrow, Ms. Winston. Be aware, I won't stand for tardiness. Be here at eight." He said, with serious tone.
"Yes, Sir. Thank you again!"
As with before, he gave a stern nod.
I walked out of the building with a big smile on my face.