My scream is caught in my throat with a small flicker of light, illuminating eyes the same amber as the flame. A gust of wind from my open window pushes the bitter stink of cigarette into my nostrils and my appetite vanishes with any sense of peace I was feeling.
“Tuo padre ha detto che sei bellissima.” The voice is deep and smooth like velvet, but his tone is icy. Shivers race down my spine and I am suddenly covered in goosebumps.
“W-who are you?” My hands start to fumble for the light switch but as quickly as I reach for it, he stands. The anxiety that had vanished into the back of my mind rushed forward full force, my precious bowl of sanctuary slips from my grip and shattered on impact with the floor.
He was close enough for me to melt into his ava-colored eyes, flecks of gold shimmered in the shadow of the hallway light. The smoke of the cigarette trailed from his nostrils and danced into the air around us. “You can call me Arturo.” husky breathe fanned my face; chills ran up my neck leaving a trail of bumps in its wake.
Raw power oozed in waterfalls from Arturo, his tall frame was bulk with muscle. When my eyes climb back up his figure to reach the fiery pits of his eyes, they dance with humor. “You seem confused. Your father said he informed you of the situation.” he finally steps back and I’m able to register.
This was the entitled, misogynistic asshole? Anger swiftly took fears place, as sense of logically thinking is blinded with a rush of rage. “If you think this is going to be easy, you are in for a rude fucking awakening. I am not property made to be bought.”
His thick eyebrows meet his hairline, his stupid smirk stays planted as he pulls deeply on his cigarette. Then, without hesitation drops it onto the white carpet and stubs it out with his shoe. “You may not be property but paid a lot of fucking money. Money, your father is not able to pay back. Now I do not have all day, you can come willingly, or I’ll drag you out.” he crosses his large arms.
I cross mine as well, trying to gather an ounce of intimidation. Irritation washes away his smirk, then without warming he lunges. I am suspended in the air for a few moments and then the world flips upside down.
“Put me down!” I kicked and clawed as hard as I could, but he was not budging, the tears I was holding back all day were threatening to spill. Where was the guards? where were my parents? Was this man really allowed to just remove me from my own life? “Please.” My voice came out puny and desperate, my face was burning with humiliation.
We had just reached the last stair and the pressure from the blood in my skull was starting to throb, thankfully the world turned upright, and my feet were placed firmly on the floor. In the light of the foyer, I can see Arturo clearly.
Inky black hair slicked back to reveal a strong face with a chiseled draw and long eyelashes that framed luminescent eyes. His large frame dressed in an all-black Armani suit. In short, he looked like the prince of darkness.
“Look, I don’t have time to babysit you. If you make this hard, I will make your life hell. Do you understand?” something dangerous shimmered in his eyes, it sent chills down my spine. To avoid his intense stare, I briskly shook my head, clearly no one was going to help me out of this situation. The last thing I needed was to piss this man off, who knows what might happen then?
Arturo leads us to the door where an SUV was parked, glancing back, in hopes to see anyone, even my father but the empty halls stare back at me until I am forced into the car. Arturo's large frame climbs in behind me blocking my view.
A bald man in the driver seat stares at me through the rear-view mirror as he speaks, “Where to boss?” but his words are directed to Arturo who is rapping furiously on his phone. “Home.” his direction is clear, but the car remains still.
From the corner of my eye, I can still see the driver staring at me. “Keep staring, Rico, and I’ll remove your eyelids.” the car jerks into motion quickly, the ride is painfully silent besides the sound of Arturo tapping mercilessly onto his phone.
“Arturo?” he doesn’t respond but his eyebrow raises so I continue, “Where is home for you?” the unfamiliar language he spoke so fluently runs through my mind. Finally, he puts his phone into his suit jacket.
“Italy. We will stay there until the house in the states is finished.” he doesn’t look at me when he speaks, his accent slides of his tongue without effort and I’m almost unable to understand him unless I listen closely.
“Italy? but what about my stuff? what do you even want with me?” The driver’s eyes are on me again. My skin starts to crawl, subconsciously I inch closer to Arturo. Trying to shrink myself out of the sight of Rico but his black eyes follow, looking through me and leaving an icy chill in my bones. I must have been leaning too far into Arturo’s side because he smacks his lips and I feel him look down at me.
“what are-” he catches Rico’s eyes before he adverts them back to the road. I feel the muscle in Arturo’s body go rigid, suddenly I am shoved to the other side of the car. With full force his fist slides across Rico’s face and blood instantly pours from his nose. The car swerve, making the cars around us honk. “what did I say?”
My scream is muffled by my hand when Arturo places a gun to the side of Rico’s head. Staring at him menacingly through the mirror with faint splatters of blood. “You do as I say without hesitation. Do I make myself clear?” Rico’s response is a shaky ‘yes.’ Then Arturo orders for him to pull over, we are in the middle of the freeway but Rico somehow maneuver is the car to the side of the road.
“Avery. Hold this.” The heavy metal is placed in my hands before I could reject. “hold it here.” Arturo pulls my arm until the gun is in the exact place, he held it, but my hands are shaking while his was a steady as a surgeon.
I do not realize I am crying until my vision blurs so bad, I must wipe it with the back of my sleeve. Of course, I had grew up in this life, but I had never held a gun, never had blood on my hands. By the look on Arturo’s face, he was going to change that all.