The water feels like a breath of fresh air, pink swirls in mini tornado's before disappearing into the drain. The bathroom was extravagant, gold trim around the sink
and mirrors. The shower made to feel like rain pour with only a glass door that traps the steam. It is ages before I emerge from the bathroom.
The thick steam pours into the bedroom when I finally open the door, my skin free of sweat and blood. My hair was a curly tundra down my back, combing the blood out was hard enough. Finding the courage to open the door in nothing but a towel and no knowledge on what was on the other side.
Arturo said our rooms were separate, but he made it clear, I was he property. Arturo was powerful, and completely unpredictable. Not to mention I was in an unknown area.
Fortunately, the room is empty and the short journey to the closet is uninterrupted. The closet is of course, filled with designer clothes and unnecessarily expensive items. Almost like my closet back home but my mother was not sitting in the corner judging my every move.
“Men like their things to look and feel, even smell nice. They are like primal animals that haven’t fully developed.”
“Then why give them all the power?”
She pauses, smoothing out her gorgeous green body suit before signing with an emotion I had never seen on my mother, anger.
“Sometimes, we have to do what we must to survive Avery. Men handle this world better than us; it is better this way.”
Skimming my fingertips against the expensive fabrics, all soft and silky. Black, silk stitched fabric makes my grasp pause. Slipping it off the hanger I hang it out in front of me in the mirror.
A knee length, tube dress that felt like it was threaded with angel wings, it goes perfect with the black sandals I find on the shelf. After putting on underwear and rubbing a towel through my curls I feel almost like myself again.
My hair has fully air dried and returned to it beast of curls, the dress is hugging me tightly enough that every step result in me tugging at the bottom of the stupid fabric. My stomach rumbles the same moment a pot slams in the kitchen.
I am stopped in my tracks at the sight of Arturo, dress shirt dismissed and his top half on full view, besides the tank top that hugged every duvet of his chest. A gun strapped to each hip of his black slacks. My cheeks warm on their own, the feeling is unusual. Another pot is slammed, and the feeling disappears as quickly as it came, goosebumps rise onto my arms and I shiver.
“Is that what you are going to where to dinner?” His tone is different, almost soft but a strain behind it. Cautiously I climb onto the stool in front of the island. Averting my eyes to the site of the city is futile to make my brain focus because his gaze Is still burning the side of my head.
“Um, I-, I thought we were eating here.” I try not to answer with a question, the last thing I wanted to deal with is a pissed off Italian don. Bravely I meet his burning gaze flinching at first but slowly the burning started to feel, warm. The gold in his eyes seeming to overpower the amber, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me or Arturo was trying to seem warm.
“No, we have to meet some associates across the city, it will be brief, but I’d figure we’d have dinner out.” my gaze drops down to the black dress that hugs every curve, not to mention my breast were almost on full display without my bra.
Suddenly I felt very exposed, crossing my arms I keep my head down.
“I’ll go change-”
“Don’t, we’re already late.” Arturo grabs the jacket on the chair beside me and throws it over his tank top. “There are some coats in the front closet.” jerking his chin in the direction indicated.
“Can I ask you something?” We have just been seated at one of the fanciest restaurants I have ever been in, A booth with four chairs circle the portion did not cover the booth bench.
“Might as well, Client is going to be an hour late.” He flares his nostrils and tosses his phone on the table. Glaze flickers over to me and I try not to get flustered. Arturo not sure if unknowingly pushes out an intimidating aura.
“Earlier you said it was time I started dressing like a Dona, Am I- are we, what I mean- ” I am stumbling over my words and by the look on his face this was completely amusing to him.
“If you question ends with marriage and you producing an heir. You have the wrong idea Avery.” a weird relief flushes over me, washing away some anxiety but bubbling up new ones, what did he want me for?
My head was starting to throb, my mind overworking to make sense of the mess my father had created and yet purposely threw me into.
Arturo clears his throat before downing the shot of scotch they had brought him, a wicked smile following soon after. “I don’t want children.”
And my anxiety is back full force, shattering any sense of peace with a sludge hammer.
Then I sink.