"After consideration of this case, Mrs. Niara Kems v Mr. Daniel Kems, and examination of the evidence submitted to the Court as provided by law, it is the judgment of the Court that a total divorce be granted between the two parties to this case. It is hereby ordered that the marriage contract entered into between the parties be set aside from this date onward and fully dissolved. Plaintiff and Defendant in the future shall be held and considered as separate and distinct persons, altogether unconnected by any nuptial union or civil contract whatsoever, and both shall have the right to remarry." Reading the words on the final decree made me want to jump up and hug my lawyer all over again. My eyes shifted to the second paragraph of the document, and I read, "The settlement requested by the Plaintiff is hereby approved and made part of this final judgment."
The second part made a smile crack on my lips. Daniel was grudgingly giving away fifty percent, if you ask him, of his property but, if you ask me, of our property. He might have been the one who had the talent that brought in the money, but I was the one who got him clients and suppliers. "Next time I am to help a guy build himself, I am signing a partnership deal," I promised myself. And then lastly, the third part, which stated the restoration of my former name, made me a whole lot of happy. I could call myself Miss if I wanted, and nobody would tell me otherwise. I gladly signed on the plaintiff line, and I was done and dusted with the marriage. I left my lawyer’s office literally bouncing on my feet. I got home; my mom was not there, probably at her shop arranging flowers for a birthday party or something. But Sally was there, sitting on the bar stool. "You were late for the party," she said, raising her half-glass of wine towards me. On the table was the infamous bottle of Chateau.
"So you started without me," I said, throwing my handbag on the table and taking a seat next to her. I took the bottle and poured the liquid into a glass. I sniffed the liquid, taking a moment to cherish the floral aroma before I took a sip, holding it in my mouth and swirling it around. I savored the sweet, tangy taste before swallowing. I fucking loved Chateau, especially when it was served with a chunk of victory.
"You got somewhere we could go and have some fun?" I asked as I set my glass on the table after the second sip. I was finally free, and I could as well exercise my freedom fully.
Sally had never left Moonshine, so she knew Moonshine better. She was the wilder one between the two of us, so I could trust her with finding a place we could go and have fun. But we must not have been on the same page. She stared at me, questions dancing on her face.
"What?" You are not up for a celebration? Your friend is now a millionaire and newly single. Doesn't that call for a celebration?"
"I bought this especially for this," she said, raising the chateau. That meant she agreed that we had a reason to celebrate.
"So what?" I raised an eyebrow at her as I took another sip. "I don't know,Nari," she uttered, her eyes focused on me.
"You have always been the typical cancer woman, very emotional, so your reaction to this whole Daniel drama is so unlike you. When you called me, telling me you were coming home, I was prepared to nurse a broken heart and deal with tonnes of tears. I even imagine dragging your ass out of bed after some months. I never imagined this version; your detachment skills are actually scaring me. Nari"
Thinking of it, my reaction was also scaring me. Yes, it had stung, and I was broken when I walked in on Daniel, but after a single cry, all the pain had flown right out the window, and all I could feel was anger. And now, with him totally out of my life and with wine owing in my veins, I was surprisingly calm.
"I am scaring myself too, ok? I am totally fine, and I don't think I should be, but let's not worry about that. Just be thankful because I know tears freak you out."
"I had already started taking my anxiety pills when you called me, and I think they are helping me, because even though you are not crying, you are still freaking me out," Sally said, and I playfully punched her on her arm, and she almost fell down from the stool as she tried to dodge the punch. "Just find us a club we can go to. I think I am in the right mood for some loud music and some dancing tonight."
"Night club, huh?" she said, raising her eyebrow.
"Yes, I figured it could be the right place to get myself back in the game."
"Not even hours have passed since you signed your divorce papers, and you already want to get back in the game? Girl, you are moving way to fast, my friend."
"Just like a wildfire," I agreed, tilting my glass in her direction.
"If you really wanna be wild, I do know a place for that."
"Oh ye?" I mused, and she nodded her head, taking a sip of her chateau. "I say we go to The Pyramid; they are open tonight."
I remembered The Pyramid. It was an exclusive nightclub uptown. It pulled the wildest group of rich people, served the best cocktails known to existence, and hired the best DJs in town. If you wanted wild, it provided that. And that was exactly what I was looking for. "Don't we need an advance booking?" I asked and she shook her head no. "I just need to make the right phone call and then we are in for a wild ride tonight," I jumped off the bar stool and kissed Sally on the cheek, "You are the best," I whispered in her ear before patting her on the back, "Make the call, and imma get ready for tonight. I need to look my fucking best."