As the owl like creature slept in the little girl’s arms, he was awakened by her singing. He felt safe, and warm as he was being rocked within her loving embrace. The sweet child had the voice of an angel. That was who she was to him, she was his guardian angel. His little angel had saved him from the horrid boy.
As the owl opened his eyes, he saw the little girl looking down on him. Her smile was a sweet as her voice, and her face was angelic as her soul. He never had much use for humans, nor did he have much use for love, but she was different. When her tears had baptized him with her kindness, he finally realized how wonderful the feeling of love actually was.
But she was merely a child, too young for him to love. Yet he knew one day, she would become a woman, a woman of great beauty. As a powerful owl shifter, he had the ability to look deep into any being’s soul. And her soul was more beautiful than any creature he had ever known. He would share his magical gifts with her, and she would forever belong to him.
He was the last of the owl shifters, a once powerful fae race, that had been destroyed by man. Man was a destructive being that he detested. But she was different, and deserved to be more than just a daughter of man. She deserved to be a queen, and they would one day rule their own magical kingdom together.
“Did you rest well?” The little girl asked him, a she continued to smile. “Don’t worry, that mean boy went home. You don’t have to be afraid of him anymore. I will keep you safe, until you heal. Then you can return to where ever it is you came from. But I will miss you when you go, I hate the thought of you leaving me.”
I hate the thought of leaving you as well, my child. He thought
“But Daddy says that you’re not like a cat, or a dog.” She continued. “He said that I can only keep you, until you are healed. Daddy says, I cannot keep you as a pet, and you deserve to be free. Once you heal, you would never be happy here.”
I would be happy, as long as I could be with you. His heart began to flutter, just at the mere thought of being with her.
“Besides.” She said, as her smile soon faded into a look of sorrow. “I doubt you would want to stay with me anyway. I just overheard Mommy, and Daddy talking. When I grow up, I will be expected to marry Prince Siegfried. That is why his family came for my birthday, they wanted us to meet. But I don’t like him, he’s a big bully.”
His blood began to boil, at the thought of anyone else with her besides him, and especially that little Neanderthal. He would kill the boy, before he would let her marry such an ape like creature. No, my child! When you grow up, you shall not marry him, you shall marry only me!
“I don’t want to marry him!” She cried. “I wish I could turn into a swan. Then you, and I could fly away together. We could go someplace magical, where no one could ever find us. Then we could be friends forever. But even I know, that is never going to happen.”
The young princess soon began to yawn. “I think we both need to get some sleep. Goodnight my little owl friend, I love you.”
She placed the owl down on a small cushion, and then she crawled into her bed. It was soon after that, that the princess had fallen asleep. Unbeknownst to her, as soon as she drifted off to sleep, the owl shifted into human form. He groaned in pain, because of the little bastard throwing the rock at him. But he remained as quiet as possible, as he didn’t want to wake her.
He was tempted to grab her, and take her away with him forever. But he knew she was too young, much too young to understand the kind of love that he felt for her. She still had some growing, and some maturing to do. His angel was like a peach that hadn’t fully ripened.
But when she would finally bloom, he would pluck her from her world, and sample her sweet nectar. Regrettably, he was going to have to bide his time, and patiently wait for her. As much as it pained his heart, it was best for now just to leave her.
“I love you too, my little angel.” He whispered. “Sadly, I must go now. But I promise, when you completely blossom into womanhood, I will return for you. I shall grant you your wish. I will make you my Swan Queen. We will fly away to our magical kingdom, and no one will ever find us. And I promise my dear, I will love you forever, and we will never have to part ever again.”
For the first time in his existence, a tear had escaped from him. He then placed a kiss upon the sleeping girl’s cheek. With that, he turned back into an owl, and flew off into the night. But every night, without the little girl’s knowledge, he would return to see her after she had fallen asleep. And just like that first night. He would place a kiss upon her cheek.
“Well, I think your clothes must be done by now.” Said Bartholomew, as he smiled at Yvette.
“Wait!” Exclaimed Yvette. “You can’t be serious! I know there’s much more to the fable. You have to tell me the rest of it.”
“Another time, my lady.” He said, as he bent down to kiss her hand. “I said I would tell you the fable until your clothes were dry, then we would practice our dance.”
“But you just can’t leave me hanging like this.” She protested. “I have to know what happened next.”
“And you will my dear, soon.” He replied, with a coy smile. “You will soon know everything. But now we must rehearse. I promise you my dear Yvette, even before opening night. I will make you the Swan Queen.”
“Alright, you’re the ballet star. I suppose it would be wrong of me to doubt you.” Yvette replied. “Where is the washer, and dryer? I’ll go get my clothes.”
“It’s two doors to your left, after you exit the apartment.” He told her. “Just leave my clothes on top of the washer, and you can change in there. The practice studio is just to the left of the laundry room. I’ll meet you there in a little bit.”
“Okay.” She replied, as she gave him a shy smile. “Thank you for being so kind to me, and believing in me as well. I really do appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome my dear.” He answered, as he bowed to her. “But don’t be so quick to thank me, just yet, for I must warn you. Even though for the most part, I am a gentleman. When it comes to ballet, I can be a real bastard. I have not gotten to where I am today without expecting perfection from my fellow dancers. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” She replied, as she had a slight look of intimidation, in her eyes.
“Good.” He told her. “Now, go get dressed. We have a lot of time to make up for because of our late start. I will meet you in the studio, in just a bit.”
As he watched her leave the apartment, a smile soon crept upon his face. He opened his laptop, and looked at the footage. His beautiful Yvette had no idea that he had cameras placed in the bathroom, and the bedroom of the apartment. It had been so long since he had seen his beloved in all of her naked glory.
As he continued to smile as he watched her bathe, he was glad that he had remembered the spell. It had been a long time, since he had conjured up a rain storm. But his plan had worked perfectly. He knew it was actually wrong, viewing her in a state of undress, without her consent. But then again, stories that had been told about him, described him as the evil sorcerer. After all, he was the wicked Owl King, and she would soon forever be his perfect Swan Queen.