Yvette’s heart was racing, worried that she wouldn’t get to the theater to meet Mr. Rothman by 3 o’clock. He expected her to be prompt, and she knew he would be furious if she was even a second late. She had taken a cab, but the Boston traffic was terrible. Probably the fact that it was raining didn’t help. As the cab remained stuck in traffic, they weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Yvette looked down at her watch.
2:41! Oh my god! The theater is two blocks from here, if I ran I might be able to make it.
“Please sir!” She begged the driver. “Please just let me out here! I can’t be late!”
“But Miss!” He began to reply. “It’s raining, and we’re in the middle of the street!”
“I know!” She answered. “But I need to be somewhere by three, and I’ll be more likely to make it if I run from here! How much?”
“Twenty three, sixty five.” He told her. She then handed him two twenties.
“Keep the change!” Yvette said as she got out of the cab, as quickly as she could. She then made a mad dash for the sidewalk. The frantic girl was in such a hurry, she didn’t even have time to open her umbrella, but she knew she just couldn’t be late.
As she raced down the sidewalk. Yvette felt like a drowned rat. Even though she was so focused on everything in front of her, and couldn’t see the faces of the people she was running passed, she knew they had to think she was crazy.
Finally, around 2:55, she reached the theater. She then called Mr. Rothman on his cellphone.
“Hello?” He answered.
“Mr. Rothman!” She breathlessly replied. “I’m at the front door of the theater!”
“Are you alright?” He asked. “You sound like you’re out of breath.”
“I had to-I had to run over here!” She told him. “Could you please let me in? I’m soaking wet!”
“What?” He exclaimed. “I’ll be down to let you in, right away!”
Yvette looked through the glass door, hoping that he wouldn’t take too long. She was cold, and wet. Her hot breath was fogging up the glass. Hopefully he would appreciate what she was willing to go through to make sure that she was prompt. Less then a minute after he had hung up, she saw him coming towards the door. To her surprise, he was carrying a big towel.
“Oh my god!” He exclaimed, as he held a look of concern. “Come in, quickly, you’re soaked! You’re shaking like a leaf!”
“There was a traffic jam when I was two blocks from here.” She explained, through chattering teeth, as she stepped inside. “If I hadn’t gotten out of the cab, and ran all the way over here, I wouldn’t have made it by three. And I didn’t want to waste a single second, so I didn’t bother opening my umbrella.”
He threw the towel around her, as he held her body close to his. As they walked through the vestibule together, he kept his arm around her. Mr. Rothman kept rubbing her arm, and her shoulder.
She started to feel warm, not just from the towel or his natural body heat. But she also started to feel warm, because he was making her blush. As much as she loved Fredrick, she couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused by the handsome celebrity that was holding her so tight.
“Well I’m glad that you were willing to do what was ever necessary.” He said with a smile. “It shows how committed you truly are. But I didn’t mean for you to suffer.”
“Well, you said that 3:01 would not be tolerated.” She replied.
“Yes.” He sighed. “I suppose I did. But we can’t practice, if your clothes are soaking wet. I don’t suppose you brought a spare leotard?”
“No.” She answered, as she just realized that he was right.” I guess I was so worried about getting here on time, that I didn’t even think about it.”
“Well.” He responded. “There’s a washer, and dryer in the theater. We’ll take care of your outfit, and practice after it’s dry.”
“But I didn’t bring anything else to wear.” She told him.
“Well, I have some clothes you can wear until your laundry is done.” He said with a friendly smile. “The apartment is this way. You can take a shower, and I’ll lay out some things for you. We can talk, and get to know one another. Then, when your laundry is done, we can practice. We’ll just have to practice for two hours today, instead of four.”
“Okay.” She replied, as they made their way to the front door of the apartment. Yvette wasn’t going to argue, she was freezing. And the thought of a soaking wet leotard being stuck to her body, through most of the evening, sounded anything but appealing. As Mr Rothman opened the door, they made there way inside.
“Well, here’s my temporary home away from home.” He told her.
“Wow.” She said as she looked around. “I didn’t even know this place was up here. This is probably below the standards of what you are used to.”
“Well, I suppose it is now.” He replied. “But when I started out as a ballet dancer, I didn’t have much but the clothes on my back. This would have seemed like the penthouse to me.”
As she continued to look around, she saw an easel. It had what looked like a canvas, with a drop cloth over it.
“Do you paint, as well?” She asked in amazement.
“I am multitalented.” He replied with a smile, and a slight chuckle. “I have always tried to involve myself with many forms of art, not just dance.”
“May I see it?” She asked.
“Soon.” He told her. “I don’t want anyone to see it until it’s almost complete. But I promise, you will be the first to see it. However, you must promise me one thing?”
“What’s that?” She asked. He smiled at her.
“I don’t want the others to know.” He whispered. “I am a very private person. And some aspects of my artistic talents, I like to keep to myself.”
He then placed his index finger to his lips, as he continued to smile. “Shh…”
“Okay.” She whispered, as she smiled back at him. “But then why do you want to show me?”
“Because, you’re special.” He replied. “You are the Swan Queen. You will be one of the few who could really appreciate my art.”
“Does it center around Swan Lake?” She asked, with great curiosity.
“Ah, ah, ah!” He replied, as he pointed his index finger upwards. “No spoilers. You will find out, when I am ready to show it to you. Now then, you get in the shower, and I will take care of your wet clothes. And when you come out of the shower, I will have laid out some of my clothes for you on the bed.”
“Okay.” She replied, as she couldn’t help but smile. Yvette then went in to take a shower. The warm water felt good against her body, though the shower looked like it was older than plumbing itself.
As she got out of the shower, she dried herself with the towels he had given her. It felt good to feel the warm soft towels against her skin. But she soon started to feel guilty. She started to wonder how good Bartholomew’s hands would feel against her naked body.
No, no! She thought. Don’t think like that. You love Fredrick! Besides, he’s Mr. Rothman to you! Still, she was a living breathing woman. It was natural to be attracted to other men, besides her beloved Fred. And if he were in the same boat that she was in, wouldn’t he have the same feelings?
As she thought about it, it wasn’t something she would want to know. So in reality, Fredrick probably wouldn’t want to know how she was feeling right now. Probably best not to tell him.
As Yvette made her way out of the bathroom, she quickly peaked from behind the door. She didn’t want him to see her, unless she was decent. So she didn’t make her way out, until she saw that the coast was clear. As she looked at the bed, she saw a long t-shirt, a pair of boxer-briefs, socks, and a pair of sweat pants.
Not wanting to be naked in some man’s bedroom, who wasn’t Fredrick, she put them on as quickly as possible. She then looked at herself in the mirror. She had never worn men’s clothes before, not even Fredrick’s or Alex’s.
Her heart fluttered, as they smelled just like Mr. Rothman’s cologne. Normally, she didn’t like most men’s cologne. It was usually too over powering. But his cologne seemed, to have a light pleasant aroma to it. Perhaps he didn’t wear cologne? Maybe it was just his natural odor?
As Yvette made her way out of the bedroom, she saw Mr. Rothman in the kitchen making a pot of coffee.
“Well don’t you look lovely.” He laughed.
“Very funny.” She replied, as she gave him a playful smirk.
“I just brewed some coffee.” He said as he smiled. “Normally I drink espresso, but I didn’t bring my machine. So, this will have to do. Would you like some?”
“Please.” She replied. He then poured each of them a cup.
“How do you take it?” He asked.
“Black.” She told him, as he handed her the cup of coffee. “Thank you, Mr. Rothman.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiled. “And please, call me Bartholomew, but not Bart. I’ve always hated that nickname, especially after ‘The Simpsons’.”
“Oh, um, okay.” She replied, feeling guilty again for calling him that last night. “Well then please feel free to call me Yvette.”
“Alright, Yvette.” He said. “You know normally I would be surprised that a young girl, like you, takes her coffee black. But you are a dancer, it helps to keep you alert.”
“Originally I didn’t like the taste of it.” She responded. “I guess I just got used to it. I’m embarrassed to say that I can’t get through the day without it. But at least I’m not on amphetamines like some dancers.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that.” He told her. “Because an amazing dancer, such as yourself, shouldn’t mess around with things like that.”
“You really think I’m that good?’ She asked, as she could feel herself blush.
“I told you that last night.” He said, as he smiled at her. “I have never seen a dancer truly embody the Swan Queen, until I had seen the footage that Alexander had sent to me. To me, you are Odette.”
“Well thank you, Mr.-I mean, Bartholomew.” She replied as she couldn’t help but smile. But I know that you wanted to practice tonight. I feel like we are wasting time, all because I thought I was in too much of a hurry to open an umbrella.”
“Well, Yvette.” He replied. “If we have to wait to practice, then perhaps there’s something else I could teach you?”
“Really?” She asked, as he peaked her curiosity. “What would that be?”
He then looked at her, and smiled. “Have you ever heard the folktale, or the true story, in which the ballet is centered around?”