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Ayla's POV

Alpha Liam looked away from me when a startling loud noise came from a distance.

I saw him battle with his wolf in an instant and watched as his eyes, which wear the color of the ocean flickered as he turned his head away from me.

I was saved by the unknown, and if I'm not mistaken, the first man who arrived was the person in charge of the estate's security while the second one is a powerful wolf based on his domineering scent and aura.

'What are you going to do now, Ayla?'

The calm and sweet voice of my wolf, Dara echoed through my senses.

'I don’t know…' I answered her softly.

'I told you to stay away from him.'

I took a deep breath as I felt my chest tighten. I knew very well that the Alpha was ruthless and wicked. Enough reason for me to listen to my wolf when she warned me about him.

'Did you see this coming, Dara?'

'Yes…That’s why I tried to protect you from the Alpha last time." She paused. 'You know he's insanely powerful but too dangerous at the same time.'

My wolf knew very well but still, she gave me the chance to have enough interaction with the Alpha.

'I apologize for acting foolishly, Dara. He made me feel like he really cared about me," I moisten my lips to prevent my emotions from flowing. 'I was defeated by my soft spot.'

'Defeated by your heart who yearns for acceptance?'

I felt a skip in the rhythm of my heartbeat upon hearing those words from my wolf. Dara's right...I have no idea what to do with this longing anymore and unfortunately, it led me to where I am right now.

'Forgive me, Dara…' I said while staring at Alpha Liam's direction.

Later on, I stood up and walked over to the dresser. The omega did an excellent job of organizing my things and even installed a full-size body mirror beside my wardrobe.

'We should probably stay here for a bit,' said Dara.

I took a hesitant step to approach the window and stand there to stare at the Alpha.

I let out a heavy sigh as I took in his chamber's ominous, disturbing aura.

Formal and amusing as it is, I think the decorations were picked to highlight his dark and odd personality.

If only I had the authority to turn down or force him to withdraw his offer from the very beginning, I would’ve done so..But sadly I do not have that kind of power over him.

He warned me that his choice would determine how the rest of my life would turn out, and that instead of being raised by the beta's family, I would once more be regarded like a rogue.

No! That will never happen, I don't want the pack to view me as trash again!

Unfortunately, with the turn of events, I will continue to receive this kind of treatment from Alpha Liam because I have nothing to offer him in return.

He had chosen me to be his Luna, but he's already too gruff and unattractive in my eyes.

Being around him, all day would only become difficult because of his personality.

However, his desire for wealth and power was too overwhelming. I was so transfixed by his enormous vault that I started to get chills.

I had no idea that his room could be this extravagant.

He's a billionaire alpha, right?

Why did he choose to be with a nobody like me?

Why would he select an outcast instead of a lovely she-wolf like Selena?

I took a hesitant step to approach the window and stand there to stare at him.

Alpha Liam seems distressed as he was now engaged in a serious talk with an elder through the mind link. His face was dead serious, I could tell and judging from that look, it seems like a complicated conversation.

In my perspective, it's possible that they were talking about me.

'My very existence is bad news for you, Alpha…I'm sorry to say that. If only you'd tell me why you came to this arrangement.'

The rest of the day went by swiftly. Alpha Liam went back to his office, continued his paper work while I followed him and quietly sat on the couch at the corner of his room.

"Stay with me." I see his eyes staring at me intently.

My heart raced abnormally as I looked down at the unpiled old magazines under the center table. I was about to arrange them one by one when he interfered.

"I want to help you take care of your suite, Alpha. I’m not just your Luna but your servant, right? I cannot sit here all day and watch you work."

"No…Stay here with me."

My mouth became dry as hell as he continued to speak. Why is he stopping me on my track?

"Stay and never leave my side for the rest of the day."

I raised my head to gaze at him. This is entirely and completely absurd.

"You asked me to pretend as your Luna, but I don't understand why you want me to be a part of your official business and that mountainous paperwork."

"No comment…" Alpha Liam gripped the golden pen with his slender fingers without staring at my direction.

"Why don’t you want me to leave?"

"No question allowed."

Alpha Liam seemed very reluctant to talk about this matter. Maybe, this was a result of his conversation with the powerful presence a while ago.

I sighed helplessly. "Do the elders pose a threat, Alpha?"

"You're talking too much. Can't you see I'm working?" he said coldly.

He left me no choice but to pretend to be reading some old newspapers and magazines since I couldn't focus my eyes on his direction.

"Any knowledge on brewing coffee?" he suddenly asked.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his question, but I decided to answer and share what I knew.

In order to maintain my safety, I tried to blend in at the beta's house like I always do and refrain from standing out during any tasks.


Alpha Liam irritably closed his eyes and said, "Don't tell me you're so useless that you don't even know how to make one?"

"I have a little knowledge on it, Alpha."


The expression on his handsome face was as cold as ice and his ocean blue eyes were filled with disgust.

"Yes, a little."

An arrogant expression dawned on him. "Why don't you get started so I can decide whether or not you can serve as my secretary?"

His eyes were locked on mine, and a sly grin enveloped my senses.


Because of an espresso, I could become his secretary?

Why would he choose me again of all people? He's unbelievable!

"Do you have any problem with our setup? Do you want me to seduce you into making pups instead?" he mocked.

I instantly shook my head. "No…It's clear that I don’t have the right to object, Alpha."

"Good girl!"

Later on, I came back with a hot cup of coffee. The aroma had filled the room and even my senses were awakened by that.

I carefully placed the specially brewed coffee in front of him. However, my cheeks started to blush with embarrassment when he sought to grasp my hand as I put the cup down.

"Such beautiful and silky skin for a rogue, I wonder whether this is the first time a guy has stroked your hand in such a way,” he teased.

I flinched when I heard him say those words. Why is he continuously trying to seduce me in this manner?

Seriously? Instead of merely being a lowly Casanova who enjoys skirt-chasing, he should be an alpha who puts in the effort and takes responsibility for everything he does for the pack!

I couldn't help but lift an eyebrow at him, and my face took on an expression of disappointment.

How do I get this Alpha stop from clinging unto me if he himself doesn't want to stop bothering me from time to time?

Despite the obvious uneasiness on my face, I forced a shy smile on him.

"Why don't you try my coffee and let me know what you think, Alpha Liam?" I offered.

Despite the coldness in his room, I felt like I was going to burn.

"Sure," he mumbled in response and pretended to act like he was glad and grateful to have been served.

I had never been so anxious before meeting someone.

While I wait for his feedback, I had the impression that I was sinking in a dark, ominous sea. I'm terrified that he would dismiss me because I made him a subpar cup of coffee.

"I think a hot and torrid kiss will go nicely with this coffee, My Luna."

I gently smiled at him. "Should I be proud of myself because of that?"

Alpha Liam sneered in response. "You should feel proud that you were redeemed."

My mouth parted in shock as I stared at him. "What are you talking about, Alpha?"


"You mentioned somehow about getting redeemed."

He nodded. "Yes, because you’re living in a world where everyone wants to murder you."

Fear began to seize me at the realization from the Alpha’s words. The air in the room got thicker, and it got colder all of a sudden.

"Do you want to know the truth behind my scheme?" he said with a dark expression. "Everyone was aware of the fact that I will marry the daughter of the traitor who initiated the Creeze Bloody War. The entire wolf community was now buzzing about the topic."

"Remember that I warned you of the consequences?"

"Consequences?" he asked.

"Yes, I fear that my existence will ruin your life."

"Remember, Ayla. You are no longer Beta's servant. Your presence in my mansion is more like an opportunity. You must simply be more inventive and wicked in life. Even bad publicity is still publicity."

The changes in his voice was too overwhelming. "I don’t understand…"

"I'm feeding off their anger and resentment to make my pack stronger."

Alpha Liam stood up, took me by the hand, and led me to a miniature representation of his domain.

"You are marked by several werewolf packs in a war that happened eighteen years ago. Here I am…The Alpha who’s merely trying to protect you as his mate. However, they are unaware that my warriors are currently working in silence to claim their lands. And eventually, the majority of their wealth will fall into my hands."

Everything made sense when I connected the dots behind the scenes.

"Are you using me as a distraction?"

"Bingo!" Alpha Liam quickly answered.

"Why are you doing this, Alpha? You already have immense power." I asked him while I silently licked my dry lips.

Alpha Liam stared at me with a grin and a proud look in his eyes showed of his victory.

"Because there's only one way out of this mess, Ayla. Either they'll fall or we will."

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