I wake up in the middle of the night on a comfortable warm bed, with an extremely fluffy pillow rests under my head. I can tell that this bed isn't mine even before I open my eyes. But that doesn't mean I'm not familiar with it. I've been using this bed a few times before as one of those places where my boyfriend and I could cuddle. Yes, I'm sure this is William's bed. The tingling smell of his expensive musky cologne that remains on the sheet confirms it.
Yawning carelessly, I pull the thick comforter higher to my chin. I stir lazily inside the cocoon of warmth so that now I lay on my side with my back facing the other side of this double bed. Even though winter is almost over, and spring is gradually closing in, it's still a bad idea to sleep the nights away without a blanket. Well, a thick one in my case.
I don't remember how I get here, why I sleep on this bed, or what I did before I fell asleep. However, it doesn't make me feel any less than alright. Like it's obvious that this place is where I'm supposed to be. I'm about to resume my peaceful slumber as I feel something is moving under the comforter. A second after, a firm hand rests against my hip, securely encircling my body from behind.
"William, you're awake?" I ask sleepily, without having to look back at the one who is spooning me right now. I know for sure it's William. Who else is it going to be? This is his bedroom after all.
"Baby," he hisses a response, a little bit too close to my ear. I can even feel his hot breath tickling at the back of my neck.
"Hmm? You need anything?" I can't help but ask that since I notice his breath sounds a bit shallow and irregular. I guess at times like this, it's reasonable to shove my sleepiness aside and replace it with worry.
William doesn't reply. He blocks my movement when I try to roll my body back to face him, keeping me in place. I don't resist because I think he probably just needs to spoon me right now. But it is when then I feel it. The hand on my hip is starting to crawl down and rub my private area, slowly but firmly.
"W-William..." I grab his hand to see if he's willing to consider a little pause in his ministration. It's not like I've never received such intimate gesture from William, nor I hate it. Well, my boyfriend had given me hand job before. Twice, and they were just as good as heaven. However, I just want to make sure that he's aware of what he's doing.
His response is nothing like I predicted. William suddenly withdraws his hand off me and proceed to get himself up. I look up at him in question as he rolls my body to make me lay flat on my back. I'm barely able to catch the glint in his eyes due to the dim-lighted room.
William places himself between my legs. He spreads them wide without a word. My blanket is thrown messily to the other side of the bed. That's the moment when I find out that I actually don't wear anything under that blanket beside my white briefs. God, why am I wearing only these?! I try to recall what happened before I sleep but everything seems to be blurrier. And I start to grow panic as I see William unzipping his pants.
"William, what are you doing?" Being so clueless, I ask.
He doesn't give me an immediate verbal response. He just pulls his boxer down to let his private member out to view. I can see that he's hard already, regardless of how poorly the room is lighted. Actually, it's kind of a mouth-gaping experience for me. I've never seen any other guy's private down part before. I mean, of course there are bunch of those in the internet, but I've never seen any in real life. Is that size even normal for a high school student? Or is it just mine that is poorly developed?
"You asked me if I need anything, Lou?" William asks rhetorically while giving his hard member a few strokes. His voice is thick with groan, and eyes are clouded with lust. "Yes... I need you."
William smoothly slips my briefs off with just one hand. I don't resist him, I can't. Not with all of the senses I have are currently singing the same song. That this is still William, the only person who I unmistakably fall in love with. And the one that I always define the word 'world' as.
"Uhnn..." I moan as he holds my extremely sensitive part and starts giving it long good strokes. It's too good that I arch my back and sway my hips up to meet his pleasuring hand. This is definitely not a first time for me. But his hand job is always wonderful like never before, like it's never grown old.
Not surprisingly, I get really hard in no time. I feel like I could be dying if he ever stops stroking me. He is practically turning me into a moaning mess under the mercy of his delicious hand. I close my eyes and bite my lower lip to avoid my voice pitch from getting any higher, even though I know that this master bedroom is being the only room on second floor that's occupied.
"Don't hurt yourself, Baby," William whispers, "I don't like that."
Sensing his disapproval, I let my bottom lip go. He is right, I could accidentally bleed myself if I keep doing that. William is always right. I gasps uncomfortably as I feel something hot touches the opening between my bottom cheeks. He is brushing his shaft against my still tight orifice, making it wet with liquid that is secreted through his tautness, and poking me down there a few times.
"William... Wait..." I grow a bit panic. Is he trying to have sex with me? Are we finally doing it now? Doesn't he know that I've never done it before? I have no idea what I should do or how I should react. Why doesn't he say anything? Does he want to just take it from me? Doesn't he need at least my consent?
As those silent questions and countless more are beginning to spiral inside my head, William starts placing kisses and small licks on the sensitive skin of my belly, and up to my chest. I look down to see his face, taking in the sight of his seem-to-be-content closed eyes. I melt under his gentleness and the hand that wraps around my shaft.
"Oh, nhh... Uhh..." Panting heavily, I let him leave some nasty red marks on my pale skin. Is it possible that this may be a silent way of him asking for consent?
"Lou My pretty baby..." I hear him slur right nearby my ear. I don't realize that he reaches there already until he licks my right earlobe wet. I spontaneously let out a low squeal at his sudden gesture.
"William, uhh... Please..." I beg him, but not so sure about what I am begging for.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." He whispers again, "You trust me, don't you?"
"Yes, I do..." I give him a quick nod as he spreads my legs wider with the hand that no longer holding my member.
"Just relax, Baby," he says softly while carefully pushes his hardness into my unprepared tight hole. I whimper at the excruciating pain but he muffles my crying with one deep kiss on my lips.
"Louis. Hey, Louis," someone calls my name. "Earth to Louis, earth to Louis. Hello?"
My hazy eyes are now focused on a waving hand before my face. Behind the hand, I see Ivan's worried face looking straight at mine. Why is he here? What did just happen? I look around to find out that we're still in Geometry classroom. And Mr. Hudson is still nowhere to be seen.
"Are you okay?" Ivan asks with an obvious concern.
I'm baffled for a split second before answering, "Yes. Yes, of course."
He makes a further observation by assessing my facial expression carefully. "Were you just spacing out?" He smirks before letting out a small chuckle. "I asked you about your sex life with William and that sent you directly into spacing out??"
I don't know what to answer. I can feel my cheeks burn. Unforgivable blush must be starting to color my pale cheeks right now. Ivan is right. I was spacing out. Right after he brought about the sex subject, my mind couldn't help but to flash images of me being held by William. I've never had sex with him, but I I've dreamed about it like almost every night.
"Aww, you're blushing," Ivan comments in glee, "and I was right, you're indeed spacing out."
This is so embarrassing. Why am I being so easy to read like an open book? I look down to my desk, observing some insignificant patterns on its wooden surface. After a few good seconds later, Ivan's chucking is finally decreasing. And that's the time when lift my chin back up to look at his blue eyes once again.
"So, have you ever had sex with William?" Ivan repeats his former question. I can't believe my own hearing. Does he seriously need the answer?
"Please, Ivan... I won't answer that." I'd like to think that I'm a little bit annoyed right now. "Why do you even need to know that anyway?"
"Well, yeah you're right," he speaks, but not clearly, "apparently I don't need to know your answer at all."
That's a surprising response but I stay silent and just listen to his words. I have a feeling that Ivan is not finished talking yet. He gets up from his seat in front of me and walk closer to me. I wait for his next sentence with anticipation.
"But if you never did it with William, then I must suggest you to do it very, very soon." I see him smirks after talking.
"Why are you talking like that?" I'm clueless. What kind of people saying something inappropriate like that in a classroom and then smirking?
"Because I'm a hundred percent sure that you wouldn't want to see your boyfriend hitting on another boy just to channel his sex drive."
"But William is... He is not a cheater." My argument sounds weak for I say it with trembling lips. For the first time ever, the idea of William cheating seems to be less ridiculous.
"I DIDN'T say he is a cheater," Ivan speaks again, sternly. "He is just a healthy young man."
With that, Ivan leaves me before I can come up with another question. He even gets out of the classroom, probably guessing that this class will be cancelled soon. I don't move from my seat as the other students start leaving the room as well. My mind is still trying to process all of the information I got from Ivan.
Sex is one of human basic needs. William must feel such needs too, right? But he never asked me for it. Is it because he knows that I am a virgin and he doesn't want to hurt me? I know William can be too gentle most of the time, but I guess I wouldn't mind if he ever pushes himself on me, really. Because I think I'm sort of ready by now. He just doesn't know it. Maybe I should let him know. I mean, that's better than him being a cheater because of me. Right?
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