Damn he looks so hot driving. I swear my jaw almost dropped at the sight of his Bentley, I have my common sense to thank for not being so obvious when I was ogling the car. I mean damn why did he have to be hot and have great taste in cars and to top it all up he looks sexy driving. I mean who looks sexy doing absolutely nothing “no one but Xavier” my wolf snickers in a singsong voice. I was wondering when she would come around “I know you missed me, no one can stand you for this long be thankful you have me” she continues in a stupid voice.
I turn over to look at Xzavier and I see all the muscles rippling as he changes gears and his slightly biting down on his lip in concentration. All the fire in my stomach lights up a again I trail my eyes downwards I see that Xzavier junior or rather little Xzavier is excited it would feel wrong to call that monster little and that makes me even wetter. “that’s right hoe there’s nothing little about our mate” Brie says smugly
“Baby doll” he groans “please can you stop thinking about whatever it is you’re thinking of because your scent is quite distracting and I much as I would want to have my way with you, I really don’t want our first time together at the side of the road”.
“Sorry.. umm… I don’t think I want my first time at the side of the road” I say in a low voice while blushing furiously. What the hell, I haven’t known this boy for 24 hours yet he has made me blush almost twice as much than I have done in my entire life.
“We’re here” we reach my house safely without any other “problems” and no one is at home, they are probably all at the pack house.
I watch her open the lock and I just can’t restrain myself anymore. I walk over to where she is and grab her from behind, she squeals in surprise. I kiss down the side of her neck to point where I’ll mark her and she moans in pleasure I can’t help but smirk into her neck, one spot down so many more to discover. I graze her neck slightly with my teeth and suck on it. Fuck her scent hits me hard I have to slow down and get her into the house or this won’t end well. “Baby doll as much as I want to continue I don’t want anyone to hear your sweet moans and watch me pleasure you” she’s red and dazed, damn how far does that blush go. I pull her inside then take her to her room using her scent. Once we’re inside I push her against the wall as I slam the door shut and she tenses in my arms. Her sudden stiffness doesn’t go unquestioned, “maybe it’s because you almost broke her back when you slammed her like a bloody caveman but eh what do I know” Damien rolls his eyes “baby doll did I push you too hard against the door?”
“No it’s just that I ha-have ne-never made out with someone before” she stammers. Wait what the fuck? How is that even possible I mean she is in high school for crying out loud and I’ve had my fair share of girls how had she remained this fucking pure, not that I am not happy she is but still.
“Baby doll are you a virgin?” I ask to confirm and cover all bases but with the way she turns red and avoids my eyes I can already guess her answer.
“I knew you were dumb but now you’re just messing around, she hasn’t made out before but you think she has had sex? Aren’t you a smart boy”
“Umm no?” it comes out as a question what the fuck does she mean No? What kind of girl spreads her legs for boys but hasn’t made out ever or was that just a lie. Has this shy girl thing just been a cover. Just the thought of other guy seeing my mate naked or entering her makes me see red. This doesn’t add up at all. “hold on your royal puffiness, this doesn’t add up, let her explain before you go all cave man and what not” for a wolf especially a high ranking wolf Damien isn’t very impulsive or prone to mad bouts of anger but when he is nothing can stop him not even me. He doesn’t stop until he’s covered in blood and guts, why he doesn’t like getting mad plus he doesn’t want to scare our mate off.
“Darling what do you mean by no?” I grit out in a calm voice too calm compared to how I am feeling right now.
“Can we sit down?” she asks in a small voice so I I sit in the bed and place her on my laps, if not for the current mood I would have been appreciating the wonderful round fleshy softness that is her ass well our ass anyways as of now and how good it feels against me but we have more pressing issues right now. Wrapping my arms around her I urge her to speak before my mind goes mad with all the scenarios I’m thinking of in my head.
“No one knows about this but the last week before spring break was over I went to a party I guess my drink was spiked because next thing I know am being led up to a room and I wake up and my clothes are torn I have bruises all over my body and my privates hurts. I should have told you but that’s not a great conversation starter plus I knew that once you found out you were going to reject me because I am damaged “as she talks tears fall down her face and I instantly want to make the person that did this to her to die a slow and painful death. He should not have the luxury of living anymore or much less dying fast. I feel her sobbing and shaking in my arm, I immediately realized that she thought I was angry with her and thinks that about to reject her I pull her to the bed and sit her down on my laps. “Baby doll I am not going to reject you but rather I wish I could go back in time and stop that guy from doing that to you and I am planning ways on making him pay. I wish you knew his address so I can have the satisfaction of breaking all his bones and watching him drown choke on his own filthy fucking blood” I growl out.
“You’re so stupid! Why would you do that? I would break each of his bones daily and set it the wrong way so that when it heals he’ll be in so much pain and I won’t stop till his body looks like a three years old drawing then I’ll cut his tongue and his privates and shove it down his throat. Finally I will split his stomach open and rip out his organs then watch the life slowly slip out him” Damien seethe, see what I am telling you, this wolf is dark.