“First of all baby doll don’t you ever talk to me like again”…he growls darkly at me… “secondly you’re not part of a fucking harem you’re the only one for me, those other girls don’t matter to me because you’re the only one I see and matters. Finally, let me make this clear just in case you misunderstood me”… He leans in close, so close that I can smell his minty breath “baby doll like it or not you are mine. I own you and I don’t like sharing and darling next time you wear this scrap you call a skirt I will bend you over and make sure you can’t walk straight for days” my breath hitches at that and my face is flaming.
“Do you know how hard it is not to mark you mark right now just to let all the boys know that you’re mine” he slowly trails his hand up my legs and my breath hitches and desire pools in my stomach. He sniffs the air and his face breaks into a smug grin. Oh lord wipe off that darn smirk off his face and shoot me now.
“Baby doll I can smell you and you smell so good but as much as I would love to taste you right now we have to get home school’s over” when the fuck did that happen?
“Well not for everyone just us, today we’re skipping” he says smugly
He must have seen the confused look on my face and he drops his hand and lightly smacks my butt
“Oh and baby doll I am switching our classes so that we can be together and don’t even try to change it because you won’t like the consequences.” I finally get my breathing under control.
“First of all I have a name and it’s Alexis. Secondly, what makes you so sure that am going to follow you?” I ask with my hands on my hips. I am not against skipping school with no consequences but still I’m not living with a stranger
“He’s not a stranger dum dum, he’s the freaking alpha and your mate too so show some respect” Brie huffs, wait when did she unblock the link? It doesn’t matter he’s still a stranger, I barely know him plus who knows what he will do to us once we are alone. I might have been pushing all his buttons all day well not all day just since I opened my mouth. All I do know is that I am not waiting to find out.
Damn she looks so hot standing there fuming and pouting with her hands on her hips. The things I could do with that mouth “Hey umm perv our mate’s is this close to running away an screaming bloody murder her wolf just told me so I suggest you get your mind out of the gutter and start thinking like a normal human being, you know just saying” my wolf interrupts more like loudly growls in my head…ok I get it no need to start growling you’re giving me a headache with all the growling yeesh!
The thing about wolves and mates is that our wolves first form a bond and mental link with our mates first before our human side does, mating and marking just cements it for the wolves while our human form needs to form a mental link. All packs have a mental link connection with each other but I can’t read hear her thoughts until we mate and mark neither can she.
“Ok baby doll”…I say intentionally not using her given name … “Calm down”… I say in a placating tone “I didn’t mean to disrespect you but I just found you and I can’t stand the idea of not having you next to me. Plus the fact that you are just so beautiful that I want to lock you up and keep you hidden from other male wolves even the mated ones doesn’t help, I know this isn’t a proper apology but I am sorry. ” her eyes widens and she has that cute blush I love so much staining her cheeks”.
“I didn’t mean to make you mad I am just not used to having someone pay so much attention to me” she mumbled while staring at her knotted fingers” goddess she is so cute “yeah she is” Damien growls softly in my head
“Really baby doll then get ready to being spoiled with attention and love” I tell her earnestly, although I know that we just met but she feels like my life plus it doesn’t help that I have this overwhelming urge to protect and love her. I feel a wave of possessiveness as I look down at her, she’s so short that she barely reaches my chest with long wavy hair, emerald eyes, pink luscious pouty lips, perky boobs, and that ass don’t even get me started on it I can almost see the underside of her ass if she bends right and a tiny waist damn my mate is hot. “And we are back to being pervy really” Damien rolls his eyes.
I snap out of my thoughts…”baby doll will you please get in my car” I see her hesitating so I add the puppy dog eyes and I may or may not have pouted, no one can proof I did anyway.
“Ok I will” she heads over to my black Bentley and I chuckle as I hear her gasp. I open the door for her and as she admires the interior of the car, I get a face full of a well rounded ass clad in in sheer black lace. I groan as I adjust my trouser but I can’t help but wonder if it’s a set “horn bag” Damien coughs out. I growl as I slam the door shut. This girl is going to be death of me one day. “And we both know that you’re going to love that you stupid horny idiot” I rev up the engine and head over to her house. Yes I know her address, but does that make me a creep? Maybe? Do I care? Nope…”well not this time”…turns out that her brother is my beta. I can tell she is getting kind of nervous and aroused? What the hell baby doll at this rate I am going to have blue balls for months, I can’t even imagine what I did now.