Emily’s POV
“Wake up, miss Carton! Are you okay?” Someone said, with a gentle tap on my shoulder which I slowly came into consciousness.
I looked around and saw everyone’s glare on me. That’s means I slept off while the biology lesson was still going on? I wondered, clearly shocked.
It was just a silly dream. I stretched my arms and yearned softly to take a look at the person who woke me but was shocked to find the biology teacher standing before me.
This has never happened before except for today due to how worn out I feel. I didn’t get enough time to neither sleep well nor rest before rushing to school.
“Can you explain what I just asked the class, Miss Carton?” The biology teacher, Miss Linda asked.
“I’m sorry ma'am. I don’t have any idea.” I answered, totally embarrassed in front of class.
“Don’t let this repeat itself, okay. I know you are a good student, that's why I'm letting it go.” She cautioned.
“Okay ma'am.” I replied politely while she continued the lecture.
The lessons finished so fast that I still couldn't believe what happened earlier was just a silly dream and nothing of that could happen in reality that easily. Emily, what has gotten into you? I asked myself trying to remember what’s going on with me.
I still needed to go see the principal so I can ask after Jake. I miss him already. He's the only one who keeps me company at school but today I’m all alone.
After the classes were over, I took my bag and headed to the library to read a novel I was reading before called Casabella – The Revenge of an Angel by Humie, a Nigerian female writer, which was really an interesting book.
The story is somehow related to my life but my own aspect was hiding my beauty behind ugly makeup but for Casabella, she was so pretty but her family turned her ugly overnight and she came back to take revenge on them but with a new identity which I was still yet to find out.
I needed to find out how and whose identity she used. Since Jack isn't around, I guess reading the book won't make today more boring for me.
I was on my way to the library walking slowly with some of my books in my hands and my mind preoccupied with a lot of thought when I bumped into someone which made all the books fall off my hands.
I didn’t bother looking at the person instead I just bend to pick up my books but was surprise when the person joined me.
“Why are you so clumsy?” The person asked which I recognized to be Antonio, my secret crush.
I looked up and saw him helping me pick the books but he wasn’t staring at me. How is this even possible? Could it be fate for him to talk to me or…?
“This is the second time you bump into me. First, in the cafeteria and now here. What do you’ve to say about this?” He demanded, staring deeply into my eyes.
This is the very first time he was staring deeply at my face and talking to me. I took my face down, unable to keep up with his stare as my face was already covered in redness.
I composed myself before replying with a little shudder, “I’m so sorry.” I apologized immediately. I don’t know if he was gonna punish me for bumping into him like he does to other students and also, of all people it had to be him. Why! I wondered.
“You’re lucky I'm in a good mood, if not, you know...” He started without completing his sentence and threw the books back on the floor before walking away.
“What a jerk!” I murmured and bent to pick up the books and head to the library.
I walked into the library which was very quiet with few students. As some were doing their stuff while the rest were all staring at me in disgust but who cares they have to deal with it that way like always.
They have been doing that right from the beginning so I see no reason why all of a sudden they just feel disgusted by my makeup or maybe because Lily revealed to the whole school I was an orphan. That’s the only thing I can think of or what else could possibly be going on?
I walked to an empty space and placed my books on the desk with my bag beside the chair before going to the book shelf to check for the novel.
After much searching I found it and was about to take a seat when Lily rushed towards me and slapped me on the cheeks unexpectedly. What the h*ll? Did this crazy witch just slapped me? I wondered, placing my hand on my cheek as everyone gasped in shock. I can’t let her get away with this. She needs to have a taste of her own medicine.
“What were you doing with my boyfriend...” She was still talking when I slapped her as well, shocking everyone.
“Did you just do that to me?” She asked, rubbing her cheek.
“Yes, I did. I should've done that a long time and now, not even you or anyone here will try to bully me ever again.” I stated.
“What the h*ll!” She snarled and tried to hit me again but I caught her hand and pushed it away.
“What are you trying to do again? Why are you jealous after seeing me with your boyfriend, what’s wrong with that?” I asked with a grin.
“Don't you f**king go any where close to him or else I'll des…?” I cut her off immediately.
“What will you do, Lily? Do you want me to reveal my true appearance so he can… you know?” I smirked.
She’d know what I was talking about? If I decide to stop doing this bad makeup, definitely all the boys in this school will be trooping over me but I won’t do that because I am not as bitchy as her also I don’t want guys disturbing my peace.
“You’re gonna pay for this bitch.” She yelled in anger.
“Is that all you’ve got?” I chuckled.
“No but I will get back at you for doing this.” She responded with venom in her voice and was about to walk away when the Liberian shouted, “You two, to the detention room now!”
Lily glared hard at me before walking away. She has caused this upon herself, if she hasn’t come here to fight in the library with me, none of this would have ever happened but no, she just had to cause trouble for me.
“You are gonna face the punishment together. I don’t wanna know who started it but you both must part ways if not you’re gonna be on detention for a week.” The Liberian stated, “Also I am gonna call your parents here.” She added and left leaving Lily and I at the front of an empty and dusty hall.
“Just great, the high witch will get involved as usual.” I murmured.
“I can’t wait for mother to be here and teach you one freaking lesson.” Lily said with a demonic smirk.
“You really are a bitch, ain’t you?” I asked staring at her in wonders. How can she be this heartless after causing detention for me and she isn’t even remorseful of that and wants to do something more. I just hope her mum won’t make things even more hard by creating a scene in front of everyone? I though and sigh.
Lily and I were both done with the work after three hours while she left immediately, not without saying some random stuffs but who cares? Nobody cares either do I? I went back to the library and picked up my things and head to the class.
Math’s class was on when I walked in and everyone’s attention was focused on me. Lily was already in before he got in I guess. Geezzz!! Did I tell you this is another problem I’ve to deal with?
Mr. Flex, the math’s teacher happens to be unfriendly to all students in West view high. He's the hardest man among the entire teachers although hus teachings are always superb and he’s one of the best teacher but he has a problem which he get furious every little time. He hates it when someone interrupts his teaching which I just did and will pay for it. Isn’t today just a bad day for me?
“Where are you coming from miss Carton?” He asked furiously.
“Ehnmmm… I was on detention.” I replied rubbing the back of my neck nervously.
“Along with your stuffs?” He raised one of his brows in suspicion.
“No, I was in the library before that happened.” I answered in a low voice.
“Well, it your problems not mine so get outta my class.” He ordered and I walked out while he continued with his teaching.
I stood at a corner at the entrance of the class lost in thought and feeling hurt of the humiliation I faced just now.
Why does my life have to be like this? Sometimes, I wonder if I did something wrong to someone who refused to forgive me. Why does life have to treat me like this all the time?
Everything happens for a reason, Emily. A time is coming when everything you ever wished for will come to you but just hang on a little longer. A soft whispering voice said inside of me.
After Mr. Flex was done with his teaching, I entered the class and took my seat and turned my gaze to the back to see Antonio chattering with his friends. I kept my gare fixed on his pink glittering lips; the way he was talking and showing off his dimple. “He was super handsome and… Gosh!! What was I thinking? Drooling in the class, what if he caught me staring at him or anyone? What was I gonna say to defend myself?
“Emily and Lily Carton, you both are to report in my office immediately.” The principle announced over the microphone which disrupted my thinking.
Lily stood up and left, “The witch is here, no doubt.” I mumbled to myself and got up before heading to the principal's office.
I got to the principal's office and said a little prayer nervously, “God protect me.” before knocking on the door and stepping in.
I met the principal on his seat while Lily’s mum was facing him along with Lily standing beside her.
“Emily, come forward.” The principal also Jack’s dad said smiling sweetly at me.
I walked closer to them and stood at the left side of my foster mum with Lily on the right.
“I hope you have heard about their fight, Mrs. Carton? He asked.
“Yes sir but I know Lily won’t be the one to cause it, only this bitch here can do that,” She replied and gave him a murderous glare.
“You’re wrong to call your adopted daughter a bitch. Life doesn’t work that way Mrs. Carton,” He stated defending me. "To tell you who started the fight, it was your daughter, Lily. So try to caution her to treat this girl with respect and stop harassing her all the time.” he added.
“Sir, but we do treat her…” Lily’s mum was still saying when he cut her short.
“I don’t care Mrs. Carton, I won’t take any excuse again, and I hope you understand?” He bellowed angrily at her.
I’ve never seen him this angry before and standing up for me against my foster mum was shocking and… I don’t know how to put the word. Should I say I was happy or sad, I don’t know but deep down, I was happy and on the outside, I was sad because of what awaits me at home.
“Oh! Ok...Okay.” She shuddered while Lily was just giving me a bad look filled with hatred.
“That’s all! You can walk yourself out Mrs. Carton.” He gestured.
She stood up without saying another word and looked me in the eyes before walking out along with Lily trailing behind. I was plainly in shock without moving an inch from my spot.
“Emily dear, come here.” He said bringing back outta my torrent.
“Uhnn?” was the only word I could utter.
“You don’t have to feel sad about that. It what she deserves for treating you poorly.” He insisted, which I was mute not wanting to say a thing about it so I changed the topic.
“I didn’t see Jack today. What happened to him?” I asked.
“He's taking a vacation in Los Vegas with his mum, It was sudden that’s why he wasn’t able to tell you. Sorry about that dear.” He apologized.
“That’s so nice and sweet?” I replied laughing.
For some time, the principal and I talked and joked about some random stuff and laughed at some point. That’s how close I became to the man and his son. They were good people who showed me genuine love.
After some time, I went back to class and when school was over, I head back home to face the doom that await me.