Emily’s POV
I locked myself in the restroom and rested my back on the door and burst out in fresh tears.
Even with the way she and her mum treated me badly, not for once did I tell anyone about it. I just can’t take this hate and embarrassment any longer.
“I just wanna die!” I shouted going down to the floor in tears and pain.
“Emily, please open up the door, you're not alone, please open up.” Jack yelled, hitting the door.
I wish I was never born to face all this hardship, I wish my parents didn’t get to throw me away.
“Open up Emily, don’t let the crazy snitch words get to you. Please Emily!” Jack yelled again, hitting the door hard this time.
It's true sweetie, don’t let her little words break you down, get up and fight. Never let anyone define who or what you are. My subconscious spoke out loud to me.
My subconscious mind and Jake were right. I don’t have to worry about how anyone will treat me, besides I wasn’t born for them. I was born to live my life not for anyone. To live with a free mind and never let anyone’s judgment pull me down no matter what?
Like my dad used to say; “Life will push or pull you down but what really matters is how you’re able to handle every situation that comes in your way in a sensible manner.”
I got up from the floor and opened the door to see Jack still standing.
“Thank goddess, you’re okay.” Jack said, offering me a handkerchief before pulling me into a warm hug.
“Yeah.” I replied with a bitter sweet smile hugging him back. He’s really a true friend, even when I didn’t open up the door; he still stayed not leaving me alone.
“It’s all right. You’re fine now.” He added and pulled away from the hug.
“You’re right. I don’t have to listen to whatever anyone says or does to me.” I uttered confidently.
"That's right Emi but why didn’t you tell me how she was treating you at home?” He called me by my name in short.
“Ehm… It’s really nothing, seriously. Don’t worry about me.” I assured him.
“It’s not fine Emily, how do you really tolerate her shits?” Jake sneered before we headed to class.
We went to class but everyone kept muttering and staring at me. The news already went viral in the school that I was a poor girl without a parent and a slave in Lily's house.
Jack and I ignored their looks and little murmurings and took our seats.
School was finally over and I couldn’t wait to leave the premises due to all the stares and talks about me. I took my bag and rushed outta the class as Jake kept calling up to me but I ignored him running as fast as I could.
I was this kinda girl who had a beautiful body, shape, fair shining skin and above all, a well fitted statue for running which Jake wasn't able to meet up with me.
After the long run making sure I missed Jack, I decided to slow down and catch my breath when two girls, one with a black wavy hair and the other a blonde walked towards my direction both giving me an unfriendly stare.
“Oh, God, not again!" I murmured to myself.
“Isn’t she the poor girl Lily was talking about?” The girl with the wavy hair murmured to her friend to my hearing.
The second girl replied, “Yeah, I still don’t get why she hides her face with terrible makeup?”
“It’s because she’s ugly if not why in heaven’s sake, will someone do that to look more ugly, Yukkk!?” The first girl replied and they both laughed.
Hearing those words alone made me increase my pace and got outside the school gate to get a cab but still hearing Jake calling out my name.
“Emily, please wait up.” He kept yelling, causing attention towards me.
I was still at the gate waiting for a cab when he reached up to me panting heavily.
“Emily, why didn’t you wait for me?” He asked, catching his breath.
“Ehm... Sorry about that, I have something to do at home that’s why?” I lied just to get away from all the stares and murmurs.
“Okay, let me drive you home.” He gestured.
“No, it’s really fine. A cab is here.” I said and stopped a taxi coming towards us.
“Bye.” I added and hopped into the taxi before it took off.
“Puff…thank god!” I heaved a sigh in relief.
The journey home took about twenty minutes or so. I got off and paid the taxi driver before making my way into the compound.
Lily was already home which there's no doubt she had lied to her mum saying I’d something to her unknown it's the other way round.
I walked inside the mansion and met Lily with her mum who sighted me and walked towards me.
“You wretched fellow! How dare you plan against my daughter with someone to insult her?” Mrs. Carton sneered and clapped me across the face.
“I didn’t do anything. Lily was the one who started it so someone stood up for me.” I uttered sobbing.
“Don’t mind her mother. She’s just lying to you.” Lily lied and burst out in fake tears.
“Did you just call my daughter a liar and made her cry?” She asked, pulling my hair.
"Ahhhhhhh!! Please stop!” I begged while Lily who caused all of it was just standing watching with a demonic grin at the corner of her lips.
She finally stopped after much pleading and tears.
“Next time you wouldn't dare insult my daughter again. This is just the tip of an iceberg.” She vowed and let go of my hair before they both left.
“Why do I’ve to be blamed for every single thing I didn’t do? Why?” I yelled in anger and rushed to my room.
I can’t take another ill treatment and insult after the one she did at school. Why did I get to meet these people who are demons in human form?
My life has been much worse in the last two weeks since I spoke back to Lily’s mum for the first time. I was happy I stood up for myself having that much courage, made me proud of myself.
It didn’t stop her from beating and starving me for days or giving me spoiled leftovers the day after.
All my body was already sore due to all the work and beating I always receive every day which has been included as my daily routine.
I wasn’t able to go to school last week because Lily’s mum beat me up for breaking a wine while cleaning the wine bar and took the pieces of the bottle cutting my body with it.
I was in so much pain and distress that day that the following morning it turned to scars on my body making my body unpleasant but I applied an ointment to make the scars from staying permanent.
It was the weekend and I was doing all the cleaning around the mansion following the instructions on how to clean every inch because Mrs. Carton was throwing a small party in the evening and Antonio was gonna be coming since Lily invited him.
It took me seven straight hours to finish up before the event planners came to beautify everywhere. Half of my part was done, now it remains only cooking the meal and snacks for the party.
I was told to make kale Caesar salad with chicken, smooches and cookies. I was perfect at cooking all of those things because dad enrolled me into a cooking school which was taught by the best chefs around the world. The school was the best all around here in New York City.
I set down to business since I was the only one that’s gonna have to only do all the cooking with no help. I was really stressed out but I’m still gonna manage since Antonio, my handsome crush was gonna taste the snacks with the meal I will make. It's really gonna be worth it since I’ll be doing it for his sake, not for the witches.
After an hour or two, I was all done and made for my room to rest since it remained a few hours until the party.
The party already started an hour ago when I was still preparing to get ready.
I quickly took a long hot bath to cool my body down and walked out feeling refresh than ever and saw a dress on my bed with a note on it which stated: “Wear this so you won’t embarrass us and don’t behave like a lowlife witch in front of our guests or best most don’t even show your ugly witchy face. Lily."
I dropped the note back on the bed picking the dress up. It was a blue cocktail dress with a black heel not too tall, just perfect the way I like it.
I applied my lotion and put on the dress which looks good on me with the heels.
Now, it’s time for me to put on makeup just the one I do every day but today isn’t gonna be so weird. It's just gonna be in excess; foundation, liner, shadow and the rest just to cover the real surface of my face.
I did everything and walked out to the party, everyone was staring at me with an unpleasant face or the other but after a while they all continued with their doings.
I blended in with other guests putting on my very best smile and saw Mrs. Carton laughing away with her friends but when she sighted me her face turned into a small frown.
“Ladies, please excuse me, I wanna take care of something.” She said loudly to my hearing before approaching me.
“Don’t just stand there looking like a fool when you should be serving the guests.” She roared.
“Okay ma.” I responded.
“By the way, where's Lily?” She asked. How the hell was I supposed to know about her whereabouts? I muttered.
“Did you say something?” She asked with one raised brow staring at me suspiciously.
“Nothing, I don’t know where she is.” I answered and she walked away.
I went to the kitchen putting all the smooches and cookies in a tray before taking it to serve the guests.
I was serving the guests when Antonio and Lily walked in with hands crossed together.
He was all dressed in rugged jeans with a white T-shirt and a matching jean jacket along with a white sneakers. Whoa! He looks damn handsome, sexy and cute just like a celebrity! I exclaimed.
Lily waved to me, signaling me to bring the snacks to them. Why does she keep embarrassing me like this all the time? I thought as I walked towards them.
“Try this babe, you’re gonna love it.” Lily said to him holding a cookie close to his mouth which he took a bite and nodded his head.
After serving all the guests, I was feeling the urge to pee badly, still debating which restroom can be accessible easily.
I rushed into the guest restroom but found Antonio and Lily making out. Lily was giving him a blowjob while he stood there groaning. “Oh, gosh, bad time to have come here now.” I grumbled.
They paused, staring at me, “Sorry, it was an accident; I didn’t know you guys were in here.” I said immediately and gulped hard at the scene, taking slow steps backward before dashing out in speed.
I left the party down stairs and rushed to my room to pee. I kept thinking about the unfortunate encounter I had with Antonio and Lily.
I should’ve just come to my room instead of going to use the guest restroom. I said in a whisper to myself.
“But damn! That was my first time seeing that with my naked eyes. Seriously, Emily, what were you thinking.” I thought, and hit my head with my hand.
I haven’t even had my first kiss yet not to talk of getting that close to a guy. What am I even thinking? How was I gonna face Antonio, my crush tomorrow. Oh, God! I'm already nervous about tomorrow.