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5~ The Rejection




      Time seemed to dissolve into an endless night, as I stayed shrouded in perpetual darkness within the confines of my prison room. For three days, darkness was my sole companion. My stomach churned from lack of food, and the only solace in this abyss was the occasional flicker of my mother's voice as she checked on me through the mind link. Tia was weak already and I could barely muster the energy to sit upright. But just when I thought I was going to die, that was when I heard the gate clang and the door to the darkroom open. The guards walked in and hauled me to my feet, escorting me from my gloomy prison to the Beta chambers.   


     "Alpha has returned," Kristopher announced, his gaze scrutinizing my weakened form. "Prepare her, and ensure she is fed." 


     Tia, though weakened by our ordeal, sparked to life at the mention of King's name. Anxiety churned within me, uncertainty clouding my thoughts about what awaited me in King's presence. The memory of his piercing gaze during my judgment flickered hauntingly through my mind's eye, nearly sapping my resolve. But curiosity and the faint glimmer of hope propelled me forward. 


After refreshing myself and having a much-needed meal, I mustered the courage to venture to King's chambers. I fabricated a story, convincing the guards that King had summoned me. One of them escorted me to his private study, where I sensed he had secluded himself since his return. I steeled myself, taking a deep breath before knocking and entering. King sat behind his desk, engrossed in examining some piece, his jaw set in a firm line. I'd not had a cause to be in his office like this before and our only intimacy had been the night before I was set up.  


     He didn't acknowledge my presence as I quietly approached his desk. Tia fluttered with excitement, but I could discern that the man before me was in no mood for frivolity or games. Only when I drew nearer did the object of his intense scrutiny become clear: photographs of Jackson and me. My heart sank further, and an overwhelming desire surged within me to snatch those pictures away, to shield him from their painful memories. The sight of him, so engrossed in those images, twisted my heart in anguish. 


      "Alpha," I murmured softly, my voice barely above a whisper. How could I even begin to explain? Still, he remained fixated on the photographs. I was a stranger to him, unfamiliar with the depths of his anger, but I knew that Alphas were notorious for their fiery tempers. 


Then, I noticed the sharpness of his jaw, so defined it could cut steel, and his fingers white-knuckled around the photographs. Fear crept over me, nearly compelling me to retreat, but Tia urged me to press on. 


       'This is the time to touch him, Avery.' 


Summoning my courage, I reached out to gently touch his hand, hoping to convey a sense of calm, to reassure him of my innocence. But it was at this moment that he finally turned to look at me. His eyes, blazing with a dark fury, locked onto mine, and I recoiled instinctively. 


      "What are you doing here?" he growled, his voice a menacing rumble. 


       "I-I-" My words faltered as he rose to his full, imposing height, towering over me. Instinctively, I stepped back, bracing myself against his potential wrath. 


       'Tia, I think this was a terrible mistake,' I thought anxiously. 


To my astonishment, King did not approach me with anger or aggression. Instead, he strode purposefully towards a cabinet, his movements measured and controlled. 


      "Another assembly is scheduled in two days," he stated as he reached for a glass. His back was turned to me, and his voice had adopted a calm demeanour, yet it was impossible to overlook the underlying iciness. He poured himself a drink and downed it in a single gulp before refilling his glass. "I bestowed upon you the title of my Luna, and yet, you chose to bring disgrace upon me." 


     "Alpha, I swear I'm innocent," I protested, catching a sharp look from him that left my breath caught in my throat. 


     "You have no idea how ruthless I can be, Avery. Do not tempt me to unleash the anger I'm suppressing," he said, taking another sip of his wine as he returned to his desk. He remained standing, avoiding direct eye contact with me. "You were unworthy of the Luna title, lacking the requirements, a mere rogue. Yet, I elevated you and claimed you as mine. What more could you desire?" He finally seated himself but continued to avoid looking at me. "I have one question for you." His gaze flicked up to meet mine, piercing and demanding. "Do you recognize the man in those photographs?" 


     "It's not..."  


     "Answer my question. Yes or no?" he snapped. 


     "Yes, I know him," I admitted, longing for the opportunity to clarify. 


     "What business does a Luna have with a rogue and a nightclub? You were photographed kissing him in the centre of the dance floor. Do you comprehend the humiliation this inflicts upon me, my reputation, and my pack?" 


       "King, please, let me explain," I implored, my voice trembling with urgency. 


      "You should not be seen in such compromising situations with another man, especially a rogue. You disgust me, woman," he declared, his voice laced with disgust. 


     "No, no," I replied hastily, tears welling up in my eyes. I could endure the harsh judgment of others, but not from him. The thought of losing his respect, his affection, was unbearable. I loved him deeply. "Please." 


He rose from his chair, his posture rigid with resolve. "The next trial is in two days, I don't think I can handle a controversial Luna like you, Avery."  


       'Is he going to reject us?' Tia's voice quivered within me. 


My heart raced faster as he spoke. I wish King had known me long enough to understand that I would never willingly bring shame to him. My only crime was going out that fateful night with Sammy. I made a silent prayer to the goddess. If she would grant King the wisdom to accept me this once, I vowed to fulfil all my duties as his mate. I will become the perfect mate. But it seemed as if the moon goddess had a knack for deserting her creatures in their most desperate time.  


     "I cannot tolerate this, Avery. The ridicule from other Alphas, the embarrassment it brings to our pack... I must take action to preserve my own dignity," he continued. "And so, to spare you the public disgrace, despite your thoughtlessness in disgracing me, I will not reject you before the pack. I will do it here and now, in private." 


    "Please," I implored, stepping forward with a hand outstretched towards him, but he recoiled as if my touch were poison. 


     "I, Alpha King Thornwood of the Silverpine Pack, reject you, Avery Frost, as my mate—" 


His words were barely finished sentences when an agonizing pain tore through my body. A scream escaped my lips as I collapsed to my knees, the torment unbearable. Tia, my inner companion, whimpered in shared anguish as the rejection lacerated both our souls. 


     "King, have mercy!" I cried out, but my pleas were lost in the whirlpool of pain that enveloped me. 


I lay crumpled on the floor, writhing in torment. King stood unmoved; his words unyielding as he completed the ritual of rejection. Powerless to respond, I could only watch in agony as he turned to leave. 


      Only when he reached the threshold did I muster the strength to speak. "I, Avery Frost, formerly the Luna of the Silverpine Pack, accept your rejection, Alpha King Thornwood." 


As the final words left my lips, the pain overwhelmed me, and I surrendered to its relentless grip. 


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