As I knelt under the heavy gaze of the assembly, the solemn voice of Kristopher rang out, casting a shadow over my fate.
"Avery Frost is kneeling here today, accused of infidelity with a rogue, and also aiding the rogues by giving them vital information about our pack, which caused their last successful attack that claimed the lives of many pack members which we are still grieving." Kristopher turned to me, his piercing eyes fixed on me, he continued. "Avery Frost, the trial today will look at the evidence to determine if you are guilty of these crimes."
Perspiration formed like icy beads on my forehead as I scanned the room, every pair of eyes a judge unto themselves.
"Avery, do you swear by the sacred goddess to speak the truth and nothing but the truth?"
"I do," I replied, striving to keep my voice unwavering.
In the corner, I heard my mother's muffled sobs. She knew I would never commit the crime they accused me of. I could never bring harm to Alpha King like that.
"And how do you plead?" Kristopher inquired.
"Not guilty," I declared firmly.
A murmur swept through the gathered crowd. I knew they wouldn't believe me, and did they expect me to plead guilty to infidelity and treason?
"Very well, then," Kristopher intoned gravely. "We'll start by hearing the witness testimonies of those involved and any other supporting evidence. If she is found guilty of infidelity and treason, we all know what the consequences are."
And with that, the trial began.
Horror gripped me as Sammy, a person I once considered an ally, wove her tale against me. Her words felt like daggers, each one etching a deeper wound. Why is she lying? What have I done to deserve this? I questioned internally, my mind a whirlpool of confusion and betrayal.
"...she flirted with him, even when I warned her of his rogue status and the danger he posed..." Sammy's voice was steady, her accusation unwavering.
"Sammy?" My voice cracked, disbelief and hurt intermingling. The urge to defend myself surged, breaking my composed silence.
"Avery Frost, I must insist that you refrain from interrupting a witness," Kristopher interjected, his tone a clear warning.
Tears pricked my eyes, a storm of emotions threatening to overflow. But I held them back, knowing that showing weakness in this room, in front of these people, would only serve to delight the architect of my downfall. It was unfathomable to me— who in the pack harboured such animosity towards me? I had always tried to blend in, to follow the rules even when they chafed against my beliefs. Who would go to such lengths to frame me in this elaborate ruse?
Sammy continued spinning her web of deceit and lies. "Avery confided in me her plans for revenge, intending to betray the pack by letting rogues in, once she had earned our trust."
I felt a tempest of emotions raging within. The effort to restrain myself, to keep Tia, my inner wolf, at bay, was becoming increasingly arduous. Tia was already on the verge of taking control.
'Let me tear this traitor apart,' Tia raged.
'No, Tia. Resorting to violence will only worsen our predicament. We're already in a dire situation. Any action against her would be branded as assault,' I pleaded, trying to pacify my enraged wolf. But Tia remained uncontrollable.
Sammy's gaze flickered to me, a glint of understanding in her eyes, perhaps sensing the internal struggle tearing at my soul. She took a step back and continued her deceit. I was furious and deeply wounded by her testimony. Two witnesses had fabricated their stories, but Sammy's lies hurt the most because she had been my confidante, my 'home girl,' someone I had considered a friend.
"Avery confessed to me that she despised Regina and vowed to kill her so that she would stop visiting the pack house."
That statement proved to be the breaking point. Tia unleashed her fury. In a blur of motion, propelled by Tia's unbridled rage, I found myself lunging towards Sammy. Tia had taken over, and I had lost all semblance of control. Tia's colossal form emerged, and she howled. She pounced on Sammy, pinning her to the ground. Before the onlookers could intervene, Tia had left indelible marks on Sammy's face as a reminder of our wrath.
Suddenly, a searing pain lashed across my back, and I knew it was the silver lash without needing anyone to confirm it. Tia crumpled to the ground as the lash struck us repeatedly. Eventually, Tia retreated, leaving me sprawled on the floor, naked and vulnerable. The room buzzed with commotion as I teetered on the edge of consciousness. My mother's anguished cries echoed in my ears.
"Cover her up!" someone commanded amidst the commotion.
As I lay there, drifting towards unconsciousness, the blurry image of a man being dragged away caught my fading attention. A cloth was thrown over me, providing an unexpected solace. It carried the distinct scent of the King. In that moment, it felt as though he was the one enveloping me in an illusory embrace, lending a fleeting sense of protection in my vulnerable state. Clinging to that comfort, I surrendered to the encroaching darkness and slipped into unconsciousness.