ces yeux rouges
Those red eyes
5 years later
IT is a mystery how life can change in a blink of the eye. Certainty is a joke, a word just created for the sense of comfort for the humans. But even we know that nothing in this world goes as planned, and it is this uncertainty that makes life worth living.
Sometimes, though, it breaks hearts rather than mending them. One decision can change your life, forever.
It has been five years since I returned to my kingdom and even now, people discuss about what a day it was. How the princess did something so scandalous. What they don't know is that this princess doesn't care about the fact that they are doing her character assassination. Because she knew that in the end they would come running to her when anything goes wrong in their lives.
But that was in the case of the nobles only, and that too a few of them. The commoners didn't pay much attention to the news, they believed that the princess is an epitome of perfection and if I had broken someone's heart, there must be a genuine reason. I was thankful of it, though, since I did care about what my people, the commoners thought of me.
I did discriminate between the people of my kingdom, I always put the commoners first since they were the only ones that made me feel that whatever I did was worth something. They made me feel loved - when I would visit their bakeries, play football with their kids or even help them harvest their crops. I truly believed that they were what our kingdom was made of, and if there isn't a smile on their face then all my attempts are futile.
And then, came by dear brothers. They weren't upset with my decision, in fact they respected it. And it is because of that, now we are closer than ever. Their wives weren't a hurdle, they were just a new addition to our bond, however sacred it might be.
Katrina was indeed a beautiful and simple woman, with her charcoal black hair and light red eyes. She was the daughter of a peasant before she discovered that she was the prince's mate and how exciting their love story was. She has been like my elder sister, making sure I have my food on time and treating me with spa visits whenever the work gets to me.
She gave birth to Orrin, or Junior as we call him since he shares the name with father, three years ago. Being a royal Ruby, Junior aged exceptionally fast and his intellectual level was above the kids of his own age. But we insured that he gets a normal childhood with delightful memories before he is sent to train. He is the future heir to the throne, after all.
Zara is two months pregnant, and of course under my strict supervision since pregnancy is tough for those carrying royal babies in their womb. The same was in the case of Katrina.
Zara is the opposite of Katrina - with her sophisticated fashion sense and the qualities of a true lady. This was because she was the daughter of a noble, the Governor of Gerda. She was extremely vocal of her opinions - that was what I loved the most about her. Whenever I needed a fashion advice or even a new gown, she was there for my help.
Alexander and Cal were fitting well with me in their new lives. I spent most of my time with Alexander since I was the future Enchantress and the protector of magic. Our kingdom worked in harmony when there was a balance between magic and nature. The magic possessed by the Rubies varied with their designation with the royals having the most powerful of it - the strongest being the Enchantress and the princess. I wasn't as strong as my mother but I would be when I am officially crowned to the designation.
The three of us discussed about the reforms to the kingdom, how to deal with the cruel rebels and what our future stance might be.
Our late night discussions mainly contained that.
My father was disappointed when I rejected Sebastian but he understood that it was my decision to make. Sebastian wasn't my mate, just a lover and marriage wasn't a step I was willing to take with him.
My mother was furious - refusing to speak to me for a month, although I thought the action to be quite childish.
Sebastian did come visit me the next day, though. It was 4 in the morning and I could barely sleep. I felt so guilty after what I did. He had knocked on my door and I was scared who was it. When I opened the door, he was drunk. His hair were a true mess and eyes were bloodshot. The Armindas were reluctant to let him in, but then I let them. He just sat on my bed, staring at me.
Then he had got up and gave me a kiss on my lips.
"Why?" he had asked.
I had pulled away from him. He felt so cold that I could barely recognize him anymore. What had I done to him?
"We will talk in the morning when you aren't drunk." I had said.
He closed in and there was no space in between us. I could smell his drunk breath but I was so scared at that moment that I could barely move. I had done this to him.
"WHY?" he shouted.
I was shocked. He was angrier than ever.
"Because we won't ever be happy together! You are not my mate! I had my duties which are more important than that of being your wife. I don't know how my parents manage and also my brothers and their wives but I am not ready! I can't be what you want me to be! If we weren't royals and I wasn't a princess then I would have given up anything to be with you! But I am a princess first! I can't do this to you too! It will make your life miserable..." I had said.
I didn't know why I said that but he deserved to know the truth. He must hate me and forget about me. He deserved a wife who loves him and had time for him. A woman who would be happy to start a family with him. I wasn't good enough for him. I would have teared him apart.
He had just said "We will see to that", and walked away.
I haven't heard of him since then, and neither did I dare to know. It will just make me want him more and with whatever is going in our kingdom right now, all my focus should be on making the surroundings better for us rather than thinking about my ex-lover. But I miss him, though.
When I look back, I don't regret my decision at all. Even though it costed my parents one of their most trusted court member but my love life is my deal and I won't ruin someone else's life just because of me.
Nowadays, I am just too busy with taking care of the kingdom that I barely have a time to breath. How was I going to be there for Sebastian? Hopefully he is with someone else now.
I stand next to my mother's throne as I await for the arrival of my parents to the throne room. Me and my brothers don't have a throne here yet, but since it is essential for us to look through the proceedings of the court we stand next to our parent's throne.
Alexander stands next to father's throne while Cal takes his place next to uncle Theo's throne since he is the future commander-in-chief. The thrones for the king and the Enchantress are located at the top, with marble stairs leading to them and the ten other thrones are located at the lesser heights on the steps of those stairs.
"All hail King Orrin and Queen Helen of the Ruby!" the doorman announces.
The court stands up to pay their respects as my parents walk towards their thrown. When I first attended the court and stood beside my mother's throne after I came back, it felt oddly weird. It was as if I didn't belong there. Maybe it was because I had forgotten the feeling of pride that I will feel when I used to stand beside my parents earlier, but luckily with time, I have grown accustomed to it. One day, I shall be sitting on that throne, next to my brother. I can't wait for that day to come.
We bow to our parents as they pass us to sit on their thrones. It was now like an everyday schedule of ours. The court finally began.
First came the common matter of all. And nowadays the subject is dominated by the Rebels. They are everywhere and we are finding it hard to contain them. The doors opened and the person who stepped out was not whom I had expected. He looked like he had been through hell. I wished I could run to him and give him a tight hug.
He bows in front of my parents. As he stands up I can feel his eyes on me, how they were slowly examining me. I ease up when he pulls his eyes away to confront my parents.
"Your Highness, I feel dejected to be the bearer of the disturbing news. But I felt that I must be the first one you hear it from. Last night, Lagina was attacked by the rebels. The royal house of Lagina was burnt to ashes and my family with it. I am the sole living member of my family...." He chokes.
I can feel the tears forming in my eyes, but I can't cry right now. He had lost all his family! Those evil rebels. They don't realize that killing the royals isn't going to get them anything. They are just a bunch of people who are hungry for power. When the power is given to them, how will they use it? We royals have years of training to use that power for good. What experience do they have besides killing innocent people for nothing at all?
"Hence I am here to inform you that Lagina needs a new Governor to help the people in this chaotic situation." He continues.
The responsibility to supposed to fall on his shoulders but for that he must pass a test. It is known as one day court. The Enchantress uses a spell to drift him from the reality and put the person in a hypothetical situation so that his decisiveness can be tested. The situations are hence erased from his memory so that these don't get known to others. As it says, it lasts for an entire day. They might even wake you up in your sleep and test you.
"We are very sorry for your loss. Your parents will be dearly missed. We shall hold their burial ceremony soon.You may rest in the castle. A chamber will be appointed to you. The ceremony for your coronation shall begin the first thing tomorrow morning." My father says.
Sebastian bows in front of my father and then looks at me. He then walks away. As the door closes, I feel as if I am shutting out Sebastian when he needs me the most. I should be with him right now. He had just lost his family. But I am scared that he hasn't forgiven me yet and hates me. I bought this on me. What should I do?
But my thoughts are put aside when another royal walks in as soon Sebastien leaves. This was the someone we weren't expecting at all. Lady Hasel, my aunt. Since she had denounced royalty, it was very rare to see her around in the palace except when there is some festival around the corner.
She bows in front of my parents. She then looks at me and my brothers. I smile at her. What really puzzles me is the reason why she is here.
"Something has happened.... My husband with my sons had gone out last week and they were supposed to be there three days ago but they just aren't there. The Finders can't detect them, they say there is a strong magic covering them and I don't know what to do..." she says.
My father tenses up and my mother secretly touches his back. It's one way to make him realize that we are there for him. But it is very unlikely for a commoner to go missing and have magic covering them up.
"The Alvy will be more than happy to facilitate your search. A suitable time shall be allotted to you soon." My mother says.
The rest of the court meeting goes like normal. The Governors of the various districts bring their weekly reports and there is discussion about the rebels and that's it. My parents get up and adjourn the meeting. Me and my brothers follow them to their private quarters.
This is what we do everyday to discuss on the various matters as a family and out forward our own opinions and infact, it is just like a test where our parents check our own decision making.
As soon as the door closes, my father puts down his crown and his coat and for the first time in years, I can see that my father has gotten really tired of his responsibility. It has been almost 50 ruby years since he had been ruling.
The ruby were given the boon of aging slowly. One ruby year is equal to four years in the other kingdoms. Moreover, the royals age slowly. My father looks like he has been 50 ruby years old for like 20 years now, when in actual he is about 90 ruby years old. I look like I am 16 ruby years old even though I am not. We age slowly so that our successors can have more time to learn from us. But looking at my father right now, I think the weight of this position has taken so much from him. I don't know how he hides it from others.
"Why is Luke missing? And what has magic to do with it? I fear this has something to do with the rebels. They might use him as a leverage." My father says. But we obviously know what is going to happen if what he says is true. It is going to break his heart to see his sister loose her family.
"Father, let's not jump to conclusions right now. That is a possibility but let's hope for the best. Olivia will work with the Arminda to find uncle Luke, Ramond and Alan. But right now, we need to look upon the rebels." Alexander says.
"Yes, they are getting out of control. Witches are joining them and misusing their powers against us. We must find a way to track them." Cal says.
"The Alvy is trying their best, but these witches powerful magic which we don't know how to deal with. We are trying our best. The defence of the palace have been strengthened so we are ready for any attack if they stope to such a level. I suggest that the other Governors should be sent some aid for help." I say.
"I agree with Olivia. What happened with Lagina will terrify the others and we should help them." Alexander says.
We turn to our parents and wait for their response. But there is none. They are just staring at nothing. I doubt that they listened to anything we just said. We sit down next to them.
"What happened?" I say.
"Something is going to happen. I can feel it." my mother says.
"We are ready for anything, mother." Cal says.
I have never seen my parents like this before. They seem so helpless. My mother, who has never looked tired in my entire life feels like she is giving up all her hope. They fear the future more than anything. But we can't let it go this way.
"I will personally lead the search for uncle Luke. We will find them. In the mean time, we must discuss the matter in hand. Invite all the royals from the various parts of the kingdom for a meeting. They should be discreetly informed so that the rebels don't attack them when they are travelling." I say.
"Portals will be better. And safer, I think." Alexander says.
I nod. But my parents are still silent. There must be something we can do. But judging by their faces, it appears to me that we should probably leave and give them some time alone. I glance at my brothers and motion them that we must leave. We say nothing and leave the room. Our parents need each other right now more than anything. They survived the war together, and they can go through this together as well.
"I will get to the search, the first thing tomorrow morning but right now, we have to meet uncle Theo." I say and then we together walk towards uncle's chambers.
As we enter, the Helpers standing by his gate announce our arrival. We bow to him to pay our respects. He is one of the most respected member of our family and a great teacher of ours when we were kids.
"Good, now that you three are here, I must take you to meet someone really important. He is the only one we can trust if things ever go sideways." He says.
Why does everyone keep saying that the things will go sideways? Me and my brothers are capable enough to handle the situation in front of us. If the rebels want to play a game with us, then so be it. But we are not backing away without a fight. A fight we will certainly win. We royals stick together and we are stronger than ever when we are one.
"Olivia, take this. Open the portal to the owner of this stone." Uncle Theo says.
I simply nod. Opening a portal is one of the first things that were taught to me when I was in training. Portals are the one of the best ways to save time while travelling and moreover, it's important for protection.
I focus on the stone and gather my energy to summon a portal. It opens in no time and the four of us walk in it.
The place where we are transported to is unlike other places I have ever visited. It's magnificent. The trees that surround us are glowing blue with energy and the flowers have rubies as their petals. There are fireflies flying here and there. I spot a deer and it has beautiful blue eyes. I sense magic everywhere and it's just adding fuel to my own magic. I feel more powerful than ever here.
As we turn, we are met by a cave. Uncle Theodore asks us to follow him inside. We nod and follow him. The cave is decorated with those ruby flowers and there is glitter everywhere. I can sense a more powerful magic here and it just compels me to use some magic. But I control these urges as I don't want to do something I will surely regret.
I can tell by the look at my brother's face that they are absolutely enchanted. None of us had ever imagined that a beautiful place like this could ever exist.
"This is the Forbidden Forests. Only the royals can visit these places and that too when they have the Forbidden stone. When we won the war long ago, your father was granted the stone and promised that his family can use it anytime. This place is our safe haven when anything goes sideways. It was blessed by the Diamonds and every inch of this place radiates magic. Olivia you can feel it, I think." He says as he looks at me.
I simply nod. I am speechless as of now.
"Then there is Guru. He is the protector of the forest and the most powerful ruby of all time. The magic of this place runs in his veins. He is the oldest of the Rubies. He was the one who chose to leave the Ruby kingdom when it first came into being with the blessings of Lady Ruby herself and when he came to this place, he never left. All the magic that we know, are his grant. He spread his knowledge to us. And then we found the worthy ones to give that knowledge to." He continues.
Then he suddenly comes to a halt. We step ahead to look why he stopped. We are greeted by the sight of an young man meditating on a rock. By his looks, he is probably in his twenties. He is wearing a white shirt with maroon pants. His black long hair are tied in a ponytail. He looks handsome.
He opens his eyes as he senses us and unlike the other Rubies his eyes are red with golden rings. They are unlike anything I have ever seen. He then simply smiles and then climbs down the rock. A flirtatious smile appears on his face when he looks at me and I feel my heart drop. What was it about him that made me feel attracted to him?
"This is Guru." Uncle Theodore says. My jaw drops.
The man standing in front of me didn't look like as if he was the oldest of the Rubies alive. He looked like a sexy teenager! I guess they were right when they said to not to judge the book by it's cover.
"Theodore, I can introduce myself." He says slyly. There was just something about him that made me trust him. I just couldn't stop the feeling developing inside me. He just didn't look wise as I had expected. He looked like a womanizer! I was expecting a wise old man and not....this handsome guy in front of me!
Guru bows to my brothers and then quickly comes to me. He takes my hand and kisses on the back. I feel sparks erupting on my hand when his lips touch my hand. What was happening to me?
"And you must be princess Olivia Thorne. I have been waiting for you for a long time." He says. I simply smile at him.
We stare at each other for a while until I hear Alexander cough. We quickly break the stare and I can feel that I am blushing. That was an awkward moment.
"So, Theodore must have told you this is your safe haven and bla bla bla..yes, I am the oldest Ruby alive. Sure don't look like it but lets just say that this forest prevents me to age. I have been 27 since I came here. The Diamonds surely created a hell of a place and I have been living here....alone",he looks at me, "for long as I can remember. So any doubts?" he says.
"How can you help us in time of need?" Cal says.
Guru nods his hand and it appears that he is lost in his own thoughts. He then looks at me and a smile appear on his face. I can feel his eyes examining every part of my body.
"Well... will you stop staring at our sister or else I will punch your eyes out." Alexander says, annoyed. I smile at my protective brother. He then stands in front of me to block me from Guru's eyes. Guru sighs. He is irritated.
"My magic will help you. I can provide you shelter when you need it. I can help you built an army....can you please just step aside?! You are blocking the view!" Guru says.
Dumb mistake.
I hold my brother as he jumps to punch the life out of Guru. Uncle Theodore holds Cal. I signal Uncle Theodore that it's best for us to leave. He nods and I open a portal.
We push Alexander and Cal through the portal and Uncle Theodore goes next. Before I leave, I am pulled back into Guru's arms. Sparks erupt in every part of my body and my breathing gets heavy when I realize we are so close. The portal closes behind me as my focus was no longer on it. I look into Guru's eyes and they are so beautiful. They look just like the sun at dawn. They are so calm and filled with love. He smells of lavender... my favorite smell. And his lips.... They look like a perfect cushion. I just want to bite them. I have never felt like this for anyone before. Not even Sebastian.
He simply leans forward and our lips meet. It feels like the world around me is swirling. My insides crave for his touch. He is soft at first but then the kiss deepens. We barely catch any breathe. I couldn't get enough of him. I feel vulnerable yet safe. There is a fire erupting in my heart. My legs get week and I just want to jump on him right then and there.
He pulls back, much to my disappointment and leans to whisper in my ears, "I have waited for centuries for you. You're mine." He says and then I feel a push.
I am pulled back into darkness. When I open my eyes, I am at the palace.
That little bastard.