"One would think, you'd be a gentleman and invite a poor wallflower to dance." Vanessa commented as she sneaked up on him just as Gwen left.
Jason didn't flinch, only cracked a small smirk as he lightly shook the glass in his hand, staring ahead blankly. "One would think, a girl like you would never be a wallflower." He retorted and she sighed, now beside him.
"What can I say, there isn't a boy able to handle me yet."
He smirked. What a tease. "He'll be up for a great challenge."
Vanessa smirked, slyly getting closer. Everybody was dancing, Gwen was who knows where, leaving her prey too exposed, why shouldn't she take advantage of it? It had been a long week of flirting and teasing that Mr. Loyalty had been too upright to pick up, but now it was time to dare. Judging by how he ogled her, Jason appreciated her attire. Good. She'd thought exactly of him when she'd picked her dress.
"Well, for now he's one hell of a coward, always hiding behind duties." Daring, but straight to the point. His eyes lit up. Oh, he caught it, didn't he? Jason licked his lips, pressing them, and Vanessa grinned slyly. Score one.
"How do you find the party?" Her grin widened. Score two. He was changing subject. Time to step on gas.
She moved slyly enough to come brush his arm with her bare one as she theatrically pouted: "No one is inviting me to dance, so not too well." He swallowed. Maybe it was alcohol, maybe it was the fairy tale atmosphere, but tonight it seemed too easy, or he was just keener on budging ... "If only I had a gentleman that –" She didn't have time to finish, in a moment his glass was almost flying on the table and he was grabbing her hand, dragging her to the dance floor.
"You planned it, didn't you?" Jason asked as a new song started. Nothing chaste about such music, it was practically made to be the background to sensuality. Weird how they were the only once to feel it. Jason took Vanessa in his arms, making her yelp, then twirled her around and pulled her back to him, their bodies glued. Weird. Everybody was dancing on that song in the wrong way. Or maybe they were the only ones to be so literal.
Once she'd coped a little, him being so close being tough to handle even for one like her, Vanessa managed to press herself against him, leaning back her head on his shoulder as she let her body go to the sensual music she'd agreed with the DJ to play.
Lucky thing the orchestra was gone, otherwise her plan wouldn't have worked. When Jason stiffened a little and let out a tiny groan, Vanessa knew she was moving something in him, something was stirring ... oh, there you are. Yes, something was definitely stirring.
"This is not fair, you know." Jason commented, lowly and sensually in her ear. She smirked, playing innocent without replying. "You've been teasing me all week." He complained.
She rubbed her body against him, letting her dress moved along with her, for a moment baring her back against his lower zone, which only had him groan. "Have I?" She asked innocently as she let her hands move back to rake through his hair.
"You're such a tease." Jason accused, even without quitting their game.
She smirked. "I've done nothing."
He pressed her against him, letting her better feel that something had indeed stirred. "You shouldn't play with older men."
"I don't."
"And what about me?" He let his hands slide down her body, stopping at her waist, just not to let people be suspicious. "I've been being your guinea pig since months."
"Oh. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but –"
"Drop the mask." He bit her earlobe, making her moan lightly. "We both know what you want."
She smirked, rubbing herself against his delicate part. "The same as you want apparently."
Jason tightened his grip on her. "I'm engaged, Vanessa."
"Then you shouldn't flirt with me, Mr. Robinson."
"I'm not flirting."
Vanessa smirked impishly, pushing back her rear side to better press it against him. "No, you're just playing pet me."
He groaned, his by now clear boner getting only worse. "Goddamn, girl, you'll be the death of me."
She grinned, leaning in to place a sly kiss on his neck and nip on his skin while they still danced, nobody around noticing anything, maybe because they were clever, or maybe people were just too busy to care. "If you want me, you only need to ask, Mr. Robinson." Vanessa teased, biting his earlobe, making him groan and tighten his grip on her even more.
Jason's breaths were starting to get heavy and he was trying to still be lucid, he couldn't even blame it on alcohol, he'd barely had a couple of shots and those weren't even nearly enough to knock him out. No, it wasn't alcohol, it was her, her sensuality, her being so hot and sexy, so teasing, his thoughts he'd been trying to control since months ... now it was all coming to a peak.
Gwen was out talking to her grandparents. He'd been always faithful to her. He loved her. Truly. But damn, this kid knew her way round. His boner was so evident, the stuff of her dress so light that he could almost feel her skin directly and it didn't help, not at all. Even less helped her rubbing herself against him as her hands raked through his hair. Ugh. Fuck it.
In one swift move, Jason pulled her away from him, highly hoping for everyone to be too busy to notice his problem down there, and sent her a heated look she only grinned at. Looking around, her eyes set on the glass door. The lobby was pretty empty. Booking a room would be too dangerous. Maybe there was a dark alley somewhere ... even a bathroom sufficed.
Before she could decide, she felt her hand being tugged at and her heart started beating faster when she realized Jason was dragging her inside. He was walking so fast that the people around were only a blur of colors mixed with each other, he kept that pace till they reached a narrow alley that led to the restrooms. Unceremoniously, Jason pushed her into one of the booths of the women's bathrooms and pinned her up against the wall, attacking her lips before she could say anything.
To Hell with foreplay, he was too eager. Only feeling her panties against his jeans was arousing. Vanessa had her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his shoulders, and she was very quick to pick up his trail of actions, tilting her head to the side to give him access to her neck, but he wanted her lips ... he captured them swiftly, just as swiftly as his hands worked to slip off her panties. There was no time to be considerate, if she wanted to back off, she could at any time, but he knew she wouldn't. Hell, that little vixen had been teasing him since months, that week even more. At this point he was all too glad to rot in Hell if the price was getting her out of his system once for all.
Vanessa had wanted this since so long, she'd never expected it to be romantic, actually, this was exactly what she'd always known would happen sooner or later. Having Jason pin her up against a wall as he kissed her hungrily while nearly tearing off her panties in the rush of the moment had been one of her dirtiest dreams about him. Well, not quite, just the most frequent one.
But this time she wouldn't wake up in her bed, alone, all wet. Nope. This time the jeans she unbuckled were real, the shirt she frantically took off, revealing a body that was so perfectly shaped to resemble the one of a Greek god, was real. His groans, his kisses, his fondling, even his hand going to cover her mouth when she moaned loudly as he impaled her was real. Gosh, she'd never forget that night.
Gosh, this party seemed to be never ending. Lucky thing it was half past ten, so they were close to call it a night, though there was the speech missing too. Although Emily had, weirdly enough, kind of enjoyed herself. Maybe it was the dress, maybe it was Dean always gazing at her as if she was the most perfect thing in the world, maybe it was their breaking the ice and actually talking for once, or maybe it was just the atmosphere, seeing her mom so beloved and praised and happy, her dad always by her side, being weirdly affectionate for once. Maybe it was a whole ensemble of things, but for once, Emily was enjoying herself without thinking too much.
She'd barely seen Riley, better said, she'd spotted him on this or that corner of the garden, but never in a precise place, talking to people he hadn't seen since long, or to Jason or so, she'd also seen him talk to Vanessa and part of her had ... felt weird, as if there was a green monster feasting in her belly, but luckily Dean had been there to distract her before she got carried away by her thoughts.
As a matter of fact, Emily had spent all her time with Dean, they'd even danced, despite her protesting that she was really clumsy, and they'd laughed together when they'd both tripped into each other. Dean was even better when one got to know him. Pushed aside his shyness, he was really nice to be around, Emily had always known that, tonight she had the final proof.
Lonely waiting for Dean, who had gentlemanly offered to go fetch her jacket in the car while she wore his for now, Emily let her eyes wander around the party, as she observed the other guests.
"If you're cold, I know how to warm you." A male voice startled her, and she found in front of her a tall guy in black jeans and dress-shirt, tousled jet black hair, broad shoulders.
Emily gulped when she realized who it was. Trey Hopkins, one of the most popular guys in school.
Trey sat in Dean's place, facing her, and Emily yelped when he grabbed her hands, smirking. "I mean, we're in a hotel after all..."
She slipped her hands out of his grip instantly as she, even without wanting to, caught what he meant.
He grinned, his hand landing on her thigh as he continued: "Come on, don't be so cold." He leaned in, placing also his other hand on her thigh, to which her breaths hitched. "How about we go somewhere more private?"
She opened her mouth to argue, or at least try to, but she didn't know what to say. However, before she could find the words to reject the boy, a heavy hand came to grip Trey's shoulder, out of nowhere, and a voice, a familiar voice, calmly yet threateningly warned: "I'd rather not risk jail because of your sorry ass, so just leave, and we're even."
Emily looked up to meet Riley's wink, her heart doing somersaults all over again. Trey turned to the guy behind him, studying him for a moment. He'd thought whoever couldn't be a problem to face, but ... he'd seen that face in the school's trophies gallery and his brother had told him about this guy that seemed so calm and posed and yet wasn't one to play with. Hence, Trey eagerly scuttled away.
Riley occupied the seat the boy had emptied and smiled tenderly at Emily. "Everything alright?" He asked, to which she nodded, even if confused, then glanced over at Trey's retreating figure, wondering how came that such a big guy had scuttled away at the mere sight of Riley ... Riley wasn't exactly puny, but neither was he this heavyweight one would fear.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Riley asked, catching her attention again, but trying hard to ignore how exposed her legs were and forcing himself to look her in the eyes. Jeez, that dress showed too much. Too, too much. At least she had that jacket on now. But that Dean guy had touched her skin all night more or less, be it even only while dancing. Ugh. Only that was maddening.
Riley had kept himself away as much as he could to avoid spoiling her night or being stupid enough to claim her all too himself while he needed to delete such sinful thoughts. Yet he'd spotted that jock rubbing her thighs while leaning in and ... ugh, he knew that smirk too well. It was a miracle he hadn't just pounced on the guy. Hell, it was a miracle Jason hadn't seen anything. The boy wouldn't have gone home whole.
He and Jason had had many fights throughout high school, his best friend having always been quite hot-headed, a couple of times he was suspended too, but Riley had him stay at his place, so that the Robinsons wouldn't know. Had he seen how that jock was relating to his baby sister, Jason wouldn't have given much of a thought in truly pouncing on the guy, risking jail even. Lucky thing Jason was somewhere all wrapped up in Gwen's arms, Riley thought.
Emily nodded at his question, and asked where was Vanessa, to which he shrugged, saying he'd last seen her dancing with some guy, to which Emily sighed. "She's probably trying to make Jason jealous."
Riley chuckled. "Well, it can't work if he's not there to look. Your brother is inside with Gwen, I think." Emily's eyes widened and she grimaced, so he laughed and threw his hands in the air, justifying: "No, no, I mean in the lobby or something, not ... in a room, don't worry."
She blushed. "I don't worry. I just ... don't wanna know."
"If your brother is sexually active? I'm sorry to disappoint you, Honeybee, but he has been since high school sophomore year at least."
Emily grimaced, but he laughed, which had her focus on his handsome face for a few moments, her heart thumping. He hadn't changed much in four years, well, his countenance was more clearly the one of a man now, but as for the rest, he hadn't changed much.
Emily averted her gaze only when he quit laughing and fixed his eyes on hers, making her heart do somersaults for the nth time, well, it always did when Riley was this close. Feeling his intense gaze on her, Emily lowered her glance, staring at her hands on her lap her heart beating fast.
"Where's Dean?" He asked distractedly, his eyes never leaving her.
"He went to get my jacket in the car."
After Riley nodded, silence slipped in between them, reigning for a few minutes, both of them trying hard not to get carried away by the thoughts they needed so badly to delete or at least control. Till Riley startled her by grabbing her hand and asking: "Wanna dance?"
Emily didn't have time to reply because he tugged at her hand, making her stand up and follow him to the dance floor, which was full of people, but just as they reached the center, the pop song ended and, like in a very cliché movie, a slow music started playing.
Emily felt her heart in her throat when Riley placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer, and she vocally yelped when his warm hand touched her bare back. He guided her arms around his shoulders, almost closing the gap between them, barely leaving a mere inch.
Emily sucked in a breath, trying to clear her mind and heart of every single wrong thought and sensation, but as they started following the music, the words of the song struck her harder:
Wise men say,
Only fools rush in
But I can't help ...
Falling in love with you
Oh, no, the worst song possible right now. It seemed as if fate were toying with her. Her knees buckled a little, and she wound up inadvertently closing the gap between them once for all as the song kept going:
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help
Falling in love with you
Why did it feel like a perfect representation? Why did it feel like those words were so accurate, just like last Sunday? Emily heaved a shaky sigh, letting herself hide her face behind Riley's neck, feeling shivers down her spine when his hand slid along on her back, better embracing her.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Her heart beat faster and faster as they slowly lulled themselves at the rhythm of the music, chest against chest, her nostrils being filled by his manly scent mixed with his cologne. Emily felt lightheaded, especially as Riley's cheek brushed hers affectionately and his lips found their way on her skin, barely brushing her chin but taking her breath away nevertheless, his arms tightening around her.
The whole world faded, barely did she hear the music, she let him guide her wherever he wanted, her body was almost completely abandoned to him, she could barely breathe. And for a moment she did quit breathing, Riley's low tune being too sensual in her ear to be true as his lips brushed her earlobe while he spoke: "What if those words were reality for us?"
Her heart stopped or raced too fast for her to know maybe, but she caught what she didn't want to. She stammering, trying to pretend: "W-What words?"
Riley better pressed her against him, his voice a mere whisper in her ear: "The song, darling. The song."
Oh, gosh. Emily listened carefully, her heart racing like a fool, her breaths practically inexistent.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
"A-Are they?" Emily asked in a whisper, eyes closed.
Riley took a deep breath as he tightened his grip on her. "I'll say yes only if you want me to be sincere."