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Chapter 2 - A lighter shade

"Emily, sweetie, open the door, please." Mrs. Robinson called her daughter, who was on the couch, watching TV, from the kitchen.

Emily leaped to her feet and went to the door. It was eight in the evening, so at the door it couldn't be anyone else other than their guest, which might be why Emily checked herself out in the mirror of the hall before opening.

Well, there wasn't much to check out, she thought, there wasn't even much difference from the afternoon: once home she'd taken a shower, yes, but she'd worn jeans and hoodie anyway. Part of her, the one Vanessa would call womanly, had considered digging up some of the clothes her best friend had bought her over the years and try them on, just to look ... decent, but in the end Emily had shrugged it off, repeating to herself that there was no reason why she should be different for Riley.

He'd known her all her life anyway, he knew how she was back and forth, most probably he'd find it weirder if he saw her all dressed up.

"Hey, Honeybee." Riley greeted her with a sweet smile, to which she responded with a shy one as she let him in. He'd gotten changed too, his faded jeans and t-shirt he wore in the afternoon had been replaced by more formal black jeans and white dress-shirt underneath a black pullover.

Emily forced herself to ignore how bright his forest green eyes were, and closed the door behind him.

"Is that the hoodie I gave you?" Riley asked, pointing at what she was wearing. Emily blushed, nodding, and he smiled. She was wearing a dark blue hoodie with the writing "Yale Bulldogs", Riley had given it to her that one time he came back from college and she was sick, so she hadn't been able to play with him, even though, he did remain close on purpose, even if there was no need. When he had to leave, Emily was still half sick, and she admitted, for maybe the second time ever, that she'd miss him, so he took off his hoodie, and handed it to her, saying that would keep her warm till he came back for Christmas and it would remind her of how much "he loved his little Honeybee". Of course, Emily was only 11, he meant it in a brotherly way, as usual.

From then on, Emily had worn that hoodie more often, especially when she was cold, as a reminder that she was never alone, because, as he said, even if he was far, she still had Riley.

"It still fits you, huh?" He joked, noticing how baggy it looked on her while normally it hugged his muscles perfectly. "How you doing?" Riley asked as they walked into the living room.

"Fine. You?"

He shrugged. "Not much different from this afternoon." She smiled. "Spongebob, huh?" Riley commented, amused, glancing at the TV.

Emily blushed, swiftly going to swap channel, embarrassed. Way to make an impression. Now he'd be convinced she was still a child. Well, she was for him anyway. Ugh, why did she even bother?

Those were frilly thoughts. And even if they weren't, a guy like Riley had a long, long line of gorgeous girls wanting him, certainly he wouldn't waste his time with a worthless little girl like she was.

Times like this, Emily wondered how did Vanessa find the nerve to claim she was the right girl for Jason. The difference in age was the same, after all.

"I'm too old for cartoons, I know." She admitted, flustered.

Riley chuckled. "Nah, one is never too old for cartoons." He replied, taking the remote from her hands and switching back to Nickelodeon. "Honestly, I still watch them too." He admitted, plopping back on the couch, and she laughed.

When Riley patted on the seat beside him, asking her to go sit with him, her throat went dry.

Emily swallowed and complied, careful to leave enough of a gap between them for her not to feel the heat radiating off his body, but Riley didn't see it that way: he laughed at her cautions and scooped closer to her, wrapping an arm around her and bumping her temple with his, as he always did years ago, as a manner of affection, while he asked: "Alright, Honeybee. Fill me in."

Emily heaved a big sigh, nervous. Riley always did that. Once every two weeks at least, namely, every time him and Jason came back from college. Every time, Riley, after having seen his mother, grandma and sister, headed to the Robinson's, to have dinner with them.

There was a tight bond between him and that family, he'd met Jason in Kindergarten and they'd clicked instantly, so as a matter of fact, he'd grown up between his house and the Robinson's, and since his dad passed away when Emily wasn't even born, Mr. Robinson, who had been a great friend of Mr. Evans', also, almost literally took Riley in as his own son.

Hence, that was his second family, and Emily was his little sister, always had been, and he'd always loved being a big brother for her. Every time Jason was too harsh on her, she took refuge in Riley's arms, every time she felt gloomy or had a problem, more than to Jason, she talked to Riley. And he loved that.

When he was in high school, he'd carve out the time to take her to the movies or more often to the bookstore, which she loved more, he was always so affectionate with her that even his own older sister sometimes jokingly pretended to be offended, seeing as he'd never been with her how he was with Emily.

When he left for college, he called Emily more than his own family, because the little girl had looked so sad when he left, she hadn't cried, but had been on the verge to, and Riley knew that was a strong sign, because Emily never cried, she always held back her emotions. Even when she got injured, she never let one single tear fall, for a matter of pride or shyness or just wanting to show off strength, but she never cried. Riley had known her all her life, but the times he'd seen her cry could be counted on one hand, and every time he was there to comfort her.

Now, when they were in college, Riley and Jason came back every two weekends, the two families would get together for dinner every Sunday, but before it was served, Riley would, every time, sit on the couch with Emily and ask her to be filled in, to know what was up in her life and how were things going.

It was a very small gesture, but very important to her, especially because those were weird years for her, she was getting closer to adolescence and puberty and she felt confused, so had always many things to tell Riley that couldn't be told over the phone, even though they talked every night for at least half an hour.

He never skipped one single call, not even when he was dating this or that girl, and his girlfriends were at first jealous, wondering who was this Emily he always talked to, only to laugh it off when he explained it was only his best friend's sister. Only.

Well, that was an understatement, but those girls wouldn't understand. All they saw was the cuteness of this big guy taking the time to talk every night to a little girl that wasn't even his own sister. They didn't understand the deep bond Riley had with Emily. Well, he didn't understand it either. He just felt like he needed to hear from her every night. Just that.

As a matter of fact, Riley was the one and only person that knew Emily better than anyone. Well, he had been. Now four years had passed. And they'd never even talked.

There were times when Riley would call the Robinsons, but Emily always invented an excuse not to talk to him, her emotions being too tangled, so even though Jason had kept his friend up-to-date about Emily's wellbeing, Riley hadn't talked to her directly since four long years, and yes, he'd missed it.

That was why he'd found himself out of his depths when he'd seen her out of the blue,at the bookstore. He'd struggled to be himself,because it had taken him a few moments to realize that cute teen was his Honeybee. Just how much had she changed withing so little time?

"There's ... nothing to tell." Emily mumbled, nervous.

Riley sighed, bringing her closer to him. "I know about your injury." Her eyes widened and she looked up at him confused, Riley gave her a reassuring smile as he took her hand in his, to comfort her. "Jason told me. I'd wanted to talk to you, but ..."

"You couldn't."

Riley squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry, Hon - Emily. I should have been there for you."

She half smiled. "You always have been, Riley."

"Yeah, but I wasn't there when you needed the most."

Despite everything, Emily leaned her head on his shoulder, abandoning herself to his cuddles, as she always did, years ago, when she felt gloomy. "You're here now." She whispered, feel all the comfort of those words within her heart. Riley was there,he was there with her,and it wasn't a dream.

Riley smiled, embracing her fully, cuddling her like he used to when she was a child. Sure thing, she'd changed, very much too, but she was still his little Honeybee. And that she shall remain.


It had felt like hours, but only a few minutes had passed with them cuddling on the sofa, when Emily's mother came into the room, wiping her hands on her apron. "Hello, Riley." She greeted the guy, smiling, but glad to have startled them.

Mrs. Robinson trusted Riley, he was like a son, but the way him and her teenage daughter had been cuddling too deeply and gladly was suspicious, to say the least. Not that it was a new sight, but ... there was something different now.

Riley turned to the woman standing behind them, catching the suspicious glint in her eyes. "Evening, Mrs. Robinson." He greeted, lightly bowing his head, arm still around Emily, who was still leaning on his chest, feeling like never moving.

Mrs. Robinson grinned, pleading with him to call her just Sybil, and he smiled, agreeing. The woman's eyes landed once more on her daughter, all snuggled up to Riley. No, there was nothing out of the ordinary. What a fool she'd been to even only think that. Although ...

"Emily, would you please go up and call your brother?" Mrs. Robinson requested. Better not risk anything. Times like this, you don't know how a teenager takes things, and Riley had always had quite an influence on Emily. Sure, he was to be trusted blindly, but still ...

"Jason's out." Emily answered, not moving, oblivious to her mother's suspects.

"Out? Where?"

Emily shrugged. "He just said he'd be on time for dinner."

Mrs. Robinson rolled her eyes. "Oh, that boy ... always more and more similar to his dad ..." She complained and Riley chuckled lightly.

"Speaking of whom, where's Mr. Robinson?"

"Working, as usual. Said he'll be here by eight. Oh, well ... it's half past seven already. Emily, why don't you set up the table while I finish cooking? Riley, I don't need to tell you anything, this is your home, dear."

Emily nodded while Riley gave Mrs. Robinson a thankful smile, and the woman left. Emily felt like remaining there in Riley's arms indefinitely, but of course, she had to move, so, grudgingly, she stood up, and headed to the dining room, Riley on tow, offering to help.

Working in sync, they started setting plates and everything, but he took the chance to inquire further, even if delicately and nonchalantly: "How...did it happen? Jason only said it was a knee injury."

Emily sighed, explaining: "I was a fool. That's all. Trained too much, put too much pressure on my bones." What she omitted was that the main reason why she'd dipped into volleyball, the need not to think of him.

"I still play now and then. I'm just no more in the team." She explained with a sigh once she'd placed down the last plate. Riley was a few steps away, and he glanced at her, worried, as he placed down the last glass. Emily knew that look, he gave her that look when he knew she was hiding her true emotions not to worry her family, therefore she tried to convince him: "I'm fine. Really. After all, I don't think I'd have had that big of a career in volleyball."

Riley frowned as he took some steps closer. "That's not true. You were incredible."

She shrugged, cracking a gloomy smile as she fixed her eyes on the table, just not to look at him. She missed volleyball. Losing both that and Riley had her feel so lost. All of a sudden she was alone and there was no one and nothing to escape to when she felt gloomy, she felt abandoned.

Normally, when she was sad, she'd talk to Riley, or when he wasn't available, she'd make do with volleyball, but after the injury she couldn't do either ... she was alone, completely alone with her thoughts and the whirlwind in her head.

Emily flinched when Riley rubbed her arm and her heart skipped a beat when she looked up to meet those forest green eyes that were always so gentle, especially when on her. Not to worry him, she cracked a small smile, doing her best to make it real, but of course, he knew her all too well to buy it, therefore in a matter of moments Emily was pulled into his arms for a big hug, one of his that always cheered her up.

She wanted to let go of all her anxieties and negativities, but she couldn't. He'd just come back, he couldn't already take upon himself her problems. Besides, to him those would sound like very silly things.

Yet Riley rubbed her back soothingly as he reminded her softly: "I'm here for you, Honeybee. Whatever you need. Nothing's changed. I'm still here for you."

Emily took a deep breath, nodding against his chest, but without speaking, she just wrapped her own arms around his torso as she sank in that embrace Riley gladly tightened, kissing her hair affectionately.

They remained there for a few moments, with him rubbing her back soothingly while she tried her best not to give in and cry as she needed to.

In the end, they pulled slightly back, Riley gave her a small smile as he cupped her cheeks, asking: "Better?"

Emily nodded warily, and her heart fluttered when he leaned in to place a tender kiss on her forehead, reminding her once more that he was there for her, so Emily didn't resist and just sank in his arms once again, seeking the comfort and relief of his hug, pressing her eyelids not to cry while her heart thumped furiously in her chest, both at his closeness and at those weird emotions that had been awoken.

"What's going on here?" A deep male voice asked out of the blue, and for a moment Riley was tempted to pull back, knowing who it was and how touchy he was when it came to Emily, but he remained there, knowing that delicate flower in his arms was more important than the fear of an eventual punch in the face.

"Hey, buddy." Riley greeted his best friend, without moving, his chin on Emily's head.

Jason frowned, perusing the scene in front of him. Not uncommon, but suspicious, to say the least. "Hey, sis, go grab me a beer, will you?" Jason asked, well, more like ordered, as he sat down at the table, staring intently at his best friend, daring him to give a different idea of that hug.

"Mom says no alcohol before dinner." Emily replied, without moving, voice muffled by Riley's chest.

"Yeah, whatever, then soda." Jason replied and she rolled her eyes, grudgingly pulling back. Her brother could be so annoying sometimes ... well, most of the time.

"Anything for you, Riley?" Emily asked, walking backwards towards the kitchen.

"No, thanks." He replied winking, which made her blush and back up faster.

Jason stared at his friend, whose eyes were on Emily's retrieving figure. "You do know she's too young, right?" Jason stated harshly.

Riley gulped, turning to his friend all of a sudden. "What?"

"My sister. She's too young for you."

Riley grimaced. "Ugh, for Christ's sakes, Jay, I know that! I've seen her in diapers."

Jason shot him a glare, unconvinced. "Let's be clear, Rye, I don't want you flirting with my baby sister."

Riley sighed, plopping back on the chair across from his friend. What kind of warning was that? Sure, Emily had changed, very much so, but she was still a little sister to him, how could Jason even think he'd ever ... "I wasn't flirting. I was just comforting her." Riley grumbled, slightly offended. He wasn't a bloody pervert, for Christ's sakes. Emily had turned into a very pretty girl, sure, but he was practically her brother. He'd never even dare think of ...

"Yeah, right." Jason scoffed. Riley glared at his friend, but didn't have time to say anything because Emily came back with beer and a muffin in her hand.

"Here. I managed to sneak one." She commented in a sigh, placing the beer in front of her brother, then she rounded the table and reached Riley, handing him the muffin with a small smile: "Mom just took them out."

He smiled. "Thanks, Emmy." He winked, making her blush lightly, her heart skipping a beat at the nickname.

"Hey, why no muffin for me?" Jason complained, sipping his beer.

"Because you treat me like your personal waitress." Emily shot back, rolling her eyes, then went to sit beside Riley, who asked if she'd helped her mother making the muffins, and when she admitted, he congratulated with her, making her blush profusely while her brother watched them carefully, wondering whether he was being only paranoid or maybe there was something between the two.

"Where's dad?" He asked, just to distract his sister from the smiles she was exchanging with his best friend. Emily was never that silly. Could it be that ... nah. To her, Riley was the same as him. A brother. As it should be.

"Working." Emily answered absentmindedly, still facing Riley. "Where's Gwen?" She asked, turning to her brother, though only when she felt her heart going too further.

"Heading off to her grandparents'. I just dropped her off at the station. By the way, I saw Dean on my way back." Emily couldn't hide her embarrassment as she gulped, especially as Jason added: "Said he's taking you to mom's party. Didn't know you two were dating."

She turned crimson and lowered her glance, fidgeting on her lap. "W-we're not ... it was Vanessa's idea." Jason nodded.

"Who's Dean?" Riley butted in, curious.

"Her best friend's brother." Jason responded, lazily leaning back on his chair, beer in hand.

"Didn't Sandra have only two sisters?" Riley asked, confused.

"No, she broke things off with Sandra years ago."

"Oh, why?"

Jason shrugged. "She still won't tell me." He replied, staring blankly ahead of him.

Emily rolled her eyes. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here, Jason."

His chocolate brown eyes snapped to her. "Well, it's like you're not, Peanut. You barely talk." He argued.

"That's not true. We just don't give her a chance to." Riley injected, leaning back on his chair. "She was very much talkative with me before you arrived."

Jason rolled his eyes. "So the problem is me?"

His friend shrugged while Emily silently watched their exchange. Riley and Jason were so different. Just like she and Vanessa, and yet they'd been best buddies all their lives, so maybe her mother was right, opposites attract even in friendship.

Riley was kind, gentle, sensitive, while her brother was always so grumpy and annoying, Mr. Dark and Stormy, Gwen often called him. As a matter of fact, Riley and Jason completed each other, maybe that's why they were best friends, and maybe it was the same between her and Vanessa.

"You treat her like a child, buddy." Riley pointed out, gaining a dirty look from his friend.

"She's my baby sister, Rye." Jason replied threateningly.

Emily rolled her eyes. He was always like that. So overprotective that it became asphyxiating. Sure, Riley was protective too, but much less annoying.

Her brother wasn't much of a talker either, better said, he was, not at all shy as her, but he wasn't exactly Mr. Sunshine, so while they did communicate, it was never the same as with Riley, who was understanding and sweet. So because Jason couldn't cheer her up with tender words or hugs and things like those that were so far from him, he compensated with being more protective, which tended to make him just as strict and severe as a father would be, more than their actual one was.

"And again you're talking about me like I'm not here ... guess I'll just go help mom." Emily grumbled, and left.

Riley contemplated her as she walked away, pensive. "Does she have a boyfriend?" He asked absentmindedly, still looking at where she had just disappeared.

Jason gritted his teeth. "Why do you care?"

The other shrugged, turning to his friend, rolling his eyes when he noticed the deadly glare. "Jay, come on, I was just asking. It's not illegal, is it?"

"I know you."

Riley frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? Jeez, you think so low of me?"

"I only think you've been away for four years. And in the meantime she's become a woman."

Riley sighed. What was with people assuming such things now? True, he'd been away and within four years many things change, but still ... he'd seen her in diapers, Emily was a really beautiful girl now, while he'd left that she was still a child more or less, but that didn't mean anything. She still was a sister to him. Why would that ever change?

He'd asked if she had a boyfriend only to know if she had someone taking care of her, because she looked so gloomy, so locked up in herself ... he remembered a whole different Emily. Well, she had always been more open with him. Either way, he only wanted to see if he could fix it for her, to give her that bit of cheerfulness back, that's why he inquired. Never thought he'd seem interested in a totally different way.

"That doesn't mean anything." He spat, giving a harsh look to his friend. Jeez, they'd known each other all their lives, how could he think he'd be so stupid? Emily wasn't even a major yet. It'd feel like incest and it'd be illegal too. "She's my sister just as much as yours, Jason. Always will be." Riley stated.

Jason perused his friend for a moment, seeing nothing but sincerity, so he sighed, leaning back on his chair and chugging down the rest of his beer. He'd jumped to conclusions too fast, apparently.

Some moments later Emily and her mother came into the room with dinner. The girl took a seat next to Riley, across from her brother, who did his best to shrug off those silly thoughts about his best friend planning to seduce his baby sister. Riley was a great guy, sure, he'd not always been a saint, but neither had he. Ah, the things they'd done in college, the hearts they'd broken in high school!

Either way Riley loved Emily in the same way as he did, brotherly, so doubting of his intentions was really stupid and meant insulting his best friend, who'd seemed really offended by that assumption.


By past midnight, Riley was about to leave, when Emily reached him at the door. "Mom wanted me to give you this." She said, handing him a white envelope, which he observed in her hand. "It's for her party this Friday." Emily explained, inching the envelope closer to him.

He smiled and grabbed it, thanking her and confirming he'd be there, so she nodded. They remained there gazing at each other, but differently: Riley had a small tender smile on his lips, only thinking of how much she'd changed in five years but was still his little Honeybee, while Emily ... well, she was trying hard not to give space to those weird emotions only remaining there all alone caused her.

In the end, he moved to leave, wishing her goodnight. Emily remained at the door, gazing at him walk through their lawn and reach his car, she grinned sheepishly when he waved one last time at her and stepped on his orange Ford Ecosport, she even watched him pull off their driveway and leave.

Weird. Riley was back since a few hours only and she already felt better. Only a couple of his hugs had been able to raise her mood. And there was nothing wrong about it. Emily had thought it'd be awkward to be so close to him again after five long years and especially given the weird emotions she'd felt long ago, but ... it wasn't. Actually, it was as normal as it could be. The exact same as it was before he left.

She'd felt just as peaceful and comforted and safe in Riley's arms. Sure, her heart wouldn't quit thumping and his smile was blinding, just as much as those forest green eyes were dazzling, but the peace she felt in his arms ... she'd missed it so badly. She'd never known she could feel like that till it was taken away from her.

Every time she felt gloomy, she always had Riley pulling her in for one of his comforting hugs and she instantly felt better, and she'd lacked of those in five years, therefore now it felt like breathing again after having been underwater for so long. And it felt amazing.

Whether she saw him as a brother or not, the concept was always the same: as much as volleyball but before it, Riley was, always had been, always would be, her source of light. With him around, everything gained a lighter shade. With Riley around, everything turned on a brighter light.

Riley lit up her life. Always had. Somehow he'd always been able to give her the self esteem she'd always lacked of, even in her gloomiest days she just needed to see him to feel better, no one had ever had such power. For once after so long, Emily went to bed all giggly, thinking of him, and it didn't matter in what way, only the thought of him gave her a sense of peace. And after four long years of gloom, it felt heavenly.

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