Nova POV.
"Who are you?" I ask since he already knew my name.
"I'm Lucifer, king of hell," he says, but he must be joking this can't be, he must have just saved me from the river or maybe I am dead.
"Funny," I say not believing him, the king of hell is a cold-hearted monster, not someone who'd dry me and put me in warm clothes.
He chuckles again, he's acting like he knew what I'm thinking about, can a demon do that? I wasn't sure, he offered me a hand, I took it and walked with him outside the room now, people, no demons were everywhere. Their horns were out, some fallen angels had their wings, their black wings out, but the thing that everyone got in common, they all bowed to us, this can't be true.
We kept walking until we made it to a window, he allowed me to look outside, and there I saw the red sky, the volcanoes, the lost spirits, the demons.
"Welcome to hell little pup" the guy, I mean Lucifer says, but why am I with Lucifer if I'm dead I should be with the doomed souls not him.
"I'm dead?" I ask him again not believing that I'm alive for real.
"Let me show you something," he says guiding me toward a set of stairs, we kept going, down, down, I was exhausted, didn't want to go down anymore, it felt like it took us forever. Lucifer must have noticed my tiredness, he picked me up like you'd carry a small child on his hip, he was much faster than me, it only took him a minute to reach the bottom of the stairs.
He doesn't let me down, instead, he adjust me on his hip, his hand holding me up from under my bum, the other one was free. With his free hand he knocked on this giant wooden door, the door opened on its own, we walked in and I was shocked with the coldness, it was freezing, even with the hoodie I had on, it was still cold, I could hear screams, lots of screams, some were man, other were woman, and that scared me.
"Where are we?" I whisper grateful for his hold on me now, that I didn't have to stand up now.
"This is where the human souls go when they die Nova, they first get tested here, depending on how bad they are before being sent to their cells. You aren't dead, if you were you'd be here" he says the voices, the cold, I just wanted to leave.
Thankfully he carried me back upstairs, it didn't take us that long to make it up, not with him holding me, when we made it there, I tried to slip out of his hand but he still wouldn't let go, just holding me, he kept walking around, but all I could think about was the room downstairs, the lost souls.
"This is the castle, when you stay here with me, you are allowed on this floor only, no going out or anywhere else without asking me first" he says, does he expect me to stay here with him.
"I'm staying here?" I ask confused, aren't I supposed to be dead to come to hell.
"Yes, where I go you go" he says in a firm voice, but I'm not going to stay with him.
"I'm not staying with you" I say not believing this guy, even if he's the king of hell, I'm not staying with him.
"But little wolf, didn't we establish that I own you?" he says, I growl at him, nobody owns me.
"But I do, I owned you from the second you were born," he says, again with being all arrogant.
"Nobody owns me, fuck off" I say trying to get out of his hold, he keeps on holding me and it's driving me crazy now. He did let me go, making me stand in front of him, the difference in size, it actually scared me, he's a giant compared to me.
"Now apologize before I teach you some manners" he warns in a very calm voice, which scared me even more than yelling, but I wasn't about to apologize for anything.
"No" I say crossing my hands over my chest, he raises a brow at me but I didn't care, I'm not changing my mind, he can go to hell.
"Last chance Nova" he says in a threatening voice, but I keep shaking my head no.
"Fine, let me show you how we do things in hell" he says dragging me with him, toward the same room we started with, he sat on the bed and pulled me toward him, laying me over his lap.
"Nu...nuuu" I scream knowing what's coming next, but he ignores my screams, the first slap landed was painful, but he kept going, slapping my bum over and over again.
"Nu...sorry...stop...stop" I beg with him this time.
"Too late for a sorry now Nova" he says while he keeps on spanking me for another a few minutes and finally stopping but he kept me down on his lap, until I calmed down before pulling me up to a sitting position.