Nova POV.
I opened my eyes but was cold, isn't hell supposed to be all warm and hot, but apparently not, it's cold, I felt my teeth clatter together with how cold I'm feeling right now. I looked around wanting to see hell but all I could see was a room, it looked like a regular room, a bedroom, and I was still cold, freezing cold.
"Little girl, why did you do that?" a voice asks me, I look up to see a man, a man with dark hair, tanned skin, and black eyes, he looked mad, furious really.
"I...I..." I say not knowing how to answer him, who is he, and why is he asking why I did that.
"Yes, you?" he asks sounding annoyed with my stuttering.
"Where am I?" I ask him now, still not understanding where I am.
"You're in hell sweetheart, couldn't you tell?" he says, looking around, I really couldn't tell, this look like a normal bedroom.
"In hell? Am I dead?" I ask did I succeed?
"No you're not dead, but if you try something like that again you'll wish you were" he threatens, who does he think he is.
"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are! I want to die! This is non of your business" I say angrily, his eyes went red, crimson red, scaring the living shit out of me, but I wasn't going to pull back who does he think he is!
"This my business little wolf" he growls at me, who does he think he is for real.
"It's not, it's mine and only mine! If I want to die, I can die" I say angrily at him.
"But it's not" he says in a very cold voice making me freeze, well I froze for a second before I exploded in his face.
"You don't know shit about me, don't go acting like you know me! You don't know me and you don't own me!" I scream angry, my frustration, my pain, hurt that I haven't died had the best of me. I left the bedroom, I moved toward the door, I almost made it out when searing pain went through my body, I fell on the ground screaming with pain. The guy, the evil guy walked toward me, he got on one knee seeing me cry in pain down on the floor.
"Tsk tsk, little wolf, that wasn't nice and look where it got you" he says, he caused the pain.
"Stop... please...stop" I plead with him, I couldn't take it anymore.
"Since you asked so nicely" he says making the pain stop, I looked at him with hurt and betrayal.
"Don't look at me like that, you did it all by yourself" he says but I was still mad and blaming him.
"Fine blame me little wolf, let's get you dry" he says, picking me off the floor, I knew I weight close to nothing, my last meal was too long ago, but he shouldn't be able to pick me up this easily.
"I'm strong little wolf" he says, calling me a wolf again, but I'm not a supernatural if I was I'd be claimed by the pack, not be thrown in the orphanage.
"I'll explain things in a bit" he says, he's either really good at guessing or...god forbid he could read my mind.
He set me back on the bed, this time I noticed a towel set down on it, he started to pet my head dry but it felt weird, like something was up there, next he started to undress me, that's when I lost it, yet again.
"Hey! Stop! Don't touch me" I say, I knew what sexual abuse is, I knew he's not supposed to be changing or dressing me.
"I'm not gonna hurt you pup, I just need to change your wet clothes" he says, but I growl at him not believing him. I felt a slap land on my thigh, and it hurt, what's that for.
"Don't even think about that pup! You'll get used to me changing and taking care of you, but don't you dare think about me doing those unspeakable things with you" he says, his sentence doesn't make sense. He went back to taking my shirt off, ignoring me fighting him all the way, he took my pants off too, doesn't he know boundaries, but he was much stronger than me and my small body.
Next he used the same towel, petting my whole body dry, finally he got new clothes, these weren't my size, way too big for my hoodie, but I allowed him to slip it over my head, finally feeling warm.
He made me stand up next, getting new undies for me, they were white with moon all over them, with a strange hole in the back, he made step in them lifting them up to my waist. His hand went under the hoodie adjusting something, it felt weird but connected to my body in the same time and I didn't like it being touched, I whined wanting him to let go.
"Now that you're warm and dry Nova, let's have a chat" he says.