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Chapter 6 I will always have the opportunity to bully her

Camdyn understood his grandson's temperament, and he knew it was unrealistic to expect Patrick to accept Aimee right away. At this point, all he could do was encourage Aimee to spend more time with Patrick and get to know him better. With increased communication, Camdyn hoped that Patrick would realize what a good person Aimee was. Perhaps, this would reignite his zest for life and motivate him to actively cooperate with his treatment.

Camdyn couldn't help but feel excitement brewing within him as he envisioned the possibility of seeing his future great-grandson or great-granddaughter.

Aimee gazed into Camdyn's perceptive eyes, feeling somewhat dazed. How could she have known that Camdyn had already pondered potential names for her and Patrick's future children? He even expressed a desire to witness their weddings.

Aimee replied, "Grandpa, let me go and put away my things first, then I'll go see Mr. Hayden right away."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here. I'll accompany you," Camdyn said, snapping out of his imagination and speaking cheerfully.

Aimee hurried back to her room, stashed away her belongings, laid out the clothes and shoes she used as a cover on the bed, and quickly made her way back.

Camdyn led Aimee to Patrick's room and couldn't help but advise her, "Aimee, Pat has been unwell for a long time and his mood isn't great. He was indifferent towards you yesterday. I apologize on his behalf. I have a favor to ask of you. No matter how he treats you today, please don't get upset, alright?"

"Grandpa, don't worry. I won't," Aimee assured him.

Having lived with the Read family until now, she had cultivated a calm temperament and nothing could easily disturb her emotional equilibrium. Moreover, being a doctor, she better understood a patient's psychological state, so she wouldn't take offense at Patrick's behavior.

Hearing Aimee's response, Camdyn felt relieved.

He said, "Aimee, you're a wonderful girl. I genuinely like you and I'm truly grateful to you. I will talk to Pat and ask him to treat you well."

Aimee acknowledged his words. Suddenly, she stopped Camdyn, feeling a bit hesitant.

"What's the matter?" Camdyn wondered, noticing the unusual expression on her face. This was the first time he had seen her like this.

He reassured her, "Aimee, if there's something on your mind, you can tell me directly. I'll stand by your side."

A warm feeling enveloped Aimee upon hearing those words, as if a comforting current flowed through her entire body.

It was the first time a family member had said something like that to her.

She bit her lip, feeling a touch of embarrassment, and finally spoke up, "Grandpa, I don't understand why our two families have connections through marriages. Now that I am going to marry into the Hayden family, I hope you can promise me one thing."

"Go ahead, tell me," Camdyn encouraged.

"Grandpa, I hope that no matter what the Read family asks of the Hayden family, you will refuse," Aimee looked at Camdyn with a determined gaze and said, "I don't want the Hayden family to be entangled by opportunists."

Camdyn stared at Aimee for a long moment, not rushing to respond.

After Aimee finished speaking, she remained silent, not offering any further explanation.

No one knew how much time passed before Camdyn finally said, "Aimee, thank you for considering me as family."

Aimee's eyes grew teary, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

There was no need for any more words. It was understood without saying.

Camdyn granted her request.

Aimee said, "Thank you, Grandpa."

A slight smile curved her lips, and her clear eyes revealed her purest essence.

Camdyn let out a silent sigh. Mason's lifetime of astuteness had been interrupted by moments of foolishness. Aimee was such a wonderful granddaughter, yet he had neglected to care and love her.

In the room, although Patrick couldn't see, he could hear the conversation between Camdyn and Aimee clearly through the earpiece.

His gaze grew deeper, and nobody could fathom his thoughts.

Trace, hiding in the shadows, didn't dare to utter a word. He wondered why Aimee could be so ruthless, cutting off the Read family's escape route on the second day.

However, he understood the Read family's character well enough. It wasn't an exaggeration for Aimee to describe them as opportunists.

In that light, Aimee's actions were truly considerate of the Hayden family.

But Trace couldn't fathom the reasons behind Aimee's behavior.

He wasn't foolish enough to assume that Aimee had a crush on Patrick.

The moment Camdyn entered the room with Aimee, she felt a piercing gaze fixed upon her.

Unlike yesterday's indifference, today, Patrick's intense scrutiny and inquiry caught Aimee off guard, making her momentarily flustered and guilty.

Fortunately, Patrick quickly averted his gaze, turned to Camdyn, and asked, "Grandpa, is there anything else?"

"Aimee just got back from work, so I thought I'd accompany her to see you again, to make sure you don't bully her in my absence," Camdyn replied.

Patrick let out a light snort, refraining from revealing that Aimee had spent the afternoon shopping and having fun.

He simply remarked to Camdyn, "Grandpa, you better be careful. It's best to accompany her every time. Otherwise, I might just find opportunities to tease her."

Aimee's heart skipped a beat as she glanced at Patrick.

The sense of guilt intensified. Why did it feel like Patrick was insinuating that it was safer to keep an eye on her at night? As if he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't do something.

Coincidentally, Patrick was also looking at her, and in that moment of eye contact, Aimee detected a trace of mockery in his gaze.

She pressed her lips together, remaining silent, and sought shelter behind Camdyn.

Camdyn glared at Patrick, feigning anger, "What kind of nonsense are you talking? She's your wife. You're not allowed to entertain thoughts of bullying her."

Patrick remained silent but somehow entertained thoughts of a different kind of teasing.

His gaze suddenly turned icy. What was he even thinking?

Observing that Patrick ignored him, Camdyn didn't pursue the topic further. Instead, he ensured Aimee's presence was felt in front of Patrick, keeping them in his room for hours.

It wasn't until Patrick let out a yawn and said, "Grandpa, I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed," that Camdyn allowed Patrick to rest and led Aimee away.

As they stepped out of the room, Camdyn spoke up, "Aimee, we made progress today. That's good. I'll accompany you to chat with Pat every day so that he can get used to you more quickly."

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