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Chapter 12 Digging the truth out personally

In the morning, Camdyn entered Patrick's room and found him lost in thought, staring at the ceiling. He approached and asked, "Pat, have you truly decided to let Aimee treat you?"

Patrick turned his gaze towards Camdyn and inquired, "Grandpa, don't you trust her?"

"Aimee is a good girl, and she takes her work seriously. But I still think it would be best to consult with other experts to come up with a better plan," Camdyn replied.

Aimee had been here last night, and while Camdyn was glad that Patrick had accepted her as his doctor, he still harbored doubts about her medical skills. He felt the need to seek out the most reputable physicians. Although he had no objections to Aimee personally and was pleased with her being Patrick's wife, Camdyn had conducted his own investigation. Despite graduating from a prestigious medical institution, Aimee held an ordinary position at Innisrial General Hospital with average qualifications. Aside from a few major operations conducted under her mentor's supervision, she had only performed less challenging surgeries as the primary surgeon. Camdyn couldn't fully entrust Patrick's treatment to her.

"Aimee told me she would work alongside a specialist to take care of you. I suppose that would be acceptable," he said.

Patrick looked deeply into Camdyn's eyes, knowing that his grandfather knew very little about Aimee.

Just as he was about to speak, Camdyn interjected, "Pat, I've arranged for someone to go to Esnya and invite Dr. Dettlaff to come here. If you're unwilling to see other doctors, at least let him conduct a checkup, alright?"

Patrick fell silent. He looked at his grandfather's hopeful expression and ultimately had no reason to refuse.

He responded, "As long as it makes you happy."

Camdyn finally felt relieved.

Meanwhile, Patrick contemplated other matters and suddenly felt reluctant to expose Aimee's abilities. He wanted to uncover any secrets she might be hiding little by little.


Aimee had just stepped out of the operating room when she received a call from Jaylah.

"Aimee, why haven't you done what I asked you to do yet?" Jaylah's tone was unfriendly. She skipped the pleasantries and immediately posed a question.

Holding the phone, Aimee replied, "Jaylah, Camdyn worries about Patrick Hayden's condition every day. He and I can't have any private conversations. As for the person you mentioned, I haven't had a chance to meet him."

Her voice sounded submissive, soft, and tinged with fear, as if she were terrified of the person on the other end of the line.

"I don't care about your reasons. Aimee, don't forget that without our family, you would have perished out there. I'll give you one more night. If you can't accomplish it by then, we'll see what happens." After Jaylah berated her, she abruptly ended the call.

Aimee furrowed her brow and stared at the black screen of her phone. Upon returning to her office, she made a call.

"Please find out for me what TV series Globalhive Pictures is planning to shoot and who the leading actress will be."

The other end of the line responded promptly, "Aimee, it's an adaptation of a fantasy novel written by Rosie Hawkins. The leading actress hasn't been finalized yet."

"Is it because there's no decision, or is there a problem with the decision-maker?" Aimee inquired.

"Aimee, don't be too sharp. According to the information I've received, the leading actress has actually been chosen. It's Eva Chandler, the youngest daughter of Maxwell Chandler from Globalhive's Performing Arts Department. But Miles Hayden is delaying the announcement because Maxwell wanted to support his daughter and inadvertently offended Miles. So, they're at a standstill until they find a suitable candidate."

Aimee quickly grasped the situation. Maxwell wanted to promote his daughter but had clashed with Miles. This deadlock occurred because they couldn't find the right person.

She lightly twitched the corner of her mouth, swiftly typed a message on her phone, and slipped it back into her pocket.


Half an hour later, after Jaylah finished filming, her agent Tia approached her with great excitement. Tia cheerfully exclaimed, "Jaylah, you're about to become famous!"

"I'm tired of hearing that. Can't you tell me something new?" Jaylah took the thermos cup that Tia handed her, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip. The warm jujube tea enveloped her in comfort.

"This time it's for real. We've secured the role you've always desired," Tia declared.

Jaylah paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Isn't that how it should be? I've told you that my sister married Patrick Hayden. It's only natural that Globalhive Pictures would cast me."

Although she spoke those words, darkness lingered in Jaylah's eyes.

Aimee, that conniving woman! Jaylah had already given her ample time to secure the role, but Aimee didn't act promptly. Only after Jaylah scolded her on the phone did Aimee finally take care of things. She was truly despicable!

If Aimee dared to act difficult with her in the future, Jaylah would make sure to get her into trouble.

Lost in her own thoughts, Jaylah failed to notice the peculiar look in Tia's eyes.

Tia said, "But Jaylah, the director personally chose you, and he even said that if you don't play the heroine, he won't proceed with the shoot."

Jaylah's expression froze upon hearing this, and she stared at Tia in disbelief.

"Tia, are you absolutely sure?" Jaylah questioned.

"Of course, I just received a call from the director himself. He informed me directly. There's no possibility of it being a lie," Tia confirmed.

Jaylah involuntarily tightened her grip on the thermos cup, her anger rising instantly.

As expected, relying on that deceitful woman would lead to nothing. She had initially given Aimee credit, but in the end, she still had to depend on herself to secure the role.

Jaylah let out a cold snort and said to Tia, "What about Globalhive Pictures? Do they really give the director such significant authority?"

Tia responded nonchalantly, "We don't need to concern ourselves with what Globalhive Pictures does. All you need to know now is that the role is yours, and you can join the filming crew. Once this is broadcast, you'll become an A-list actress. The rest is not our concern."

Jaylah shared the same sentiment and nodded, saying, "Alright, Tia, let's sign the contract as soon as possible."

On the other end, after speaking with Tia, Francis Snider called Aimee. "Aimee, you've embarrassed me. Tell me how you plan to compensate me."

Francis had spent over 20 years in the industry. Though he had already become a director with significant influence, he had always relied on his directing skills and had never stooped so low before.

Just recalling his actions earlier made him feel ashamed and flustered. He had acted like an unruly person, causing a scene in front of the investors and insisting on making casting decisions himself.

Aimee, who was already in a taxi on her way back to the Hayden Mansion, heard Francis's words and replied, "I'll make it up to you."

Francis immediately brightened up and hastily said to Aimee, "It's a deal. Don't go back on your word."

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