I looked around me and was shocked to my bone when I found myself on a bed that looked like it emerged from the 80s, in a tiny room that looked all messy and ancient.
No, this had to be a dream.
One minute, I was in my castle and the next, I was in a disgusting place, whatever it was.
The last thing I remember was struggling. And then it hit me.
I had been kidnapped. By him.
"You kidnapped me" I said in disbelief. He said nothing, he just remained seated, watching me.
"You bastard" I said, still in shock. I stood up from the bed, almost tripping because of my long ball gown. "I command you to take me back home this instance" I pointed my finger at him. He stared at me for one split second and then he laughed. He threw his head back and kept laughing.
Bewildered, I dropped my hand and watched him. What was funny about what I said. Was he mad?
"You command me?" He said and laughed again. It was extremely mocking and it left me speechless.
"I think you need to look around again" he stood up suddenly and i backed away. It was an involuntary action. "Does this look like your Castle?" His tone was mean, his eyes were cold and scary. It made me suddenly loose my voice. I blinked.
"How much do you want? Name your price, my father will pay it" I regained my voice and spoke, "I know its money you want, just looking at you" I said calmly, way too calm. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. I waited for an answer but none came, instead he turned around and sat on the old wooden chair again.
"Tell me how much you want, Every one has a price" I repeated, this time, more firmly.
"I don't need your money princess, I already got paid" he said and my lips parted.
"Someone paid you to kidnap me?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Who would want me kidnapped. "Tell me how much and I will double the amount, hell I will even triple it" I offered. He crossed his hand over his chest and just watched me. His calm demeanor was driving me crazy.
"I command you to tell me now" I shouted but he wasn't moved.
"Again with the command?" He raised a brow. I was loosing my cool. This had to be some kind of joke or prank, which I would not forgive.
I turned around, pulling at my hair. Taking in my surroundings again, I wanted to gag at how awful it was. From the looks of it, it was cabin but a terribly small one. There was an L-shaped line of drawers with a few pots and and kitchen utensils scattered all over it. Apart from that, the place was empty, just the bed and the chair he was sitting on.
No, I couldn't stay here.
"Get me out of this crap hole right now" I ordered again, facing him. He sighed and leaned forward.
"This crap hole, like you call it, is going to be your home for the next few weeks" I shook my head.
"No" I gripped my head and tried to think of something. I couldn't stay here, especially not against my will.
I looked up at him in disgust, "I can't believe I actually thought you were charming"
"I'm flattered" he simply said.
"You will pay for this, I will make sure you are thrown in the dungeon forever" I threatened.
"I'm sorry princess, but that's not going to happen" the confidence in which he spoke baffled me.
For a moment, I was speechless until I remembered our encounter earlier.
"Where is my bracelet, you thief" in a split second, his eyes changed and his face turned stone. I probably hit a nerve.
"I would watch my tone if I were you" he warned but ofcourse that didn't scare me. I was a princess, and he wouldn't dare hurt me.
"You wanted to sell it and get more money?" I said, provoking him even more "ofcourse, I mean, with a home like this, you need all the money you can get because.. " I took one step forward, "..this place reeks of poverty" I finished. I saw how his jaw clenched and unclenched. Then he stood up from the chair and I was forced to back away, again involuntary action. He stood directly in front of me and stared down at me.
"Those are mere words, they don't move me" he said, shocking me for like the hundreth time and then he walked past me.
I was frozen on my feet but when I noticed the door that was just ahead of me, I knew I had to make a run for it. So I held my gown with both hands and bolted out of the small door but when I stepped out, I stopped in my tracks.
A chill of horror ran down my body.
All I saw were trees. Endless trail of tall trees, left, right, front and back. The tiny cabin was the only thing in the middle. I felt all the colors drain out of my face.
"Help!" I screamed. It was my only option even though I was unsure anyone would help me.
"Help me!!" I screamed again, even louder but my voice probably just got lost in the wind.
"No one is going to hear you princess" I heard his voice behind me but I refused to turn around. He knew I wouldn't be able to escape, that's why he didn't run after me like I expected.
"I'm sure you need the fresh air, so when you done, come inside unless you want to be eaten by wild animals" he said and then I heard his footstep retreating.
I inhaled a shaky breath, another, and another and then I felt tears begin to roll down my cheeks. The realization that I had been kidnapped hit me again, but this time harder.
My body shuddered as more silent tears rolled down. I didn't realize when I dropped down to the rough grass beneath me.
I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Who would want me kidnapped. I hadn't offended anyone. I didn't have enemies. My parents didn't have enemies either, atleast none that I knew of.
Or did they? Were they trying to get back at them by kidnapping me?
I sobbed even more, just thinking about it. Then I remembered Alexander, my mother, my father. They would be looking for me. I knew they would find me but I hoped it would be very soon.
As the clouds darkened, I remained in the same position, seated on the grass. I had stopped crying. So I just sat there devising way to escape. I knew I couldn't sit back and wait for my parents without doing anything. I might be a princess but I was strong.
I was calculating and planning until a i heard a weird sound from the trees, then I remembered his words. I was gradually feeling the fear creep inside of me but I didn't want to go in there.
But then again, I couldn't stay out there. I shut my eyes in despair. There was no way out for me.
When I heard the sound again, I quickly got up and rushed inside the cabin, that was now dark.
"I was hoping you would come back in" the sound of his voice only woke up my anger.
"You can have the bed" he got up and walked over to the end, grabbed what looked like a mat and spread it on the floor. I swallowed any mean comment I had and decided to remain silent.
"I hope you are not scared of the dark princess" he said. Again I didn't respond. He then layed down on the mat. Although I wasn't exactly seeing his face, I could see his silhouette and hear his movements.
Defeated, I slowly climbed the bed that made a few creaky sounds, and layed down. I pushed everything aside and fell asleep