Chapter 5: Assumptions & Drinks
When Natalia came back alone Alessia tensed up, worried if Alessandro was hurt or worse, dead, she didn't know if she could trust them.
"Where's Alessandro?" Alessia asked Natalia.
Natalia sat down, leaning back in her seat. "Relax he's using the restroom, He told me he knew the way back, so I left." She lied.
"Sorry for my tone-" Natalia waved her hand dismissively.
"He's your boyfriend I get why you be worried." Natalia watched as Alessia shook her head shocked at her's assumptions.
"He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother."
"My apologizes, I just saw you two dancing together and thought you were dating."
"It's ok, there's no need to apologize." Natalia smiled, it felt different because this one was real.
They talked a bit more until Alessandro stepped into the room, his eyes immediately met Natalia's. "Looks like you two are getting along." He said as he took a seat.
"I'm glad we are, so I don't have to talk to you," Alessia said to her brother.
"I'm hurt, you know I'm great company." He said acting offended.
"Keep telling yourself that." Natalia laughed softly, wondering if this was what Andrey and her looked like when they argued.
After a few minutes, Alessandro and Anton began talking about business.
"Alessandro and I will be going to my office to discuss the contract." Her father said as both he and Alessandro got up.
They all watched as they left, it was now Andrey, Nicole, Alessia and Natalia in the dining area.
"Since that's over I'm going to my room," Andrey said, kissing his mother cheek before exiting the room.
"Natalia, why don't you show Alessia around."
Natalia sighed but got up Alessia did the same, bidding goodbye to Natalia's mother, they walked out of the room.
"So where do you want to go first?" Natalia asked Alessia.
"I have no clue," Alessia answered making them smile.
"How about the indoor bar?" Natalia asked. "I could use a drink."
"Great, follow me." Alessia followed Natalia as she walked down the hall to their right.
After a few minutes of walking, they came to a stop. Natalia opened the white door revealing the bar.
They walked further inside, some of Natalia's mafia members were in there getting a drink or chatting.
Everyone's eyes shot to them, even though they didn't know Alessia, they had a feeling she was important because she was walking with Natalia.
They sat around the bar, instantly the bartender appeared in front of them. "Ms Petrov, what may I get you and your friend?" James, the bartender asked.
"Tequila neat." Natalia requested.
"Whiskey," Alessia said, James, nodded before making their drinks.
"So do you think your brother is going to accept the alliance?"
"I think he will, I hope he does," Alessia answered in deep thought.
"Aw, you're gonna miss me if he doesn't agree with it." Alessia rolled her eyes.
"Please, like anyone could miss you," Alessia answered making them laugh, just as their drinks appeared in front of them.
"Cheers to new friends," Alessia said as she raised her glass.
Natalia raised her glass, before making contact with Alessia's. "To new friends." They drank the night away, it was now 1 in the morning.
Luckily Natalia didn't get drunk easily, The same couldn't be said for Alessia as she was already drunk.
"Let's get you to one of the guest bedrooms." Natalia placed one of Alessia's arms around her neck, her arm wrapped around her waist.
She carried Alessia out the bar door, going to the closest bedroom she could find.
Once she found one she opened the door going in, she placed Alessia on the bed taking off her shoes. She had only just realized Alessia had passed out. Turning on the air conditioner she covered Alessia's body.
She walked out of the room closing the door slowly. Natalia walked back to the dining room where she saw her father and Alessandro talking.
As soon as she stepped into the room her presence was acknowledged. "Natalia, where's Alessia?" Alessandro asked Natalia as she took a seat.
"Dead." He gave her an amused look.
"I hope her path to hell wasn't too bad." Natalia laughed before saying.
"She's sleeping."
"She's in one of the guest bedrooms."
"Could you show me which one?" He asked.
"Sure, it's not like I don't have a life waiting to be given attention." He chuckled getting up from his seat.
"I won't be long Mr Petrov." Anton
"Go on, you know what how about you stay for the night?" Natalia's father asked.
"No, I don't want to intrude-"
"Nonsense, I'll have a maid prepare a room for you." Alessandro sighed but nodded.
"Let's go," Natalia said, breaking him out of his train of thoughts.
End Of Chapter 5: Assumptions & Drinks