Chapter 1: Gaze & Event
Natalia's P.O.V
I reloaded my gun, pointing it at my cardboard target. When I applied pressure to the trigger, a bullet travel through the barrel of the gun hitting my target right between its eyes.
As I was about to take another shot, the door to the Shooting Range opened. On instinct I swiftly turned around, aiming my gun at the intruder.
The 'intruder' was my older brother, Andrey. "It's just me." He announced. I lowered my gun even though I wouldn't mind making him my next target.
"What do you want?" I inquired while slipping my gun into my bag, "Папа wants to see us." I immediately felt drained from the conversation that hadn't even happened yet. (Папа - Dad)
"Did he say why he wants to see us?" Andrey shook his head as I handed him my bag, walking past him.
"Are you aware I'm not your maid?" I shrugged.
"And are you aware I don't care?" I remarked which earned an eye roll from him as we left the Range going towards his car where his bodyguard, Ekaterina, waited for us.
"Why don't you use the guns at the Range like a normal person?" He asked while entering the car.
"I prefer my guns," I told him watching as Ekaterina started the car, waiting for us to get settled in the back.
"Are you ready, sir?" Ekaterina questioned my brother, he nodded allowing her to drive towards our family's manor.
"What do you think he's gonna tell us?" Andrey asked.
"Probably that you're adopted."
"We're twins."
A few minutes passed before we arrived at our manor, the second we went inside we were greeted by one of our maids. "Hello, Mr and Ms Petrov. Follow me." And we did, silently.
It didn't take much time for us to arrive at my father's office.
Andrey knocked on the door, I on the other hand opened it, walking through.
"You have no manners." He whispered.
"Was that suppose to make me feel something?" Before he had the chance to respond, my father cleared his throat drawing our attention to him and our mother.
She sat in his office chair smoking a cigar while our father stood behind the leather chair, his hand on its head.
"Finally, you've arrived." My mother greeted us, while we took a seat in front of the desk.
"Why did you send for us?" I asked.
"Tonight we're going to the Mafia's annual ball." Andrey was the first to react as he laughed as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.
"How are we even allowed back after Natalia's behaviour?" Andrey asked, I raised a brow.
"My behaviour was a normal reaction, I should have killed him," I stated as I was now being reminded of the damage I had done to the waiter after he touched my ass.
"I think a broken arm is good enough, Natalia. I promised them that there would be no more violence." My mother warned me.
My father's eyes moved over to me with a stern look. "I'm expecting you to allow us to keep our promise because I heard that the leader of the Italian mafia is going to be there for the first time in years. I see this as an opportunity to form an alliance." I knew how important business was to my father, so I just nodded.
"I promise to be on my best behaviour unless I'm provoked. Is there still a dress code?" He nodded.
"Red for females and black for males." He informed us.
"Natalia I bought some dresses for you, they're on your bed." My mother told me, I sent her a tight smile.
My mother and I weren't exactly on good terms, but I could tell she was trying to change that even though we both knew nothing she did now could change the shit she did in the past.
"Thank you, now is that all?"
"Yes, the ball starts at nine, be ready by then." I was the first to stand as I wanted to get ready as soon as possible since I knew how fast time flew.
My brother and I left the office, letting out a sigh I turned to him. "What time is it now?"
He looked at his watch. "7:56 PM." I instantly walked towards my room knowing I didn't have much time.
"You're welcome." He shouted after me.
When I arrived in my room, I quickly took a shower before starting with my hair and makeup which took a good 40 minutes since I had to blow dry and straighten it, lucky I decided not to wear too much makeup because I had no need for it.
It took 10 minutes for me to choose which dress I would wear tonight, but once I did, I quickly changed into it and began putting on my heels with ease.
I moved over to my mirrors taking in my outfit.
The red dress I wore fitted my body to perfection, the thin straps kept it up while the slightly deep V neck gave me a good view of my medium-sized breasts.
My eyes went further down the dress greeting the slit that showed off my legs and the silver heels that I sported on my feet.
Without warning my brother entered my room, "You know there's a reason doors were made. They aren't for show so next time knock when you come in." I stated while fixing my hair.
Rolling his eyes, he asked, "Are you ready?"
"Yep," I said whilst taking my red clutch off the dresser before walking out the room with my brother behind me.
We walked downstairs where our parents stood, talking lowly so no one could hear them. "We're ready," I announced catching their attention.
"About time, let's go." My father said and no one made any move of disobeying his order.
We walked outside towards the black limo. "Ok, first of all, no weapons are allowed at the ball so hand them over."
"Natalia's hands have proven to be a weapon." My brother stated, referring to the waiter incident, I rolled my eyes.
I took my gun from my purse, putting it on safety along with the small knife in my heels and the one in my hair before handing it to my father.
"Be careful with my Betty, I just got her." Andrey chuckled softly. "You named your gun?"
"You still sleep with your teddy bear and I'm the weird one?" He scoffed, crossing his arms.
"That's very low, Lia."
The driver opened the door to the limo, waiting for us to enter. "Come on." My father ordered, my mother and brother listened, but I stood still.
"I'll take my car, I rather not be in a car with you all."
"Nat-" My father began, but my mother stopped him.
"Dear, let her do what she wants." He sighed deciding to listen to his wife.
"Fine," I smiled softly before going into the garage that was filled with cars, I walked towards my favourite one, the red Audi R8 V10.
Sliding inside my car, I started it while opening the garage door, soon I drove out going to the event.
I made sure to take my sweet time since I knew I would have to social and that was one of the many things I hated.
I arrived at the event in a matter of 30 minutes, I parked my car in front of the red carpet.
The second I stepped out I was greeted by the flashes of cameras, A valet walked towards me, I threw the key to him before walking down the red carpet.
Even though I was in the mafia, I had a cover-up, I was a model and a very famous one at that. My father on the other hand was world famous businessman.
"Natalia over here!" Someone shouted, I posed for a few pictures before heading inside.
The second I entered everyone turned to me, taking in my attire. Many stared at me with jealousy and others looked at me with awe.
It wasn't a secret that almost everyone here was interested in me, single and married.
Though they would never try anything since the fear of my name was stronger than the simple infatuation of the thought of being with me.
Like always I ignored the stares as I looked over the crowd to find my parents, which was a bit hard since everyone was wearing red and black.
The second I caught the sight of my brother, I moved down the stairs making my way to them while dodging the people who tried to start a conversation with me.
"You took your time." My father said, I decided to ignore that comment as I spoke again.
"Why are we here again?" I inquired even though I didn't really care as my mind began to stray on all the other important things I could be doing with my time.
"Are you even listening to me?" My brother asked, snapping me out of my trance.
"It's a habit, your voice annoys me, so over the years I've learned to ignore you."
"I feel the love." He said sarcasm dripping from his words.
"Anyways, what were you saying?" I questioned him.
"We're here to ally with the Italian Mafia."
"You know when I asked that I wasn't really looking for a response." He rolled his eyes when I said this.
"I hate you." He mumbled while drinking his wine which made suddenly made me feel like I needed alcohol to survive the night.
"Trust me, Andrey, the feeling is very mutual." A waiter passed by with drinks on a tray, I didn't even wait for his reply as I began following the person.
"I'll be right back," I told them before they could stop me.
I'm currently in the process of rewriting chapters 2-14 (So keep in mind those chapters aren't the final versions) and I'm editing the rest of the book because of grammatical errors.
End Of Chapter 1: Gaze & Event