HE KEEP's on glacing his son who's still eating, he must be really worried at the same time relieved that he's son was starting to eat meals.
What a good father he is... and I'm sorry for doubting you, Yves. I can't say sorry to you personally but I just can say it in my mind.
Xavy stop eating and then he looked at his father, "Do you want to eat, Papa?"
Yves smiled and nodded, "Yes, I would like too."
I was stunned when he suddenly smile. My heart skips when I saw how beautiful he is when he's smiling especially he's eyes were sparkling. He really love his son.
The way their eyes sparkle was so beautiful enough to make my heart tightens a bit.
Xavy raised his head to looked up on me while his still sitting on my lap, "You want to eat too?"
I also smile when he asked me, "Yes but I'm afraid that I'm already full, do you remember that you feed me earlier?"
He nodded and then glance at his father who's busy putting some dishes on his plate.
Xavy looked at me again, "Then, how about you feed Papa and Me?"
I stilled when he asked me to do that. I mean I've never really feed someone in my whole life, only this adorable kid. But if Xavy's asking me with his cute little face and eyes that sparkles, I don't think that I can say no to that.
I glance at Yves if he allowed me to feed him. Well, it's so obvious that he doesn't like someone to feed him because he has his own hands. Who would like to be feed by someone like me? Duh, I'm just their babysitter that's all.
It's fine by me if he doesn't want to because I don't want to feed him also since he has two hands who's still functioning freely.
I looked at Xavy who's still raising his head while staring at me, waiting for my answer.
I smile at him, "What about we both feed you, hmm?"
His eyebrows meet and his face wrinkled,"Why? I want you to feed Papa and Me."
I still want to leave, Dear Xavy. I still love my life and I haven't meet the one who can make my heart beats fast. Like doki doki.
I sighed and looked at Yves while looking at the fork which already has meat on it. I took a glance on him and giving him a signal to open his mouth.
"Say ahh..."I shyly said but he wont even bulge, he's just staring at me.
Come on, just pick it already... it's so embarrasing. I mean, why would I even feed my boss?
Just pray for my soul tonight, he really has this deadly glares at me.
How could I resist your son?! Just pick it up my hands are starting to numb... Grrr... this fucking handsome jerk!
Because my hands were starting to numb from waiting for him to pick up the meat using his mouth, I decided to withdraw my hands but before I could withdraw, he caught my hands and eat the meat.
Tss, if he wants to eat it then he should just eat it earlier.
He looked at me and then let go of my hands, "It's good."
"Yeah, it is."I answered back.
I prick the meat using the fork and then feed it to Xavy, he immediately opened his mouth to savoured the meat.
"Is it good?"I asked him and he immediately nodded in response then he continued eating, this time he was the one who's holding the fork and using his hand to feed himself.
I suppose that he can feel the tension ealier, he might actually think that were uncomfortable of feeding each other that's why he didn't bother to ask us to feed at each other.
I gently stroke his hair while he's still busy eating. He must be really hungry.
I tapped his shoulder lightly, "Xavy can you please get off me for a second, I need to drink water."
He stopped from eating and then he looked at his father who's also eating, "Papa."He called his father made Yves looked at his direction.
"Yes, you need anything?"He asked but as expected, his still has this emotionless and cold type expression.
"Please give her a glass of water."He said softly make my jaw dropped.
I panicked a little when he said those to his father, I mean my dear Xavy I'm the person who got hired by your Papa so I musn't just ordered him for something.
Damn... I'm gonna get killed.
I nervously shooked my head, "N-No n-need, I'm really not thirsty. I-I'm f-fine really."
Yves looked at me, "Why are you stammering? Are you scared?"
Look dude, you already asked me that question for three times.
Who wouldn't be scared if you are on my shoes!
I smiled sweetly, "No ofcourse not. But it's true that you don't have to go lengths to bring me glass of water since I'm not really thirsty."
He shrugged, "Who said I'm gonna bring you one?"
Damn this handsome jerk! If you don't want then don't, you should've just said so! Grrr...
"Are you cursing me on your mind?"He coldly asked me straight to my eyes.
I don't have a choice but to looked directly to his eyes since he doesn't want me to avert my eyes.
I smiled at him, "Ofcourse not, Sir. Why would I curse you? By the way, why did you think that?"
He pointed the spoon which I was holding on my right hand, it was bend. The spoon isn't really that type to bend easily but it bend easily when I did it.
I was throwing my anger to my right hand and who or what i'm holding will directly be the one who'll take my anger to prevent myself from speaking harshly.
I smiled at him and looked at the spoon, "Wow... This spoon is really easy to bend. Am I a psychic or what?"