Married or not he wanted her badly and her being married to his nemesis also known as his brother won't even stop him from having her in his bed again and this time he didn't want a short fling or a woman to warm his bed for a few days,he wanted to claim her as his and he will.
But knowing Sabrina she'll fight hard against this strong current that's pulling them together but he'll enjoy breaking down all her barriers.
"I take it everything went well señor."Pablo said as soon as his boss climb into the back of the black SUV.
"Perfect."He answered with a smile.
"To the office."
"Yes there's no rest for the wicked Pablo."He was still debating whether or not to call Sabrina even though she has agreed to have dinner with him. Taking out his cell he punched in her number his thumb hovered over the dial button on his screen without hesitating he pressed down on his screen.
A second later it rang when her soft voice filled the other end of the line he shut his eyes and savored the beauty of her voice.Just hearing her voice has his blood rushing with adrenaline his heart is racing as if it's about to jump out of his chest.
How can she make him feel this way."Hello..?"He heard her say again.
"Alessandro."She said his name so lovingly."Now isn't a good time.Can I call you later."
"What's wrong?Is Leo alright,did something happen to him."His genuine concern warmed her heart but right now she doesn't have the time to be flattered Craig is home and he wasn't in the best of moods.
"No he's fine.Craig on the other hand isn't and if he can know I'm talking to you it will only make him more angrier."
"Why?What will he do."He went quiet."Is he putting his hands on you."
"No,I have to go."She cut the call before he could say anything,he called again but she dropped the call Craig was coming out of his office and his eyes screamed murder."What's wrong?Did something happened at the office."
"Why do you care."He snapped.
"I do when it comes to my father's company,what have you done now."
"Always so quick to put the blame on me aren't you."He slowly came over to her."I don't have to tell you anything."
"Let me guess you lost a deal.Nice isn't it that the shoe is on other foot now you know how all those other people felt when you took what's their.Bitter pill to swallow dearest husband."
"Don't push me even further Sabrina."The threat clear in his tone."Or else along with Alessandro I'll show you what I'm capable of."
She should've known only Alessandro would make him this angry."Why do you hate him so much what has he ever done to you.Or are jealous of his success and how far he's come."
"He's nothing compared to me and I'll show him exactly where he belongs under my shoe cause there's where dirt like him belong.He thinks this is the end that I'll give in than he's mistaken I'll show him who Craig Rogers is."
"Careful you don't destroy yourself in the process he doesn't seem like a man who can be easily fooled."
"And what do you know?"His hand curled around her arm,he tugged her forward."Is there something you wanna tell me."
Sabrina tried to remove his fingers off her arm but they only tighten she could feel them digging into her flesh."Let go of me."
"You think I don't know you had lunch with him." Grey eyes widen in surprise. "Did you think I wouldn't come to know there's nothing I don't know about you except when it comes to him."She could hear the bitterness in his voice as he pointed to Leo's sleeping form in his car seat.
"We didn't have lunch I was waiting for Taylor when he showed up at our table."She desperately tried to remove his hand off her arm.
"If I find out you screwing him behind my back you'll be sorry not even he will save you from me.I own you don't forget that."He leaned closer to kiss her head she turned away from it."I'll never grant you a divorce the only way you'll ever get rid of me is through death and I my lovely wife ain't dying anytime soon."He let go of her she rubbed her arm where his fingers had been it was hurting."And before I forget Taylor is moving in be a good hostess and prepare one of the spare bedrooms for her.I'll see you tonight." He stalked out.
She weakly sank down to the couch tears misted her eyes but she refuses to cry she can't let Craig break her no matter how defeated she might be Leo needs her she has to stay strong in order to survive this hell she's in.A knock on the door brought her back to the present quickly she wiped the few tears that had fallen and went to answer the door.
"What are you doing here."Sabrina stared in amazement at Alessandro on their doorstep all her fears and worries disappeared the second she looked into his eyes he's so gorgeous in his black suit she nearly leaned into him as his body heat surrounded her.Casually he walked past her and stood inside the foyer she closed the door and faced him."Alessandro you shouldn't be here."
"Are you alright."He took a step toward her she took one back.
"You need to leave before Craig comes home and find you here.I can't afford another out burst."She crossed her arms she didn't trust that she wouldn't reach out to him,all she needed to feel right now is safe and she knows she'll get it in his arms like before.
"Has he hurt you."
"No."She said staring past his shoulders."Do you mind telling me why Craig's so upset,if he can see you now-..."
"You don't seriously think I'm afraid of him."She doesn't but she doubts Craig does any of his dirty dealings himself he wouldn't want anything to lead back to him."You've been crying."Gently he touched her cheeks the tenderness of his touch made her heart constrict."What's he done to you Sabrina."
"Whatever is happening between me and my husband is none of your concern Alessandro."His gaze hardened."You have to go."
"A husband who treats you so poorly doesn't deserve the loyalty you have for him.What are you still doing with him.Why did you agree to marry him in the first place."
"He's Leo's father it makes sense that I married him."
"So you could live an unhappy life."
"And who's says I'm unhappy.Craig and I happily married."
"Yes I can see that,that's the reason you have tears in your eyes."
Sabrina looked away from him."You know nothing about me."
"You'd be surprised how much I really know." Their eyes clashed Sabrina wondered if he knows the truth about her relationship with Craig.
"Why didn't you tell me you and him are brothers."
"Half brother."He said bitterly."So he finally told you."
"No,I overheard him talking on the phone.Why do you hate each others so much."
"You should talk to your husband about this not me."
"Craig won't tell me anything even if I can ask that's why I'm asking you I know you won't lie to me."
"We share a mother,the second I was born she left me alone with my father and never looked back.Apparently we didn't fit into her perfect lifestyle as for Craig I never had a problem with him until he started putting his nose into my business trying to sabotage a company I worked hard for to make a success. He's messing with my family's livelihood now that's something I won't take lightly."
"You need to be careful Alessandro don't underestimate him."
"Shouldn't you be worried about him,yet you say you happily married."
"I am.I don't want anyone to get hurt."Especially you she silently added."Leo needs his father."
"Good advice Sabrina the only problem is you directing it at the wrong man."