"When and what time."She asked.
"I'll call you."He turned and stormed off leaving her to stare after him.
"You don't have my number."She absently told herself but something told her he already has it.On her way home she called Taylor again and got no answer so much for her meeting Leo Sabrina doesn't even know why she's trying when all Taylor does is shut her out and lie to her all the time she guess Alessandro is right we can't choose our family.
She saw Craig's car parked in the driveway when she got home that's strange what is he doing here this time of day.Taking Leo out the car she went inside the second she opened the door she found herself face to face with Taylor and Craig they were kissing looking at Craig's half dressed clothes she can only imagine what they'd been up to.
Sabrina didn't know if she should be angry or disgusted but surprisingly she felt none.They pulled apart when they saw her."No need to stop on my behalf." She told them and strolled past them into the living room.
"Sabrina I-..."Taylor began,she held up a hand to stop her Taylor is so beautiful with her blonde hair,blue eyes,creamy white skin and slim body she can be with any man she wanted to be but she just had to fall in love with Craig.
"Don't try to explain something that's obvious,I know you sleeping with Craig long before we got married and quite frankly I don't care what he does or with whom.You could've told me the truth instead of letting me sit like a fool inside a restaurant for over an hour waiting for you."
"I'm sorry I was gonna come."Taylor said apologetically.
"When?After your third orgasm."
"Sabrina..."Craig jumped in.
"Don't bother Craig my son is tired and don't follow me I don't wanna see your face right now."She's hardly entered her room when he stormed inside."Get out!"She yelled at him.
"Listen to me."
"I don't want to listen to you can't you get that."
"You know whatever Taylor and I have is nothing there's no need for you to worry she means nothing.I want you,I love you."He came forward.
"You're heartless and despicable not to mention disgusting is that what you tell Taylor right before taking her to bed and don't you dare come any closer."
"Maybe if you acted like my wife than I wouldn't have to seek pleasure in other women's arms."
"Then it's a good thing I'll never be a proper wife unto you."Just the thought of him touching her made her skin crawl a cold shiver raced down her spine.She saw his hands balled into fists then he stormed out of her room.Sanking down on her bed she said."Dear lord give me the strength."She stayed in her bedroom for the rest of the day around dinner time she went downstairs and went to eat with her dad in his room.
"What's wrong Sabrina.Did you have a fight with Craig."
"No dad."
"You so unhappy ever since we came to stay here."
That's because I am."No I'm fine.How was the walk earlier on."She's thankful her dad hadn't been here while Craig had rolled around in bed with her sister.
Her father has no clue about what's happening behind his back and Sabrina wants to spare him the pain and heartache of what his daughter is doing. "Don't avoid the subject."
"I'm not."
"You don't have to stay married to Craig only because of me if you unhappy get a divorce."
Oh dad she thought if only it was that easy."I am happy."She put on a smile.
"Don't shut me out like your sister has Sabrina I'm here if you want to talk."
"I know dad and when the time is right I'll tell you."She's never told anyone but after her father had gotten ill and he'd been admitted into hospital Craig had brought some papers for her to sign he'd said it was medical paperwork she has to sign for her father's surgery.
She had been so distraught and unfocused she never did bother to read the papers all she'd done was sign not knowing she's signing her life away to that monster he'd tricked her and now she's bound to him for life unless he says otherwise not a day goes by that she doesn't regret ever reading those papers first.
Somehow he had known she wouldn't stay with him for long and he had to come up with a plan to keep her with him whether she wanted to or not.
"Is he hurting you."
"Dad let it go and please don't ask him anything.For my sake."
"Dad please do it for Leo then."
"What have I done."He said."Forcing you to marry a man who doesn't treat you right."
"It's okay.Dad didn't know Craig is very convincing not to mention manipulative and I don't blame you dad thought he was a good man."
"Still as a father I should've know best,no wonder Taylor is the way she is because I probably let her down too same way I let you down."
"Dad don't say that."She went to him.
"Forgive me."
"There's nothing to forgive I'd do anything for you."
"By sacrificing yourself in the process.No Sabrina you shouldn't."
"You my father it's my job to take care of you."
"And mine too but I've failed."
"You the best father ever and I love you."She hugged him,tears glistened her eyes."How about I fetch Leo and the three of us can spend some time together."
"Great idea I love the time I have with you guys."
"I'll be right back."She took their plates and left it in the kitchen on her way to the stairs she heard Craig in his office talking,quietly she made her way over there.
"I want that land."She heard him say."Make them an offer they can't refuse I cannot let my bastard of a brother get it."He went quiet before speaking again. "In fact buy all the surrounding properties and land,I'll be damned if I allow Alessandro to come here and take over as if he belongs here."Sabrina's air left her lungs as she quickly put one into one,Craig and Alessandro are brothers but how,how was that even possible.
Oh my god it couldn't....can't be true.She moved away and rushed upstairs,she shut and lock the door to Leo's nursery. No they aren't related,why didn't Alessandro say anything if that's true why keep it a secret.Sabrina's head worked over time she paced the floor thinking and trying to make sense of everything of what she's heard.
Why does Craig hate Alessandro so much if they really are brothers then why such hatred for your own family,she groaned as she glanced at Leo,what has mommy dragged you into she thought.No it can't be.
She held a hand to her head she's beginning to get a headache her head is pounding all she keeps on telling herself is it isn't true...it couldn't be,that night she barely slept a wink.
Alessandro smiled to himself as he thought what Craig's reaction will be when he finds out he's lost the bid man he wishes he can be there to see his face.He thought he could outmaneuver him but little does he know that he's two steps ahead of him.
Alessandro knows he's trying to get rid of him,trying to snatch every deal away from him but he didn't come this far by playing nice or allowing people to walk all over him and if his brother wants to learn the hard way then he'll enjoy watching how Craig brings about his own downfall.
His smile grew wider he loves a challenge and his next one is taking his wife away from him. Sabrina is one woman that always crepts up his mind even though he might be busy with work she was there in his thoughts it's been two days since he's seen her,and her sweet clean scent still haunts him day in and day out.
Last night he'd dreamt about her, she'd been in his arms again...naked and begging him to make her his screaming out his name as she goes over the edge it had felt so real he'd been all hard and breathing heavily,his thing has never been so strongly erected like last night and never before has any woman brought about such a strong need in him that all he could think about was her.