Even now she still has no shame to come all the way here and ask him for money.Enrique handed him the water.
"Leave us."He instructed.They did.Slowly she sat upright and met his gaze.He held out the water to her she took it."You have five minutes.Start
Piper's head is aching due to all the crying and not sleeping."I don't even know where to begin."She started.
"You need money."He said coldly.
She flinched at the harshness with which he said it.Yes she needed money. Lots of it but that isn't why she's here."No!"She said aghast."I don't want your money."
"Then why are you here if you don't need money."His tone harden."Or are you hoping we'll pick up where we left off.In search for your next rich husband to fulfill all your needs and desire.Huh?Sorry to disappoint you Blondie.You've chosen the wrong man."
Piper can't say she's surprised at his words.She had expect him to be cold,cruel she had come prepared for anything he will throw at her but his words cut deep they tore through her heart.Maybe coming here had been a mistake. "Coming here was a mistake.I'm sorry."She grabbed her bag and stormed out.
The second she stepped outside rain poured on her,making her wet.Just what she needed to get wet.Where will she find a cab this time of night.Lord knows why she came here she had been insane to listen to her mother."Who's Cristian?"She heard his voice say behind her.Piper turned to face him,droplets of rain was on his head making his dark hair glisten.How she wished she can walk up to him and kiss him on his five o'clock stubble to caress his golden brown skin,to feel his strong arms around her.To have him hold her like he'll never let her go.All these years she's never stopped yearning for him and looking at his handsome face now makes her want to scream out in pain for all the years they've lost.She saw a black range rover pull up on the side walk and him walking over to it.He's leaving her mind registered and she hasn't answered his question.
"Sergio!"She yelled going after him,yet he didn't pay heed to her."My son needs your help!"She shouted when he opened the door,he froze."He needs your help Sergio.He doesn't have much time.Please."Those dark brown eyes clashed with hers for a while he didn't speak Piper wonder what's going through his head. Will he believe her."Cristian is sick and if he doesn't get a bone marrow transplant soon.He'll die."
"What did you come to me for?"He asked unfazed."What do I got to do with this.And why should I help you."
"Don't punish him for what I did to you seven years ago."She said."He's only six Sergio."
"I'm sorry to hear that Piper and I hope your son finds a donor but unfortunately I can't help you."
"Sergio..."She grabbed his hand."What happened to you.Why are you so cold."
"It's all thanks to you.I once laid myself bare for you and what did you do.You discarded me as if I was nothing.You showed me how cold hearted a person truly can be and now that I'm giving you what you deserve,you want to blame me for the way I am.For what you turned me into."
"I'm sorry Sergio."
"It's too late for your sorry I'm afraid.Seven years is a long time.I've moved on. Goodbye Piper.Don't seek me out again."
"So you just gonna leave."She said."Without giving a damn if your son will die or not."Her words throw him off guard.Everything stood still as he grasp the meaning of her words.What did she mean by his son."You his last hope Sergio."
"Son?"He repeated."What the hell are you talking about.I don't have a son. What game are playing at here."He demanded,his fingers closed over her upper arm he roughly pulled her close."Talk dammit!"He growled when she remained quiet.
"I'm not playing at anything.I'm telling you the truth.Cristian is your son Sergio and I wouldn't be here if I thought you wouldn't be able to help."
"After all this time you expect me to believe that we have a son."He said."How dumb do you think I am.Seven years has passed Piper!"
"I know."She replied."And I don't expect you to believe me but look at this and tell me if I'm lying."She quickly took out the picture of Cristian and Aurora on their first day at school.He grabbed it away from her,a second later she saw him pale as he looked at them,disbelief shone in his eyes when they met hers. Questions lurked deep in those depths.
Sergio couldn't believe his eyes,the boy has his features and the little girl looks like..like his late baby sister.Aurora.He staggered back and moved away from her.This can't be true.Is this the reason why her mother has reached out to him.No,no she must be lying to him.He dragged a shaky hand through his hair before facing her again."If I find out you lying to me.I swear you gonna regret it Piper."He warned,and a warning that terrified her.
"I'm desperate Sergio the last thing I would do is stand here and lie to you. Cristian doesn't have much time left."
"I know."He muttered."Get in the car."
He knows.What does he mean by that."What do you mean by that."She asked as he pulled her towards his car."Sergio I'm talking to you."
She didn't have time to admire the luxury interior of the car she wanted to know what he meant.He was soaked his suit clung to him,it's then she paid attention to her own clothing her dress was like a second skin showing off more than it should,she made sure to keep a distance.Piper watched as he got rid of his wet jacket and shirt,next thing she knew he was sitting half naked across from her looking so delectable.She couldn't look away she stared transfixed at his beautiful smooth skin,that looks like he's been tanned.Her gaze went lower and lower..."Like what you see."She quickly looked away,how could she openly admire his sexiness."Hope you had a good look cause that's all you'll ever get."Piper ignored him,the ringing of her cell snapped her back.
"Mom.Is everything alright."
"Piper!My gosh.Where are you.Cristian isn't doing so well.And why did you hung up on me earlier when I was still talking to you."She met Sergio's eyes.
"I'm sorry mom.I came to see Sergio but I'm on my way back."She has no idea where they are going."What has the doctor said."
"It's not good honey."She can hear the sadness in her mother's voice.
"He'll be fine mom.We cannot lose hope."
"Is Sergio gonna help?"
"We'll talk when I get there mom.I have to go.Kiss Cristian for me.Tell him to be strong."
"Is everything alright."He asked after the call.
"I wish."She sighed."Cristian isn't responding to the treatment.A bone marrow transplant is his last chance."She could feel the tears that's stuck behind her eyelids."His time is running out."She turned her head to look out the window a second later he spoke to his driver then he made a call which lasted a few minutes."Can you please take me to the airport.I need to get home."He didn't answer her,she kept to herself and thought about Cristian he has to make it. He must.He can't leave her.Not now.Hang in there sweetie.Your daddy is gonna help you.All you need to do is fight for mommy.She's so exhausted all she wanted is to sleep and wake up from this painful nightmare.
Piper soon learned they taking his private jet.So he was coming with her.She kept her relieve at bay.Few minutes into the flight someone came to tell her her bath is ready,she glanced at Sergio but he said nothing.She followed the woman into a bedroom she showed Piper where the bathroom is."Call if you need anything ma'am."She left and shut the door on her way out.A huge bed dominated the center white satin sheets covered the bed,a lounger was facing the gas fireplace.Piper sank down on the couch.A life she hated before he has that now he can give their kids so much more.Will he take them away only to punish her for her past mistakes,she hated all these uncertainties.Maybe that bath will soothe her exhausted body.The water was so delicious and eased all the aches she has when last had she enjoyed such comfort.Thirty minutes went by before she decide to get out she wore the soft fluffy robe that's behind the door.Mmm nice she thought.A knock sounded on the door.
"Yes."She said.
"Dinner is served Mr Marquez is waiting for you."
"I'll be right there."Her clothes are still wet what is she gonna wear,she has no clothes.Piper headed out wearing the robe.He also took a shower his cologne flared up her nose stirring her desires.She sat down and drank from the glass of wine.Sergio barely paid attention to her his tablet is more interesting.Piper began to eat her food,it's been days since her last proper meal and this steak is so delicious.
"You named him after me."He interrupted her thoughts.
Piper set her fork down."Yes.It's something I had to do.For you."
He averted his gaze for a few seconds."Are they twins."She nodded."What's her name."
"Aurora."She whispered.Silence closed over her,those dark eyes held hers.
"Why did you give her that name."He finally asked.
"It's the least I could do after we part ways the way we did.You didn't deserve what I did and not a day goes by that I don't regret letting you go."
"So you thought by doing what you did it would make you sleep better at night, that it would lessen your guilt."He took a long sip of his wine."Did it work in easing your conscious."
"No it didn't."She answered honestly.
"I actually believe you."He said."The night you broke up with me,did you knew you were pregnant."She nod her head."And you didn't even have the decency to tell me.Instead you married Lucas and let my children call him dad for all these years.How cruel can one actually be."
"It's not like that."She said."Yes I was wrong not to tell you all these years but it's not that I didn't want to tell you.I couldn't."
He scoffed."I beg to differ.You had seven years to tell me about them.Yet you didn't.I hope you know I'm gonna do a DNA test once we get there."
"I know you will Sergio.And you wrong in thinking that I let them call Lucas dad because they didn't.I didn't want to hurt you more than I already had.They don't know about you but as soon as Cristian is well enough I will tell them the truth."
"I want you to tell me everything about them.I'm not getting off this plane without knowing anything about my son and daughter.Start talking."Piper relay the twins lives up until now,not leaving one detail out.