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"I have work to take care of. How about next week?"He said.

"Tonight Sergio."Cecilia told her son."No excuses.Who is she?"

"Who's who."He asked confused.

"The woman who hurt my son so bad that he completely shut himself down. You must've loved her immensely I hope one day you'll trust me enough to tell me who she was."

"There's nothing to tell mother."Piper is a piece of his past that he wants to forget just thinking about her hurts his soul.

"Sergio my son.You can't fool me."

"I have to go mother,I appreciate the call.Send my love to papa."

"Running away again."

"I'm not doing that."Or was he.Why does it still hurt after so many years.Why does only her name infuriate him so much.He shouldn't be feeling this way especially since she's the one who left him,she moved on without giving him a second thought so he should do the same.

"Enjoy your day son."His mother said before the line went dead.His mother has touched a nerved,maybe he should go to this dinner if he wants to move on from Piper,his mother is right it's time to settle down,start a family.

"Mom.What's wrong?You've been checking your phone every five minutes over the last weeks."Piper asked her mother."Are you expecting an

important call?"

Rose is still waiting for Sergio to get back to her.Maybe he isn't back from his business trip yet,finding his number hadn't been easy the man really hides himself."No.I'm going to get a coffee.Want some."

"I'm okay."She focused her attention back on Cristian,he looks weaker and the doctor's hasn't come back to her after taking his blood for more

tests.Piper was beginning to worry.He moved and open his eyes."Cristian."

"Mommy..I'm thirsty."He said,she poured him a glass of water.

"Okay."She asked after he was done drinking.He nodded."Aren't you hungry?"

"Where's Aurora?"

"School.How are you feeling."

"Weak.Tired."His eyelids began to droop shut again.She heard the door and saw the doctor come in the look on his face told Piper it's not good news.

"Miss Newton can we talk for a few minutes.Outside."She followed him outside."There's no easy way to say this."Then don't she thought."His last test results isn't looking good,the chemotherapy isn't working instead his condition is deteriorating.Fast."Piper went numb,her body was weak.She'd been afraid of this she's seen how weaker and weaker he was getting but refused to admit it. She can't lose her son.That would mean losing a part of Sergio.Again.She won't handle this loss it would be too much.

"I don't want to hear that."She said."You must help him.He's too young to die. He is only six years old.Doctor please.Do something."She choked desperately. "I can't lose my son."Tears rolled down her cheeks,she felt her mother beside her."He has to make it mom."

"He will honey."Rose looked at the doctor while she comforted her distraught daughter."Doctor.There has to be something else.What other options are there.

"He'll need a bone marrow.It's his best chance for survival."

Piper's head shot up when he said that."He'll need a blood transfusion too.We detected his blood count is extremely low."

"He donated blood to his sister over a year ago."Piper said."Could that explain it."

"Could be.He'll need the transfusion immediately.He's very weak.His immune is weak.We gonna have to do the surgery as soon as possible.He'll need a donor."

"His sister."Rose asked.

"You just mentioned she had a blood transfusion.Someone who had a transfusion can't be a donor.Any other family members?"

"How about me?"Piper asked.

"Have you been sick recently."

"I had flu a few weeks back."She said.

"We need someone who hasn't been sick.That person needs to be healthy and not taking any medication whatsoever.And for the blood transfusion we'll need someone who shares the same blood group as your son."

"Don't you have any blood here."

"Not his blood group."

Piper's heart sank.She knows her blood group doesn't match.That only left one option.Sergio."How soon does he have to do the surgery."

"In the next seventy two hours."So soon.That doesn't give them much time to find a donor Piper refuses to think what will happen if they don't find one. Where will they find someone who'll be a match for Cristian.

"It's time Piper."She heard her mother say.She knew what her mother meant it's time for her to let Sergio know."He could be a match."

"What if he isn't."

"There's no going around this Piper.You have to call him.Do it for Cristian."

He finally knows who Rose Crawford is or should he say Rose Newton.The woman is Piper's mother,Crawford had been her maiden name.He still can't understand why she had called him and what was so urgent,he can't bring himself to call her.He just can't.He's vowed to forget Piper and that's exactly what he has done.Dinner with Brigitta had went well,she's a kind woman and very submissive,lenient and well mannered.He actually likes her and she will be an obedient wife,he's been thinking about what his mother had said for him to marry her and he is considering the idea.He checked his Rolex almost eight,he was having dinner with Brigitta at eight thirty this dinner is to get to know her better.He better finish going through these report.Halfway through his cell rang it's a private number he's been getting these private calls since yesterday,he doesn't do private calls.He switched off his phone and continued his work.Around eight fifteen he took his jacket and left on his way out he froze when the lift elevator pinged.Everyone has already left for the day.

Piper has no idea what she was doing here.She shouldn't have come.Sergio won't be happy that she was here.She won't be surprise if he kicks her out and want nothing to do with her and she won't blame him,not after what she did to him.She had sneaked into the building when someone had come out because only way for one to come in is using a code.She must say he did well for himself in these years,the Sergio she had met seven years ago didn't have a penny.How cruel life can be sometimes,he's very successful and has alot of money whereas she's broke and don't have a penny.

How the roles have changed.Cristian's medical bill has come and when she had seen it she had almost fainted clearly whatever payment she'd made didn't cover anything and on top of that she's gonna have to pay for his upcoming surgery in two days,if she doesn't get the money no surgery will take place.She cannot handle anymore bad news Sergio is her only option and if he turns her away she has no idea what she will do.The elevator pinged open bringing her back to earth Piper got out and froze in her step as her blue eyes clashed with his.

Shock register on his face before it disappeared,he held her gaze and Piper became self conscious of her faded black dress,her hair must be all disheveled from combing her fingers through it during the flight,she had dark circles under her eyes and has no make up on she must look a mess.She didn't bother to use the restroom at the airport all that mattered was coming here to talk to him.

Sergio cannot believe that she's here.In front of him.She looked like hell as if she hasn't slept in days he wanted to reach out to her and hold her close. Where had that thought come from,his hands curled into a fists.He doesn't care why she's here nor does he want to know.The Piper he had known died seven years ago this woman before him is a stranger."You have five minutes to get out of here before I call security."

His cold indifferent tone hurt so much he wasn't pleased to see her at all."I need to talk to you Sergio.It's important."

"I have nothing to say to you."He said coldly."Leave."

"Sergio.Please.I called but you didn't answer my calls,I wouldn't be here if it wasn't urgent."

The private calls came into his head.It had been her."I don't care."He took out his cell."Security."

"Sergio.Don't do this,I beg you."Tears formed in her eyes,something deep down stirred inside him.No!He won't fall weak.Hardening his heart he continued to speak in spanish.

"Security is on their way."He told her."They'll escort you out."

She heard her cell rang but ignored it she must talk to him."I must talk to you Sergio.Listen to me please."Piper heard the elevator then two men stepped out they grabbed her by the arms."Sergio!"She begged desperately."Please.Don't do this.I need your help!"She shouted as they pulled her into the waiting elevator. Her pleas fell on deaf ears,he stared at her as if she's a stranger Piper watched as the doors shut.There goes her last hope.Oh Cristian mommy is so sorry she thought silent tears streaked down her face blurring her whole vision.What is she gonna do,she came all this way for nothing.The second she stepped out of the elevator dizziness gripped her making her grab one the security's arm to steady herself,the last thing she saw was someone reaching for her as she fainted.

Piper must be gone he thought five minutes later getting into the lift,seeing her again has opened old wounds brought back pain he had suppressed.Just when he was about to move on she came back into his life to disrupt everything.He won't let her.Not this time.He called Brigitta and told her he'll be late thankfully she understood.The minute he stepped into the foyer he saw his securities bending down over someone in the lounge he made his way over there."What's going on here?"He demanded.They moved for him to see,Piper was lying unconscious on the couch she looked pale,immediately he knelt before her,anger forgotten."What happened."He asked when he felt she still had a pulse relieve pour through him.

"She fainted when we came out of the elevator."Enrique said.

"Bring me a glass of water."He ordered,her cell rang taking it out of her bag he saw it's her mother.Should he answer?Something told him he should.

"Piper.Where are you?Cristian's condition is worsening.The doctor's said they have to operate immediately."Sergio cut the call.Operate.Cristian.His mind is working over time I need your help.Did she need money is that why she has seeked him out.He should've known.And who is Cristian.His eyes fell on Piper she began to stir he took a step back.

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