“And never say of anything, ‘Indeed, I will do that tomorrow’, unless Allah should will it.” (QURAN 18:23)
I got up early in the morning, had some breakfast and went to Amo's house. I stood infront of her gate and knocked when I heard a male's voice. I guessed that it was her son Hadi, whom she kept talking about yesterday. I waited for the gate to open when I heard someone's footsteps. I had a smile on my face thinking about Amo and Zahra when the gate opened to reveal the guy from last night. My smile immediately faltered. I gaped at him shocked to find him looking at me with a mixed expression of surprise and annoyance.
"Yes? What's your business—" He started, but was cut off.
''Hadi, who is it?" Amo called from inside.
''Amo, it's some....girl.'' He returned in a soft tone. I frowned at him who was still standing blocking the door. I turned my face to the other side with an exhausted sigh, wondering if it was inappropriate to visit like this. But my train of thoughts was cut short, when Amo came into the door.
''Oh, Aasiya! Love, how good to see you!''she exclaimed gleefully and hugged me coming outside.
''Salam Amo. I think I might've come too early?"I asked with a guilty smile on my face chewing on my lower lip, something I did whenever I felt nervous.
''Of course not, love. It's your house. You came just in time for breakfast." She remarked cheerfully, holding both of my hands in hers and pulled me inside. I had never experienced so much love in a greeting, but I found myself liking it so much. While I walked inside with Amo, I saw him standing there in the door, watching me skeptically.
"Oh Hadi, this is Aasiya. I told you yesterday, remember?'' Amo introduced me to him, whose expressions were not short of suspicion.
"Aasiya this is my son. Captain Abdul Hadi.'' she cheerfully introduced us. Neither of us said anything in response. I didn't dare meet his eyes. I had just started to realise that maybe this wasn't such a bright idea, afterall.
"Aasiya dear, you'll have some breakfast?'' My train of thought was interrupted on Amu's call. She asked me in that melodious and kind voice of hers. I could only smile up at her.
''No, Amo. I'm alright. I just had breakfast but would love to drink some of your handmade tea.'' I returned with a big smile on my face. Amo chuckled at this.
"Oh love, of course. I'll make it in a jiffy.'' She said sweetly and went into the kitchen.
I stood in my place awkwardly, feeling a need to say something to him, who had by now walked over to the veranda. So, I followed him out. His back was turned to me and I stood there for a while wondering what to say, when he suddenly turned around. My heart leapt to my throat at his sudden move and I gasped out loud. He continued watching me with a frown.
"Yes?" I heard him ask in a husky voice.
"Ah..that...um.." Stop it Aasiya! Get a hold of your senses!
"I think..we met.. yesterday.." I managed to let out but the frown only managed to deepen. When he didn't show any signs of recognition, I continued.
"That—yesterday near bridge—" I began but he cut me off.
"Yes. I remember. What about it?" He remarked coldly and I almost fell back from the effect of it. I was now feeling embarrassed about my actions.
Really! Was there any need to ask him this, Aasiya?! And why am I acting so flustered in front of him, like an idiot!
"I—I just wanted to thank you—" Before I could say anymore, he cut me off mid-sentence.
"I didn't do anything. No need for thanks." He stated blankly and turned his back to me. I watched this sight with flushed cheeks. Feeling a sense of humiliation at his response, or rather lack of it.
"Right. So, what happened to them?" Why am I still here, conversing with this arrogant man! Where is your dignity Aasiya?!
"They were caught and dealt with according to law." He answered after a short pause.
"Oh. So you did something after all!" I remarked happily, without intending to. At this, he turned around and eyed me warily. Before he could say anything more I heard Amo calling me for tea. Giving him one final look, I sprinted back inside.
I had my tea and spent the day talking to Amo and then helping her with the house chores. Zahra had gone to school. Apparently she was a teacher at the local school. I thought she was younger than me but turns out that she is older than me by 4 years. Hadi had left earlier to do whatever he does. Amo said that he was on vacation and will leave by the end of this month. Even though I know Amo and Zahra don't mind me being here but maybe he does. It's not my house. No matter how much I would like that. So maybe, I should stop coming here. I would hate to be hated by these nice people.
''Is everything okay, love?'' Amo asked me while washing clothes with her hands. I asked her to let me help her. She was reluctant at start but then gave in and let me hang them to dry. I knew that I was getting too involved in their lives. I knew it's not right. Yet, why does it feel so right?
"No, nothing. I was just thinking that you are so amazing, doing everything on your own. Back home, my maid even makes my bed for me. I feel embarrassed admitting this to you, now.'' I remarked awkwardly, rubbing my neck.
"It's sunnah to do your task yourself. Maybe you can start with making your own bed. It instills discipline and even regard for the people who help us." Amo explained sweetly. I felt a sort of heaviness at her words. I don't know why but I listened to her every word like it were a precious piece of advice. I could never even pay half of all this attention to my own mother's words. Having these thoughts I bent down and hugged Amo sideways, placing a kiss on her cheeks.
"Okay, Amo. I'll do it starting today!" I remarked with a giggle while she smiled and gave me a peck on cheeks.
"InshaAllah my dear! Say InshaAllah (if Allah wills)." I slowly nodded at her words, again.
"InshaAllah, Amo!"
After having lunch with Amo and Zahra, who had come back from school; I helped them with the dishes. Later, we sat outside to drink some afternoon tea. They were telling me about the places for sightseeing that I should visit when we heard the sound of Hadi's jeep. He said salam to Amo and bent down to have her kiss him on the forehead. Following that, he said salam to Zahra and kissed her on the forehead. I turned my gaze down, suddenly too aware of my surroundings when I heard his voice again.
"Assalamualaikum." I looked up as he said this looking at me but couldn't say anything in response. Instead, just gaped at him stunned.
"Walaikumusalam—-" I remarked meekly after he had turned around.
''Amo. I am hungry, please give me some food.'' He said in a soft tone. After Amo fixed him a late lunch, I asked Amo permission to leave.
''Oh ofcourse, love. Hadi be a dear and drop Aasiya to her hotel, will you.'' I wanted to protest as I watched her shocked before turning to Hadi, who nodded kindly at his mother's words.
'He definitely hates me.' I could only think that as I meekly grabbed my bag. Saying my goodbyes to Amo and Zahra. I sat in the front seat beside Hadi in his jeep. The hotel wasn't that faraway; a 15 minute ride by car. We were at a stop right now as the herd of cattle was passing. Neither of us had spoken a word to each other. It felt really awkward and I wanted to ask him something. So, I decided to be the one to break the ice.
"Um. I—Can I ask you something?" I felt my voice came out hoarse. He looked away from road in front to give me a sideway glance.
"What?" His response was dry, like his emotions. I suddenly felt anxious, wondering if it's alright to ask this cold man anything.
"I—Why did you join army?" I let out the words slip out of my mouth quickly. I didn't care to ask this at all. But the right words weren't coming out. He froze in his place for a second before answering slowly, as if carefully choosing his words.
"My father.. was a soldier. He died a shaheed. I wanted to be like him, I guess." He still had that expressionless look on his face but I felt the look in his eyes soften, at his father's name. Guess, he really loved him. I guess, it's normal for people to love and adore their parents.
"Can I ask you another thing?" I began after a pause. It felt hard looking at him, so I continued fiddling with my hands in my lap. But when his response didn't come, I looked up and forgot to breathe. He was watching me with those deep inscrutable eyes and I felt myself getting pulled into them. His gaze was resolute, whilst he continued watching me.
"What?" His voice felt a bit softer this time.
"I—" His watchful gaze never left my face. It was making it harder for me to get the words out.
"I wanted to ask—if I am—being a bother—to you—by intruding, like this—" Somehow, I managed to get the words out this time. He continued staring at me for a moment more, before turning away with a sigh. By now, the herd had dispersed. He pressed on the accelerator but didn't say anything.
I should have kept quiet, after all.
A few minutes passed and we were outside the hotel. I was picking my bag and getting ready to step out, when I heard his voice.
"You're no intruder, but Amo and Zahra's important guest. You'll always be welcomed in our house." He remarked quietly, without looking at me. But I couldn't look away from him. When he turned to face me, I averted my gaze quickly and nodded at him.
"Tha—Thankyou." Was all I could manage before stepping out. I had a walked a few steps when I heard his jeep whirred in the distance.