“No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah . And whoever believes in Allah - He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things.” (QURAN 64:11)
“Ugh.” A grunt escaped my lips as the effects of black out started wearing off; drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness for an unknown period of time, before finally being able to pry my eyes open.
For a while, I couldn't fully comprehend about my current state. Everything felt hazy and that blasting headache—I thought with a groan and unconsciously lifted my right hand to my head; when I found it immobilised. A sharp pain travelled up my arm as a result of my attempt to free it. Taking a few sharp breaths, I tried to take in my surroundings. There wasn't any light in the room and with this shooting headache, it was getting harder to grasp the minimal light entering through the window.
With a gulp, I tried to calm my mind and tried opening my eyes once more. I could still feel the throbbing in the back of my eyes but it felt a little easier than before. Gradually, I was able to realise that I was in my own room and the prick was due to the cannula passed in my hand, which was right now in someone's grasp. Heaving, I tried to sit up but fell back on my head.
Immediately, someone rose up and turned on the lamp. The sudden flash blinded me for a couple of minutes and I tried to cover my face with my hands.
"Aasiya." I heard the familiar voice say and a surge of emotions engulfed me. For a split second my mind went blank; when I felt his hands on my shoulder.
"Aasiya?" His voice was gentle like his touch but it stirred me to the very core. Suddenly, I felt shivers running through my entire body. His hands gently pulled away mine; yet, I didn't open my eyes. I felt like I could never open them again.
"Hey, Princess. It's me." He cooed, his voice barely a whisper. I wanted to cry. I felt like crying. I am not sure why, though.
"Hey.." He whispered again, brushing away the strands of hair falling on my face and putting them behind my ear. Unintentionally, I shirked away from his touch. I felt his hand freeze; his entire body freeze. I could hear his thoughts; I could read him with my eyes closed.
I knew Navi, like I knew myself and so did he.
"—Aasiya, look at me. I am here—Hey.." He cupped my face in his hands and I slowly looked at him. It took me a while to adjust to the lighting and when I finally saw him, I broke. Like a broken dam, letting loose.
"Na—Nav—" I watched him with tears pooling in my eyes, so that I couldn't even see his face anymore.
"Yes. I am here." He whispered gently, pressing his forehead with mine, caressing my hair with his other hand.
"I—" I tried speaking between hiccups but nothing coherent came out. Pulling away from his hold, I grasped the front of his shirt.
"Navi—" I watched him with quivering lips, trying to tell him something while he watched me with a small sad smile playing on his lips. Shaking my head at him, in hopes to convey something. But what?
Before I could figure that out, I started feeling lightheaded and the last thing I remember was Navi shouting my name.
I woke up to the sound of someone talking near me. With a groan, I hid my face in my blanket and stayed like that for a bit.
"I think she is up. Call sir." I heard an unknown voice speak and in one swift motion I pulled away the blanket from my face and sat up. Turning to the source of voice, I found someone in a lab coat standing next to my bed. On noticing my gaze, she opened her mouth to say something but before I could inquire anything, he came in.
"Aasiya!" He yelled, rushing into the room, in a frenzy. I watched him with a mixture of confusion and surprise as he came to my side and engulfed me in a suffocating hug.
"God! You had me worried to death!" He exclaimed with a relieved sigh. I sat there frozen in my place, watching that lady turn away with a roll of eyes while Nasira stood there watching the scene in front of her with a small smile and tears in her eyes.
"Ow." I whispered with grimace at which he pulled away quickly. His face showed worry and anxiety as he gave me a quick scan.
"Sorry. Did I hurt you?" He asked, holding me at arms length. In return, I watched him blankly for a while or so, before ripping away his grip.
"When did you get back?" I asked disinterested, getting out of bed, when suddenly, I slumped down on the bed with a dizzy spell.
"Why did you have to get up—" He was saying, in attempts to steady me, when I brushed away his hands roughly.
"I am alright." Returning sternly, I slowly got up but almost fell again. This time, Nasira helped me and I had let her.
"She must be groggy because of the medicines." I heard the lady say before I had shut the door to the washroom. My mind felt mushy. I couldn't form any proper thoughts and everything felt shaky.
With a groan, I slumped down the door and dropped my head in my knees. Pulling at my hair, I tried to get rid of the headache and think.
'—What happened? What's going on? Who's this doctor? Why is Navi here? He was in States —so why and when?'
Abruptly , I felt a sharp, piercing pain—ripping at the back of my head.
'What is this darn headache—?'
Taking a few sharp breaths, I tried to calm myself before getting up to wash my face. Hopefully that would calm me—is what I thought, but looking at my reflection gave me all the answers.
I watched in horror the scars and bruises on my face and suddenly all the memories came back rushing. Clutching at my head in pain, I started backing away from the mirror, when the door banged open and Navi came in running. He was shouting something as he lunged at me but I couldn't make out anything over my screams. I slumped down in Navi's arms onto the bathroom floor. Moments later I could see my parents in the bathroom door; horror etched on their faces but before I could think further, there was a sharp needle prick in my arm.
Ah. It's not hurting anymore.
I thought, turning to glance at Navi, who looked like someone was tearing him apart limb by limb; while he had to watch me slowly dying in his arms.
When I woke up, it was pretty dark. I still felt sick and groggy but felt calmer than before. Maybe because I was too exhausted. I don't know, really. While having these thoughts, I kept on staring at the ceiling for a long while. After sometime, I got up and went out of my room. Tracing my steps down the stairs, I aimlessly roamed around the dead silent house, until I came up to the drawing room. The door was closed but I could hear Navi talking to someone on the phone. Careful not to make any noise, I tiptoed my way to the pool. It was chilly tonight; maybe 5 degrees and yet, I was only in my pjs.
'I wonder what time it is right now.' I thought, peering into the pool; when suddenly, someone sharply pulled me back.
An image from that horrifying night flashed across my mind. After crashing, I had got out of the car and started running towards the dark forest until someone had caught up to me. I could recal screaming at the top of my lungs, just like now.
"Shhh!! Stop screaming. It's me." Navi whispered, putting his hand on my mouth and muffling my screams; as he firmly held me against his chest. Taking a few sharp breaths I tried to calm down. The familiar scent of his cologne was giving me a sense of relief.
We stayed like that for a while not saying anything, whilst he caressed the back of my head. For a moment, everything was okay and that nightmare wasn't burning in my mind like an endless fire pit.
But then, the moment passed.
Pushing away from him with a light shove, I turned around with my back to him.
"It's cold and late. You shouldn't be out. Let's go in." He spoke after a pause, grabbing my arm from behind but I jerked him; taking a few steps away from him.
"Aasiya." He called out after a moment.
Instead of giving him a proper response, I slumped down on the ground, with my legs pulled up. He stood there watching me for a while but I didn't pay him any attention. So, he yielded; as always.
Taking his seat beside me, he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. I looked over my shoulder and watched his face barren of any emotions but signs of exhaustion were hard to ignore—Yet, avoidable. So, I averted my gaze towards the pool.
"Why haven't you left yet?" I muttered, slightly shivering.
"I am not leaving until you come with me." He returned calmly. I meant to ask why hadn't he returned to States, but I am not sure if he thought I was talking about leaving the pool or—Putting a halt to my train of thoughts, I got up.
"Aasiya." He called out gently and I stopped in my tracks. Only a moment later, I felt his arms wrapping around my waist. I heard him sigh, whilst he buried his face in the nook of my neck. My lips quivered, from cold I decided. Yet, I found myself leaning into his warmth, as I closed my eyes.
"Nothing happened. You're okay. It's going to be alright. I'll make everything right. You can take as much time as you need and when you're ready to move away from everything, I'll be right here. I am going nowhere." He spoke slowly. His words were careful. But Navi never cared about being careful before.
Waiting for another moment only, I tore away his hold and turned to face him.
His eyes held pain and grief. I had no doubt that I was the reason behind it all. Yet, my eyes didn't waver when I took off his jacket and handed it back to him. He took it without putting up a fight; another thing that had changed about him. I watched him for another second before turning to leave.
"A simple nikah ceremony should be fine for now. The proper event can be held after the end of Aasiya's housejob." I listened with half an ear to Navi's mom say to my Mother, whilst scrolling through the channels on TV.
"I am going on a trip today." I told no one in particular; thinking they wouldn't pay attention anyways but I was gravely wrong.
"That's enough nonsense from you. We aren't putting—" My mother began and I turned off the TV before cutting her off.
"Who said I was asking?" I stated blankly, standing up. I could see my mother visibly shaking.
"Also, it's long been decided to happen after the end of my housejob." That is, if I don't manage to run away before that. I added to myself, turning to leave.
There was a long exchange of protests and castigation but I didn't stay long to hear the end of it.
* HOUSEJOB = 1 year medical internship after completing medical degree
* NIKAH = An Islamic ceremony of signing the marriage contract