Third person POV.
It was exactly 4 AM and everyone was asleep.
Gravity slung her bag over her shoulder and begun to tip toe out the room.
The floor boards creaked, but no one awoke.
Gravitys plan was to go to her familys cabin in the hills as that is where she thought her mother would be hiding out.
But she had no money, so what would she do?
Stupid idea, she knew, but she would rather reunite with her mother than stay in this orphanage.
So if one of her parents are alive, is she really an orphan?
With extra caution, she tip toed down the wooden steps.
She froze when she heard the cling clang of pots and pans.
Was the kitchen staff up already? She asked herself.
She had to pass the kitchen door to get outside.
With speed that would have made Usain Bolt proud, she ran pass the window hoping no one saw her.
But, someone did see her, and so they begun to chase her.
"Hey!" They called to her.
This only caused Gravity to speed up.
But her unfit body could not keep up, and so the person caught her.
She looked up and saw the last person on Earth she wanted to see...
But what was he doing in the kitchen, and at such an early hour?
She asked him.
"None of your business" he replied.
She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he was just too strong for her.
"What are you doing? " he asked.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to my mother"
"Going to your mother!?" He let out a humor less laugh before continuing " Do you have money? Food? Do you even know the way!?"
"Exactly! Did you even think this through?"
"Well -"
"Now go to your room" he told her as if she was his child.
Gravity nodded and hung her head low, thinking that she was complying, he let her go.
She used this opportunity to lift her left foot and bring it down on his so hard that he let out a loud howl of pain.
She then used this opportunity to run once again.
But even with pain in one foot, he still caught her by the blouse she was wearing.
"Ok..." he begun "You're obviously not going to give up, so.... let me come with you"
What possessed him to say these words?
He did not know.
"No" Gravity replied.
Why was this girl so stubborn? He thought.
She would never survive a day on the road alone!
He had to try a different strategy....
"I'll tell" he said.
Of course he wouldn't, but how else would he get her to agree?
"You.. you wouldn't"
"Of course I would, just imagine, someone tips off the police on your mothers whereabouts and boom. She's caught and you get to stay here, while she gets more years added to her sentence."
Gravitys eyes widened in fear.
Would he really do that?
He was Danny, of course he would.
"Ok" she sighed, exhausted by the whole situation.
"I'm gonna go get Joy" he says.
Joy? she had thought of waking Joy this morning to take her with her, but decided against it. Joy should stay here, where she would get daily meals and a bed to sleep. Things she weren't sure she would get one the road.
Is it really a good idea to take Joy along?
She didn't realize that she had asked this question out loud until she heard Danny speak:
"Joy goes wherever I go"
They were now at the back of the orphanage, planning their escape.
Joy was the happiest of all, excited to finally be finally leaving the orphanage which she haven't left in years.
They were going to climb the back fence.
But now, it was 5 am, and most of the staff was up, making the escape 10 times harder.
"Ok" Danny began, being the mastermind and all.." We are just gonna run for the fence and climb, no looking back, even if we hear or names being called.. In 3, 2....1"
They all made a dash for the fence, Gravity in the lead because Danny had to be holding Joys hand while running, much to her dismay as she felt like a little kid.
Gravity was now on the other side of the fence, waiting for them.
But suddenly, Joy tripped on a stone, taking Danny down with her.
Leave them, Leave them, Leave them.
No, she thought.
She wasn't that kind of person.
Joy quickly recovered and they began to run again.
They were now at the fence and Danny took Joys bag so she could easily climb the fence.
He had just begun to climb when they heard a voice.
"Hey! You kids shouldn't be over there"
Danny looked up to see Lillith, one of the nuns who ran the orphanage, pacing towards them.
Shit. He thought and proceeded to yeet Joys bag over the fence before beginning to climb again with lightning speed.
He landed on the other side with a heavy thud.
Just then, they heard a whistle being blown.
Joy and Danny was familiar with this sound.
It was a sound they heard when an orphan would try to escape.
This often puzzled them, as you are put in an orphanage to escape being homeless, so why would someone run away?
Gravitys situation, however was completely different.
The sound was getting fainter now, as they ran.
Joy was now on Dannys back as they couldn't afford being slowed down.
The orphanage was now in the distance behind them.
The whistling sounds were so faint now that you would have to be really quiet to hear.
The trio did not hear it of course, for their shoes were beating the Earth heavily.
They didn't look back......
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