WARNING: This chapter contains some sensetive topics.
"Mommy, promise me you'll never leave me" I say looking down at my fathers grave.
"I promise baby" she says looking down at me.
"Gravity!" My dreams are interupted by a sqeaky voice which I recognized as Joys.
Maybe if I just pretend I'm dead..............
"Gravity" she shreiks then proceeds to kick me off the bed.
Ok that definately woke me up.
" I dont think you understand the gravity of the situation. We need to go eat, but first.. you need a shower"
I scowl at her lame joke and stand.
"You remember where the bathroom is right?
"Yup" I say lieing straight through my teeth.
I didn't want her to know that I was directionally challenged.
"Ok, I'm gonna see what my brother is up to and come back for you"
"You have a brother here? Why didn't you tell me"
"Well, you weren't exactly friendly yesterday." She tells me.
She leaves and I set out to find the bathroom.
I mentally high five myself when I open a door to reveal showers.
I quickly slide out of yesterdays clothes and was about to take off my underwear when I heard a faint sound,
Kinda like water running down a sink.
I look around the corner to see a boy with his back turned to me and peeing.
"Oh great job Gravity" my subconscious whispers.
I quickly put my dress on, not even caring that it was the wrong way as the tag was at the front, and quickly ran out of the bathroom and straight to the bedroom ignoring the many confused glares I got all around.
I enter the room to see Joy laying on my bed. She sits up as she sees me.
"Ummm, your clothes are on the wrong way"
I pretend to be suprised.
"Oops!" I say looking down.
She looks skeptical but doesn't say anything.
Nailed it.
" Anyway... let's go down, my brothers saving us a seat."
She leads me to the cafeteria and points to a table with 3 chairs, one of them occupied by a boy with his head down.
It's only when we sit he tilts his head up.
No . way.
This has to be the biggest cliché in the history of clichés.
It was him.
Yes, him. The same rude boy from yesterday who I so graciously ran into.
His eyes look to my dress, seeing that it was on the wrong side, but he stays silent.
And that's how we eat, in silence.
But I dont miss the constant jabs that Joy gives him in his side as if to say "stop beind a dick and talk to her"
He stays quiet.
"Hey Gravity, you like to read?" Joy asks me.
"I love it actually"
She then takes me to the biggest library I've ever seen. According to her, this place was a school years ago.
I immediately find the adventure section. I simply love adventure books. They give me some place to go when I have to stay where I am. If you can understand that.
I suddenly remember something and look up to Joy.
"Hey Joy," she looks up." You say, ummm"
Danny? What kind of name is that?
Ok im sorry all names are beautiful.
"Yh.. you say you and Danny are siblings... so how come-"
"How come we look nothing alike?" She finishes for me and I nod.
She takes a deep breath before starting.
"I was 11" she starts and procedes to tell me the story of how she ran away from home at 11 because her stepmother decided to circumcise her.
For those of you who don't know, female-genital-mutilation is a ritual practiced in some countries. It can damage a female both mentally and physically. I learned of it a couple years ago. Appearantly it's to prepare girls for marrige.
"She wanted to cut and sew me, as she called it. So I ran away, I ran away from home. I later learned that my father died of a heart attack and I keep blaming myself that he got that heart attack because I ran away...."
"Joy, im so sorr-" I begin but she cuts me off.
" No, you're not sorry, you're just faced with a situation and don't know how to respond. "
"No Joy, I really am. No girl your age in fact no female at all should go through that.It's like when men are oppressed it's a crime, but with woman it's a tradition."
She nods thoughtfully before continuing.
"After that I met Dannys parents and they took me in, kinda adopted me you could say" she smiles in memory then her smile turns upside down.
"His parents died a year later, in a car accident. And we've been here ever since" she finishes.
And I thought I had a hard life.
You see somrtmes we judge others without even knowing them,
Like when I called her too perky yesterday.
We never really know what a person's going through...
"So how old are you now?"
"15, and Dannys 18"
"18?! I thought at age 18 you were no longer considered an orpan"
She laughs before saying" That's another story for another day"
She gets up to leave and I lift my arm up to wave at her then I remember....
I still haven't showered yet.