I make the fifteen-minute walk in over half an hour. I need to clear my head; I was so looking forward to seeing her, definitely not for this disaster to happen. Who brings coffee from home to a coffee shop anyway!
At the office, Tajsa is sitting clearly waiting for me.
"Morning, Mr. Chase."
"Morning Tajsa."
"I hope that is not her coffee that she threw all over you?"
"Yes, it is but not the way you think."
"What did you do?"
"I walked into her; she messed her coffee on us both."
"How do you walk into her?"
"I was rushing out of the shop."
"Okay, what did they do?"
"That idiot brother of mine took her friend home."
"Oh my god, the man is an idiot, does she know?"
"The ass says that she doesn't."
"Why did you not stop him last night?"
"I left early because I thought she had left, but obviously, she didn't."
"You what?"
"Yes, yes, make a joke now; I left the club early."
"And what did you do then?"
"I am not telling you."
"Oh, come on, tell me, please."
"Please get me coffee; maybe I will tell you then."
"Extra strong?"
I shut my office door behind me and take one of my shirts out of the cupboard behind the door, and change. I have no meetings today, so there is no need to shower and put on a new suite for the day
I sit down behind my desk with my feet parked on the corner end. I browse through the messages on my phone. There are about four from Brody apologizing, one from Mason to check if I am okay, and a whole lot from a bunch of girls I don't know. You give your card to one wrong girl, and every other girl out there has your number.
Tajsa brings my coffee and sits down across from my table.
"Now tell me what happened."
I tell her about last night and how I tried to ignore her up until now, where I have managed to piss her off.
"I was going to say she is not pissed off, but if I said what she said, then it means I am pissed off."
"What do I do now, Tajsa?"
“Why do you want to continue the bet? She is going to find out?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe you might just like her for real a little bit?"
"Not in the way that flattering little eyelashes of you think."
"Then, what way?"
“I am curious if she will fall for me."
"You still want to do the bet but without being it be a bet."
“You have the ability to make the simplest things sound so complicated."
"I am not the one that takes dating and making it completely complicated, Damon."
"I am not dating her; I don't date."
"You do date, it is just once off, one-night dating, the dating kind that means nothing."
"Now you taking something ugly and making it sound like some different version of what should be a sweet thing."
"I think you need coffee in that whiskey; you are a real sour ass."
"If you pass me the whiskey, I would not rather mind having that."
She pours me one shot in a glass with ice and does one for her too.
"Now, what do I do now, Tajsa?"
"Ignore obviously did not work, and I did not have you walking into her as part of the plan either."
"I am not going to that coffee shop to apologize."
"Don't stress; let's see if we can get her to come to you."
"Did you not get the part where she did not want to come to my table last night?"
"Oh, stop complaining so much. Just pass me your laptop and the phone."
"I am glad to see we know who the boss around here is."
"You might be the boss around here, but not when it comes to this girl, she has your balls in a knot, and you don't want to admit it."
"Just shush and do whatever you need to do."
Just then, there is a knock on the door
"Come in."
Mason sticks his head around the corner. "I will come back later."
"No, we not working. Grab a whiskey and pull a chair on over. Tajsa here is about to fix the mess of this morning."
"Hey, Tajsa."
"Hey, Mason."
"I don't know how you are going to clean up Brody's mess."
"No, we cleaning Mr. Chase's coffee mess up for him."
"It was her coffee," I interrupt the conversation they are having about me. "Why am I being the one made out as being wrong here."
"It's Brody's mess; I told the asshole to keep his paws to himself." Mason carries on to explain.
"Oh please, that is like telling him how to pee straight. The man is useless."
"Tell me why you and I never hooked up?" I ask Tajsa
"You were too busy exploring other girls' mouths."
"And there definitely ain't nothing wrong with yours. I love a girl that says it as it is." Mason starts to flirt with Tajsa as he always does.
"My assistant is hands-off. If you value your balls, you will be sure to remember that."
"But she dated your brother."
"It does not mean she has to date you. If you have to break her heart, I would have your head first."
"Do I look like I break hearts?"
Tajsa slams the laptop down and stares at Mason and me for a few seconds too long. “Can you two let me decide whom I want to date?"
"Just tell me what you are doing?" I try to change the conversation from the awkwardness it is in.
"It's done. Now we just have to sit and wait."
"What did you do, Tajsa?"
"I am not telling you, Damon."
"Tell me what you did."
"No, I am not."
"No, Jimmy Choo’s then."
"No, Skye then."
"I will throw in another dress."
"Deal. You will still have to wait, though."
Mason just watch as we are playing word ping pong. "Remind me not to bet with you."
"I am starting to question if I should do too."
“We are not betting anything; I am helping you to win her for a small fee.”
"Well, can you please tell me then what you have done for that fee you have just earned?"
"You will see. Now I have enjoyed this chat, but I have to get back to work."
She sees herself out of the office and leaves Mason and me with our mouths gasped wide open.
"Tajsa is hot." Mason is the first to break the silence.
"Skye is hot." I follow in saying.
"Why are hot women so difficult? I mean that sister of Skye, now she is just as damn hot but difficult, it is like trying to take honey from a bear."
"If she sounds like that, then she has to be related to Skye. I mean, it was not my damn fault she spilled her coffee all over her. And then she had to go be so rude about it."
"And that is why we go for clueless little girls."
"Do you think it is because we cannot handle real women?" I ask Mason as the thought runs through my head.
"I sure as hell hope not to because then we are screwed."
Then Tajsa buzzes my phone.
"Mr. Chase, I have someone here to see you."
"Tajsa, I don't recall that I had any meetings, and I have Mason here."
"This was a last-minute meeting that I might have forgotten to mention to you."
"I am not nearly dressed, and I have just had three whiskeys. Tell him to reschedule."
Mason finishes his whiskey and stands from his chair. "I think I am going to duck anyway. I will meet you downstairs at seven. I will tell Tajsa to give you a few minutes."