This morning when I wake up, I am alone. Yes, no perky blond or hot brunette either. Just me spread across my entire bed, totally alone.
Even though not many parts of my body agree, I am feeling great. My dreams were somewhat filled with images of her gorgeous smile and those hot legs in those stilettos. Oh, how I want them wrapped around my waist. All these empty spots should be filled by that sweet ass of hers.
Imagining her in my bed is so not what I should be doing now. I rather drag my ass to the shower and get ready for the day. I am hoping I'd see her now when I meet the boys down at the coffee shop.
I go for one of my best hot but professional looks and make my way out the front door.
I take the short walk over to Crazy Beans in the cool crisp morning air. That part that was feeling great is feeling very much nervous at the moment. As soon as I enter the coffee shop, my eyes scan for her, but she is not here.
"Man, you making it look obvious," Mason says as I take my seat next to him.
"You know normal people will start with saying hello."
"Do I look normal to you?"
"You anything but, where is that other dumb ass today?"
"On his way, something about a blonde and getting laid. I could not hear a word through all the giggling in the background."
"And why aren't you getting some last-minute giggling action yourself."
"I had myself some more mature action last night."
"And how did that work out for you?"
"Almost as good as the no action that you did."
Just then, the bubbly waitress from the day before comes to take our order.
"Morning gents, will it be the usual today?"
"Make it a latte with a double espresso."
"Do the same for me, please?" I also do order even though my head is not pounding as it usually does.
"Anything else?"
"How is your boyfriend doing?" I start up a conversation with her.
"Oh...uhm...he is okay, thank you."
"Skye mentioned you guys were having some problems."
"Oh, it is all sorted out now."
"Where is Skye today?" I finally get to the real reason why I pretend to be interested in what she says.
"She is on her way; Jo said she overslept, which is odd cause she never does. Enough of my babbling though, your coffee is coming up."
My heart does a flip as I let out a sigh of relief; for a minute there, I thought that I would not see her this morning. Does her accidental oversleep got to do anything with seeing me last night? I hope so; I think I might just be making my own impression on her too. And now, of course, my stupid ass is watching the door.
"You know that this is only a bet?" Mason so rudely interrupts my thoughts.
"Of course I do; why?"
"You seem just a bit too excited?"
"Your ass is too excited. How must she fall for me if I am cold?"
"I did not know you can even be warm."
"You will find how warm I am once I smack you behind the head."
"You supposed to be kinky with her, not me."
"What do you know about kinky?"
“I told you I had some mature company last night."
"Oh, is that why you so uptight this morning. What kind of kinky did you get?"
"The kinky that is none of your business."
"That is where you wrong; it is my business. There should be no secrets among friends."
"Then you might as well know about what Brody did."
"What did the ass do now?"
"The blonde that he took home..."
All of a sudden, Brody appears at our table. "She is amazing."
Somehow I don't think that is what Mason was going to say. What have you done now?"
"Why do you think I have done something wrong?"
"Because you are my brother, and if I took a blonde home, I would have done something wrong too."
"You might as well tell him." Mason encourages Brody to come out with the truth. "It is going to come out anyway."
"Tell me what? What happened after I left last night?"
"Let’s just say that Skye and her friends didn't go home," Brody says, still smiling as broad as when he sat down.
"What the did you do? For your sake, I hope that Skye is not really a blonde."
He turns his head and smiles at a gorgeous blonde that is standing at the counter with the waitress."
"Jo? Did you go home with Jo? After I said, leave her friends alone, you go and still go home with Jo? What part of don't do you not understand?"
"She came on to me. I could not say no. There was no way I was going to turn down that tight ass."
"Since when do women come on to you? Throw them at you, but they don't come on to you, Brody."
"Since when not, that is a damn stupid question."
"Did you tell her about the bet?"
"I might be an idiot, but I am not stupid, Damon."
"I am not going to answer that. I can't believe you did that. I might as well just give up now; she is not interested in any case."
"You are overreacting, bro."
"Overreacting, I am more like pissed off."
"I told you not to do it, Brody," Mason says.
"You can't tell me whom to date, Damon."
"Did you just say date? Please don't tell me you said date."
"Yes, I will see Jo again, or do I need your permission for that?"
The waitress brings our coffee over to the table, and of course, Jo has to come with her, because apparently, the waitress does not have enough hands to carry it, but I am sure if she looks hard enough she can find a damn tray.
"Jo," Brody pulls her closer and wraps his arm around her waist. "Let me introduce you to the boys; you remember the scruffy one, Mason."
"Hi, Mason."
"And the moody one there is my brother Damon."
"Hi Damon, Skye told me about you yesterday."
"Nice to meet you, Jo, even though I don't know what you see in his ugly ass."
"I guess what he lacks in ugly asses; he makes up for in over things."
The waitress places the coffees down on the table, as scorching hot as it probably is; I take two big sips and place it down on the table, with enough money to cover the bill.
I push my chair backward and say my goodbyes to leave the table.
"If you guys will excuse me, I have an early sales meeting that I need to go prepare for. Jo, have a lovely day and send my regards to Skye."
I turn around and leave the table. As I make my way out the door, I walk smack bang right into her.
"Oh shit! Look where you are going!"
"I am so sorry! I was not...let me clean...uhm...shit your shirt...let me wipe that...uhm...your..."
"Don't! Touch my breasts!"
"It's full of coffee."
"I know, thanks to you."
"Let me just touch them; I mean, let me just clean your shirt."
"It's fine; I will take it off."
"Give me your things, and I will hold it for you."
"Hold for what?"
"So you can take your shirt off."
"Are you crazy? I will do it in the back."
She turns around and starts walking to the back, me following her close behind.
"Where are you going?"
"Waiting for you to take off your shirt."
"Are you completely mad?"
"I need to clean it."
"I am sure my two capable hands can do that."
"Oh, I see. I am sorry I was not paying attention."
"Clearly, you weren't."
She disappears into the back, and I continue to make it out the door. All the way to the office, my head is fuming; I am mad at Brody's stunt and now am even more furious that she has told me off so blunt. I don't know if I even want to continue with this bet.