After what occured in the kitchen that day, I made sure to avoid Romania as much as I could.
But I couldn't deny the fact that his earlier words made me wet.
It was forbidden to admit, but that was the truth.
I have never felt like that in my whole life and not even Bernie could make me wet with just his words.
If his words could make me wet, then what about his actions?
My mind was wandering into the depth of deception and temptation, but I won't let myself go astray, to fall into temptation.
When Bernie returned, he asked his brother to join us for dinner, which I was clearly against but he ignored my opinion.
I haven't said this before, but Bernie doesn't consider my opinion in whatever he does.
To him, I wasn't smart enough to make a smart decision, to give a better opinion than him.
I always shrug the feeling off. The feeling of being less than him.
He never stopped rubbing it on my face that he was the man and he makes more money than I could ever make.
And that fact, was undeniable.
I'm an author who makes six figures monthly, but I wasn't even an inch compared to a born billionaire.
Despite I was against the idea of inviting his brother over for dinner due to my own personal feelings, Bernie still went ahead to invite Roman over.
I was grateful he declined joining us for dinner that night.
He knew what he had done was wrong. Flirting with his younger brother's girlfriend was forbidden, it was uncalled for……
It's been a week since his arrival and I made sure to avoid him the best I could, but unfortunately, I couldn't, at least not today.
Bernie left for work early. After the investment, many companies wanted him to invest in them, so he has been busy like forever.
I was home alone with Romania.
After writing about three chapters for my book, my stomach growled, reminding me that I haven't had breakfast.
With a groan, I took off my reading glasses, grabbed my phone and walked out of my home office.
I had completely forgotten that we have someone else living with us.
I was dressed in a short, barely covering my ass and a tight crop top which outlined my nipples.
With my hand over my mouth, yawning, I made my way into the kitchen to make my blended mixed fruits.
I always drink it every morning to keep my head functioning.
I was still blending the fruit mix when I felt another presence in the kitchen.
Slowly, I turned around, only to find Romania by the door, his head on the door frame staring at my body.
I followed his gaze which fell on my breast, only then did realization hit me hard.
I was almost naked in front of a stranger!
My eyes widened and my hands flew to my chest, covering my breast, which only earned me a chuckle from him.
“I have already looked at them to my eyes content, no need to cover them.” He walked fully into the kitchen to grab some chips from the freezer, while I remained frozen to the ground with my hands still covering my chest.
“Please leave.” I exhaled slowly with my eyes shut.
The embarrassment was too much for me to bear.
“Take your time, I'm already leaving.” His words were followed with chuckle as he retreated, leaving me alone to face my embarrassment.
Once he was gone, I opened my eyes and bit my lips almost drawing out blood.
I have successfully embarrassed myself in front of him for the second time in a week.
“You're really something else, Tavia. Just get used to the fact that you're no longer alone in this house!” My subconscious mind screamed at me.
“I need a change of clothes.” I reminded myself before dashing out of the kitchen with the speed of lightening like superwoman.
I shut the door loudly and rested on the door frame, inhaling and exhaling until I could steady the racing of my heart.
After five more minutes, I put on a sweat pant and a big hoodie which belongs to Bernie.
It was two times bigger than my size and it would be fine to say that I got lost inside the hoodie.
“This would be your dressing from now henceforth, Tavia. He shouldn't see any part of your body again.” I said to myself, inhaled before leaving the room.
As I made my way back to the kitchen fully dressed, a deep-throated chuckle left his lips upon seeing me, but I just rolled my eyes at him.
With a glass of mixed blended fruit, I head to the sitting room to watch my favourite morning series.
“Can you please change the channel, I want to watch my favourite morning series.” I said in a soft calm voice once I was seated on a sofa in front of the flat screen TV.
He didn't reply or he pretended not to hear.
“Romania, can you please change the channel?” I asked once more, my teeth already gritted and my patience was about flying out of the window.
“As you can see Miss twin peaches, I'm watching business news.” He replied, his gaze fixed on the TV.
“Miss twin peaches?” A scoff left my lips. “If you weren't told what my name is, I'm Octavia not Miss twin peaches.”
“I will call you whatever I want.” That was his reply.
“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes and stood up, standing in front of the TV.
If he wasn't ready to change the channel, we might as well just stay without watching the TV.
I thought he was going to yell at me to move aside, but to my surprise, he only leaned back on the sofa with a smirk on his lips as he stared at me.
“You're one interesting specie, aren't you Miss twin peaches?” He asked, his eyes glittering with mischief.
“If you won't change the channel, then I you won't watch the TV also.”
I knew I was being childish, but I hate his guts.
He is one hell of a cocky man.
“Here, this is the remote control. Come get it from me.” He grinned, stretching the remote control forward and within my grasp.
I didn't say a word but reach out to grab the remote control, but he moved it way, stretching it upwards.
I exhaled and moved closer, ready to take it from his grasp, but he stood up, making the remote control far from my reach.
He is so tall that I was only reaching his chest, so it was impossible to get the remote control from him.
“Stop these games and just give me the remote control already!” I gritted my teeth.
“Take it from me.” He teased.
With one heavy breath, I jumped as high as I could and reached for the remote, but suddenly, Romania grabbed me by the waist and we both fell onto the sofa with me on top.
I gasped softly as my breast came crashing on his chest.
Our eyes locked and everything around us stopped.