“I'm sorry, Octavia. I also wasn't expecting him to be back to New Zealand.” Bernie said, shoving his fingers deep into his scalp, his frustration evident.
I sat on the sofa in our room, hands under my breasts and my legs crossed on each other.
My face features were hardened and I was glaring at Bernie like it was his fault.
I knew that I have no right to complain, after all, the house belongs to Bernie and his older brother, whose name I haven't heard or probably couldn't recollect.
“He never said he would be home soon. I swear I didn't tell you because I knew about it. I also have no idea.” Bernie tried to explain to me, his voice straining as he tried to make me understand.
I have no idea why I was flustered and angry at Bernie when he was clearly not at fault.
I just wished the ground could open and swallow me whole.
I never want to come face to face with Bernie’s older brother, knowing that I was watching his sex escapades with a blondie just few hours ago.
Leaving the room was an hassle. I didn't step out of our room until Bernie returned from work and I have no plans on facing his older brother. At least, not for now.
“I know. I'm sorry for getting mad at you.” I heaved a sigh and stood up from the sofa. “I was just flustered and taken aback.”
“What was he doing when you found out that he returned?” Bernie's sudden question made me flinch a little.
“I have no idea. I just came home and saw a blue Bugatti in the compound.” I lied.
At least it wasn't a lie and neither was it the full truth.
I couldn't bring myself to tell Bernie that I was peeking at his older brother fucking a certain blondie.
“I will talk to him and make sure he doesn't interfere in your business.” Bernie said and walked out of our room.
Once he was gone, I fell back on the sofa with a soft sigh.
The best way to avoid him was to pretend like I never saw anything.
I can't hide from him forever……
I was still dwelling in my thoughts when Bernie called me from downstairs, causing me to flinch in fear.
“Babe! Come downstairs!” Bernie's voice resonated in every nook and cranny of the mansion.
“Coming!” I replied and put on a more decent clothes before heading downstairs.
I stopped on my track once I sighted Bernie seated on a sofa and in front of him was his older brother, whose back was turned against me.
I swallowed and continued walking.
Once I was close, I announced my presence. “Babe, I'm here.”
Both Bernie and his older brother turned at once to face me and when my eyes met with that of his brother's, my breath hitched.
He was nothing short of perfection.
He has a strong, chiseled face with piercing blue eyes. His skin is tanned and smooth, and his hair is dark brown and messy.
His presence is powerful and domineering and his facial features are perfectly balanced.
“Babe, here is my older brother, Romania. I prefer calling him Roman.” The voice of Bernie snapped me from my continuous ogling at my boyfriend's brother. “Roman, here is my girl, Octavia.”
“It's nice to meet you.” Romania smiled at me and I felt my stomach flipped but I was able to save myself from another embarrassment.
“Same here.” I replied nonchalantly and took a seat beside Bernie.
“I'm not sorry for coming home without telling anyone. It's not my fault your girl saw me—-”
My eyes widened as he spoke. I cut him a glare and he immediately stopped talking at once.
A sigh escaped my lips immediately he stopped talking. If he had spoken any further, Bernie would question me for peeping at his brother's live sex session, and I swear, I have no reply to why I did that.
“What? What did my girl do?” Bernie asked, his brows furrowed as he glanced at me then returned his gaze back to his brother, seeking for an answer.
“It's nothing.” Romania waved him off and leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed against each other.
“Babe, what is it?” Bernie turned to me and I forced a smile.
“I caught him taking my favourite fruit so I called him a thief.”
Great! I have successfully become a professional liar.
A chuckle escaped Romania’s lips but he didn't utter anymore words.
“So Roman, for how long would you be staying here?” Bernie asked after a few seconds of silence.
“I have no idea. I might stay longer than I intended to.” Romania took his leg off the other and placed his elbows on his lap, staring deep into my eyes. “Because I found something interesting.”
I don't know why, but for some reason, he was referring to me.
I don't know if I was being paranoid or not, but something was wrong.
“And what do you find interesting that made you want to stay?” Bernie went further to ask but Romania rose to his feet and swept his messy hair backward.
“It's a secret, and secrets are meant to be kept and not told.” He smirked and walked out, leaving me staring at his broad shoulders from behind.
“Babe, don't mind him. He is really creepy and dangerous.” Bernie turned to me and I smiled. “Stay away from him. He is danger.”
“Okay, I will.” I replied and also stood up. “I’ll go prepare dinner now.”
“Okay, I’ll head out to get some groceries too. Seems we've run out of them.”
In no time, Bernie was gone to get the groceries and I was home alone with Romania.
While I prepared dinner, I was praying desperately not to come across him until Bernie's return but it seems God wasn't on my side today.
“I guess you've never seen a live porn before, have you?” His deep baritone voice spoke from behind, causing me to flinch but still didn't turn around.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” I replied, giving the veggies I was chopping my full attention.
“You were peeping like a sneaky bitch just few hours ago. Don't Bernie satisfy you?” He asked once more, his voice even more closer.
“Please can you leave? I don't want Bernie to have the wrong idea.”
“What wrong idea? We aren't fucking, are we?” He smirked and grabbed a bottle of water.
“Stay away from my business and I'll do the same.” I said, turning around to look at him. “I'm being respectful because you're Bernie's older brother.”
“And what if I don't? What if I want more?” With each question, he was a step closer and in no time, he was just an inch away from me.
“What if I want to have a taste of your pussy?”