Pham is TIGHTLY holding the copy of the agreement form he signed earlier while riding the Helicopter to the island. His eyes dropped to the paper he was holding and read it again for the fifth time.
Temptation Island Agreement
the purpose of this letter of agreement is to outline the rules and regulations that the visitor has to follow while on Temptation Island.
I, Fatima Dela Cruz, widow, and of legal age, agree;
1. To stay in the Island for two weeks.
2. That whatever happens on the Island stays on the Island.
3. that all devices, such as cellphones, tablets and cameras are not allowed in the island.
4. To not smoke or drink too much while on the Island.
5. To always be in proper attire at all times while on the Island.
6. To respect the owner, the members, my co-visitors and the Island staff.
Fatima Dela Cruz
Pham sighed after reading the agreement he signed. He didn't expect that he had a signature.
when he arrived this morning at the extraction place, on the rooftop of Monesterio Incorporated, he was surprised to see that there was a Helicopter there and a man greeted him, asked for his invitation card and signed an agreement with him.
She wasn't alone in the helicopter. He had three other women with him to the Island.
Pham bit her lip and couldn't help but regret going to the Island. He read 'About the Island' on the website. This Island is not a normal vacation Island. It offers different ways of relaxing and having fun.
he shook his head violently. There's no point in regretting. He's here and he'll make sure he gets some rest while he's on the Island.
And the man who made her sign the agreement said that no one will force her to do what she doesn't want to do in the island. meaning if she says no, then it's a no.
"Look below, ladies, we're here." A voice inside his helmet informed.
He immediately looked down and his lips touched the beautiful island below.
"It's beautiful..." he commented with his lips still parted.
Pham couldn't take her eyes off the island. It's breathtaking. So beautiful.
He seems to enjoy it.
WHEN the helicopter he was riding in landed, Pham was the last to get off. a man in uniform immediately led him to an office where he saw the female companion in the Helicopter enter.
As Pham entered the office, a woman in her late thirties handed her a beautiful heart-shaped necklace. the woman is beautiful, even with visible lines in her face.
"I am Cristina, and I am the head of the security of this Island." Introducing it to them. "Anyway, wear the necklace I gave you." That woman looked at the four of them one by one. "This Island is not your normal get away Island. Here, you can make your fantasies come to life. And I'm talking about sex, ladies."
His three female companions laughed and were obviously excited. Is it wrong that she isn't feeling them?
"I came here to have fun and have sex with hunky-luscious men." That woman next to him and he even teased her with a soft laugh.
"Yes. It's my second time back." Another woman with him agreed. "I'm so excited to spend intimate time with Travis again."
Cristina smiled. "Good. Because this island offers that and more."
He raised his hand a few times. "Ahm, I have a question."
"Go ahead." Cristina urged her.
"Ahm," he bit his bottom lip. "What if I came here just to relax?"
The three women looked at him as if his head had been cut off. Is there something wrong with what he said?
"It's okay." Cristina answered with a smile. "No one is forcing you to have sex with the men here. If you want to relax, then be our guest. this Island offers fun activities, such as zip line, bungee jumping, jet skiing, scuba diving and many more."
"Thank you." He said with a deep breath. It's a glass.
Cristina nodded to him and looked one by one at the necklaces they were now wearing. "By the way, the pendant of the necklace you are wearing is a locket. Inside that is a small button that you only press if something bad happens to you. In short, that's a distress button. when you press that, a member of the Security Team will automatically come to save you from danger. That pendant also serves as a GPS that allows the Security Team to locate you wherever you are in the Island." It folded its palms and smiled sweetly at them. "Have fun ladies and I hope you have a wonderful stay on the island. On your way out, you can grab a condom or a lubricant for free."
The three women giggled as they grabbed condoms and lubricant on their way out. He winced while looking at the condom container.
"Miss Fátima?" Cristina woke him up.
He blinked and faced the woman. "You know me?" He asked in surprise.
"It's my job to know your name." He placed a key on the table. "Your key to your personal golf cart." This card is placed. "Your card key to your very own Cabin near the sea. And," he placed another card. "A credit card that you can use while you are here in the island."
He frowned in confusion. "Why do I have that?" He pointed to the door where his three companions had just exited. "What about my companions who didn't come?"
Cristina smiled at her knowingly. "Those three ladies were invited by the Island's management. that is, they will ride in the public golf cart that is the transportation here on the Island, they will stay at the Allure Hotel for free while they are here and whatever their personal needs they will pay for with their own money unless someone -sponsored bytheir member of the Island."he gestured to him, "however, you are different from them. You are invited by an exclusive member of Temptation Island. That's why you get a private golf cart, a personal cabin near the sea and a credit card that is automatically wired to the member's account."
He gaped. "You mean to say..."
"Yes, Miss Fatima, one of the members wants you here."
He still couldn't close his mouth at the incredible information he heard.
"And who is," his voice cracked, "this member?"
"It's confidential, Miss Fatima. it is up to them to decide whether he will let you know who he is or not."
He couldn't stop laughing. "Is this a joke?"
It shook its head. "I'm afraid not. But you have nothing to fear. Members of this island respect a woman's decision. A no means no. they won't force you to do what you don't want to do. If a member tries to force you, he will be thrown out of the Island and his membership will be dissolved. Not only that, the island management will file a case against him. And trust me, no members would like that. especially the membership fee here is expensive."
He nodded. "Okay. That's reassuring." He carefully let out a sigh and pointed to the container of condoms and lubricant with a frown. "Ahm, can I not take that?"
It laughed softly. "Of course."
he breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God."
Cristina smiled and gestured to the door. "Have fun, Miss Fatima."
He smiled at her and took the key and two cards and went out. He was stopped when someone blocked his man in a suit. he looks like a handsome Prince.
"Hi." He smiled sweetly at her. "I am Tariq, your driver for today."
He raised his eyebrows. "Driver?"
"I will drive you to your cabin."
He raised two eyebrows. "How did you know I was going to the Cabin?"
he pointed his hand to where the cabin key card was. "That's how."
"Oh." Pham felt stupid all of a sudden. "Okay. Drive me then." He has no knowledge of this Island. Might as well accept the help of this strange man. he holds on to Cristinas statement that no one here will force him to do something he doesn't want to do.
Tariq walked first, he just followed until he got into a golf car.
"Hop in." Tariq said.
He first put the bag on before him. when he was properly seated, the golf car began to move.
Pham shivers when she saw a couple making out in public. They are groping each other, for heaven's sake. His companion seemed to notice his reaction because he laughed.
"You should get used to seeing that here on the Island." This is it. "That's normal here. This is after all an exclusive sex island."
His face soured. "I guess I won't get used to it."
He just smiled back at what he said and continued to drive.
pham should really be nervous because this island screams sex and desire, but she can't help admiring the palm trees, the lush green mountains, the fresh air and the breath taking scenery before her.
It is indeed an island that she hasn't seen before.
he stopped in his thoughts when the golf car stopped. He blinked and stared at the Cabin in front of him.
"Are we here?" He asked Tariq reassuringly.
He nodded and got out of his golf car. "Have fun, Miss Fatima."
She was taken back. "You know me?"
he laughed softly as if his reaction was funny.
"Seriously, you know me?" He asked the man confused.
"I was at your wedding." He winked at her then walked away.
Pham shook his head. This is definitely a weird day.
he took the golf car ignition key then used the card key to open the Cabin door.
The Cabin was simple from the outside, but inside, it's ... wow. So beautiful.
Maple wood flooring and walls. Expensive queen size bed with red satin sheet covering it. a small chandelier full of different gems stones. A vanity mirror fit for a Princess and a bathroom that is complete with amenities.
Pham smiled in contentment when she saw the bath tub ready for bathing. he quickly locked the Cabin door and took off all the body coverings then immersed himself in the bath tub.
A sigh of relaxation escaped her lips. Now this is a vacation.
It looks DARK as Marcus gets off the Helicopter in awe. His face darkened even more when he saw Tariq walking towards him.
"You mother fucker-"
"Now before you curse me to no end," he interrupted what he was about to say, "I just want to inform you that your sister-in-law is now safe on her Cabin."
He looked sour. "Do you know what you did?" He looked at her with sharp eyes. "And don't you fucking deny it. I know you are the one behind the attack Fatima received."
The corner of his lips rose. "I'm not denying anything."
His jaw tightened. "Why the hell did you invite her here?"
"Why not?" He shrugged and turned away from her. "That infatuation is really for him, isn't it?"
He drew a deep breath. "I still want to punch you."
He stopped walking and turned his right cheek to her. "Go on. Punch me. Nothing will change. She will stay here in the Island for two weeks anyway."
He clenched his fist and punched her face hard. He smirked. "Yes, nothing will change. But it still feels good to get punched."
Tariq just laughed and wiped the little blood from his cracked lip. "Whatever, man. She's in Cabin Six."
He hurriedly stopped the oncoming golf cart and sent it to the Cabin occupied by Fatima.