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Chapter 5

Jeffrey paced his kitchen while he watched out the window for his brother’s return. He’d lied through his teeth when he told David that he had no feelings for Theresa. Ever since he’d walked up to her on that rainy afternoon in the stable, he could think of nothing else.

The entire afternoon and evening were spent in torment as he wondered what David and Theresa were doing. Knowing his brother like he did, it took little imagination to think what he might be up to, but he didn’t believe Theresa was the type to dive into a sexual relationship so quickly. Yet, his brother was gone far too long to simply be at dinner. He had to be up to something else as well. His blood boiled with jealousy at the mere thought of David’s hands touching her.

He and David couldn’t have been more opposite in the way they dealt with women. It stemmed beyond his resolve to refrain from a relationship after his divorce. Even as a young man, Jeffrey had held the female sex in high regard, where David only looked to them for sexual release.

Even though he was three years older, Jeffrey was introduced to the pleasures of sex by David. He was shocked to discover his fourteen-year-old brother had already managed to coax a girl of seventeen to take his virginity and even more shocked to discover he’d earned a reputation that brought the girls flocking to him. He doubted David ever had to work to get a woman to bed him. They practically lined up at his doorstep for the taking.

When David heard a rumor that Jeffrey was about to graduate high school a virgin, he was quick to offer aide to his brother. He claimed it was more for his sake than Jeffrey’s, as he didn’t want the humiliation of being associated with a college virgin. Jeffrey denied the rumor, but David insisted he prove him wrong.

The truth of the matter was that he actually was still a virgin. Although just as handsome, if not more so, than his brother, Jeffrey was shy when it came to the concept of sex. He enjoyed talking to and keeping company with girls, but would break out in a cold sweat at the mere thought of doing more. It took quite a bit of coaxing, cajoling, and teasing on David’s part to get him to prove he wasn’t a virgin with Wendy Elijah; especially with David in the same room pumping away at her best friend, Mary Louise. It was through pain of becoming the laughing stock of the county that he accomplished the act.

He had to stop himself from bolting out of the room when she laughed at the way he climaxed almost as soon as he started. It was the look of mortification on David’s face that made him swear he would not look like a bumbling fool by his fourteen-year-old brother.

So, instead of shrinking with humiliation and running from the room, he took control of the situation and began to use her body like he’d seen the men do on the pornographic videos his father thought were safely hidden from him. He did things to Wendy that he’d only imagined doing until that point. Once he got started, there was no stopping him. He was not only erotically aroused, but he felt empowered. She had to call out for a reprieve.

He was sore for several days after that, but it was worth it to see the look of admiration and respect on his younger brother’s face; as well as to hear the whimpers of despair from the bitch who’d made fun of him in front of the others.

Jeffrey feared that his actions that day may have set off a behavior pattern with David that was unintended. He had rough sex with Wendy, but not with anyone since then. He’d quickly recovered from the humiliation she caused him and vowed he’d never use a woman’s body in that way again. And, he hadn’t. If rumors were true, he couldn’t say that about David. From what Jeffrey heard, David was a member of several sex clubs; one of which was heavily into S&M. His only consolation was that the woman was equally willing to participate in such behavior. His overly zealous sex acts with Wendy hadn’t come close to the actions of someone performing S&M and Wendy was a willing partner. Yet, he felt horrible about it. He couldn’t imagine deliberately causing pain to another for sexual arousal on either participant’s part. The mere thought of it turned his stomach.

Questions of what David was doing with Theresa tormented him to the point he thought he would go insane. He headed to the stable to saddle his gelding. The sun was long set, but he didn’t care. He often rode in the evening, relying on the natural lighting from the moon and stars, his horse’s nocturnal vision and his familiarity with their property to guide him. He found it therapeutic.

The moon’s brilliant beams lit his way as he allowed his horse the freedom to pick its way across the meadow and through a few wooded trails while his mind pondered over his failed marriage, his fear of women, and his feelings for Theresa. He was so focused on his thoughts that he barely noticed the time go by. It worked in his favor that his horse was almost as familiar with the layout of the ranch as he was and managed to find its way back with little assistance from him.

He’d been gone for several hours and was just returning when he spotted his brother’s SUV slowly making its way up the long, rutted drive. He hurriedly hopped off his horse and walked him back to the stable to help him cool down. His heart beat wildly as he brushed his gelding down, cleaned its hoofs and returned him to his stall. He could hear the gravel beneath the tires of David’s SUV as he walked out of the stables. He came to his senses and calmed himself down in time to casually lean against the wall when David parked beside him and hopped out to greet him.

“It’s a little late, isn’t it, brother?” David said with a grin. “Did I see you riding?”

“Just getting a little night air,” Jeffrey said. “It feels a might stuffy inside.”

“The days are getting hotter, aren’t they?” David said as he adjusted the waist of his jeans.

“Enjoy them while they last,” Jeffrey said. “Cold weather comes all too soon and stays far too long in these parts.”

“I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else,” David said as he leaned against the wall next to Jeffrey and lit a joint. He offered it to Jeffrey. “You still smoke this, right?”

“Only when it’s free,” Jeffrey chuckled as he accepted the joint and took a long slow hit. A wave of calm instantly swept over him as he held the smoke in his lungs as long as he could to get the full effect of the drug. “You’re out late tonight,” he said as he emptied his lungs.

David took the joint back. “I took Theresa to dinner. She’s a fan of Mexican.” After a quick shudder that put a grin on Jeffrey’s handsome face, he added, “She’s so damned hot, I had to go visit Pattie before I came home.”

“How many kids have you had with that woman?” Jeffrey asked with concern.

“Only one,” David said defensively.

“She has more than one,” Jeffrey mused.

“I’m not the only one she sees,” David said quickly.

“I hope you used protection,” Jeffrey scolded. “Not just to avoid breeding, but for the sake of your health.”

“She claims I’m the only one she’s bedding these days,” David said thoughtfully.

“You believe her?” Jeffrey asked.

“She’s not got pregnant since she had my kid,” he said with a shrug.

“Don’t be stupid,” Jeffrey snapped. “Put a shield on that thing.”

“Do you remember what it feels like to be with a woman?” David teased scornfully. “Do you remember the delicious sensation?”

“Screw you,” Jeffrey spat.

“At this point, brother, I’d happily screw you if it’s what it took to get you to dating again,” David chuckled. “It’s just not healthy… abstaining… it just isn’t healthy.”

“You’re a doctor now?” Jeffrey said as he accepted the joint from his brother and took another long, slow hit.

“I’m just a wise man who knows what’s good for him,” David said as he took back his joint. He pinched the glowing end until it was out and slipped it back in his pocket. “Don’t make me hunt down Wendy Elijah for you again.”

“Is she still around?” Jeffrey asked as he stretched in a cat-like manner.

“She’s married, as fat as an old cow, and has four kids,” David said with a grin.

“Time marches on,” Jeffrey said as he started toward his apartment door.

“Don’t let it march too much farther without giving your dick a good workout,” David called out to him.

“Say it louder, I don’t think Pa heard you,” Jeffrey growled.”

“He’s just as worried about you as I am,” David said. “Even Ma’s concerned. It’s not normal to be alone like you are. I heard her telling Pa she was going to start looking for a nice girl to fix you up with.”

“Hell,” Jeffrey groaned as he slid inside his apartment and slammed the door behind him.

David looked at his brother’s closed door for a moment, shook his head, and darted off to the rooms his parents had separated from the main house for him a few years earlier. He still needed to use their kitchen, but, otherwise, he lived in blissful privacy.

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