David walked as close to Theresa as he could without seeming obvious. He found her energy overwhelmingly alluring. It was more than just her looks that drew him to her. She radiated a sexy vibe that he just couldn’t get enough of. The fact that she didn’t do it purposefully only enhanced its sexiness.
Ordinarily, if he found himself in the presence of a woman as hot as Theresa Burk, he’d be working on a way to get her into bed. It crossed his mind on more than one occasion since she came to the ranch to meet with his father and Jeffrey.
He’d actually battled with himself to maintain control and not ruin things. Theresa may be smoking hot, but she was also an intelligent, well-bred woman who he’d have no hesitation bringing home to Sunday dinner. The fact that she would bring an attractive fortune with her certainly didn’t hurt matters; especially since he’d had a recent reversal of fortune that he was struggling to keep his family from discovering. Finding a woman who had it all in place, like she did, was a rarity that he wasn’t about to risk losing.
He’d waited a long time to find someone like Theresa. In fact, he was beginning to think he’d never meet her. He planned on marrying this woman and he wanted nothing to stand in his way of making that happen.
He’d had a long talk with Jeffrey about her after she’d left the ranch. He’d watched her leave the stables from the shadows of the porch. She’d carried her wet slicker close against her breasts. When she tossed it onto the seat of the cab prior to leaping in, he was able to see her erect nipples, cold and wet, straining against her damp tee shirt. His manhood immediately came alive as chills of anticipation
flooded his body. He knew, then and there, that he had to have her; not just in bed, but in his life. He wasted no time putting out feelers about her background and financial status. What he discovered made him all the more determined to have her.
He’d waited to see how Jeffrey behaved as she drove away. His brother appeared unmoved by the sight of her tight backside straining against her even tighter jeans as she hoisted herself into the cab of the truck. Nor did he look affected by the sight of her abundant breasts bouncing about as she settled herself comfortably behind the steering wheel. It may have been a ruse, but, from where he stood, Jeffrey had no designs on Theresa Burk.
Even so, he felt it best to get things out in the open and be clear on everyone’s intentions. So, when opportunity showed itself, he brought her up to see just what Jeffrey thought and felt about her. To his relief, his brother assured him that he had no intention of pursuing Theresa. He reminded David that he’d sworn off women after Penelope took him to hell and back during their divorce. He’d never trust a woman again and he strongly advised David to take heed. Theresa may be hot as hell, but, when all was said and done, she was still a woman.
David thanked him for his advice as he practically skipped away. He’d learned that she lived alone with no signs of dating. With Jeffrey out of the picture, he saw nothing prohibiting him from winning her over. After all, he wasn’t totally oblivious to the way his looks and charms were received by the opposite sex. Theresa included.
He suffered through a dinner of refried beans and giant beef burritos. Fortunately, the restaurant served alcohol. He used it to help wash down the vile tasting mush that, at one time, resembled palatable food.
Theresa proved to be an interesting conversationalist. He found himself laughing and conversing with her in a way that was new to him when in the company of a female. There were even a few moments when he was so engrossed in their conversation that he actually forgot about how much he craved her enticing body.
She’d left her pickup truck at her office, so he returned her there after dinner. She leaned against the side of her vehicle while she extended her hand and thanked him for the meal. He would have much preferred a good-night kiss, but he knew better than to press things.
A tingling of anticipation rushed through his veins as she slipped her soft, warm hands into his larger, calloused ones. Although he was both impressed and pleased that she was the ‘right kind of girl to bring home to mama’, at that moment, he almost wished she wasn’t. His groin throbbed with need as he said good-night and headed to his SUV. He could barely stand the strain of his desire against his jeans. He decided it was time to pay Pattie a call. Fortunately, her home was less than ten minutes away.
Pattie wasn’t his first choice when he was seeking female company; especially if he wanted to go somewhere in public. She’d been raised on the wrong side of the tracks and it showed in her, dress, manners, and vocabulary. But, she was a good bed partner and her house was close. At that moment, that’s all that mattered.
She was sitting on the front porch, smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer, when he pulled into her driveway. He took his eyes off the cheeks of her sweet backside that escaped the bottom of her Daisy Mae shorts long enough to see the broad smile that consumed her fresh and flawless face as she stood to greet him. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, mister.”
“It’s been awhile,” David admitted as he stepped onto the porch.
“The better part of six months,” she growled as she tossed the remnants of her cigarette onto the porch floor and snuffed it with the sole of her shoe.
“Life’s been hectic,” David said as he swept her shapely, petite body into his arms. He took his booted foot and kicked at the front door. With swift, long strides, he carried her into the small ranch style house to the room he knew so well.
Tossing her onto the bed, he bent down to kiss her. She received him with open arms and a need that matched his own. He tore at her clothes with a fervor that made her giggle with delight. “I see you missed me, baby.”
“I need you,” he whispered as he took her pert nipple between his lips and sucked as if he was sucking milkshake through a straw.
“Take it easy,” she moaned. “Go easy and slow so I’m pleased instead of pained.”
It was at that point that he realized just how long it had been since he’d paid her a visit. The last time he’d had her, she was still nursing her son. He was surprised the first time he realized she was heavy with breast milk, but soon grew to look forward to it. Finding she no longer had the comforting nectar to offer was mildly disappointing. He did as she asked and lightened his attention to her breasts as she unzipped his pants.
A groan escaped his lips as he felt her slender fingers wrap around him.
“Be careful I don’t burst before I get inside you,” he said into the softness of her bosom.
“Get those pants off, then,” she hissed as she writhed beneath him. “I’ll be damned if you’re going to cheat me out of a good time after waitin’ on you all this time.”
“Maybe you should just tend to me first and then we’ll start fresh,” he suggested.
Pattie wasted no time pushing David onto his back and pulling his jeans far enough down his thighs to afford her complete access to him. She smiled seductively as she did his bidding. When it was clear he was satisfied, she flopped onto her back and struggled out of her tight-fitting shorts and panties. “My turn.”
“Absolutely,” he said with a satisfied grin.
He enjoyed servicing a woman. Over the years he’d become incredibly adept to the process of bringing a girl so quickly to her peak that he actually robbed himself of the pleasure of performing the act. It took time for him to work out a happy medium where both he and she were satisfied at about the same time.
Pattie’s hips rose so high as she climaxed that he had to push her back onto the mattress. He reached up to knead her breasts to help bring her relief from the ecstasy she claimed was almost too good to tolerate. He pinched and twisted her nipples as she screamed for more. One of the things he enjoyed about Pattie was the fact that she was into mild amounts of S & M. It was something he’d dabbled in and found erotically stimulating with the right person. For the most part, he reserved that fetish for Sharon. But, when Pattie asked for it to be a little rough, he was more than happy to oblige her.
With his mouth still doing its magic, he took one hand from her breast and inserted his fingers into her silky folds. The sensation was all his body needed to rejuvenate and rise to the occasion.
“You’re so wet,” he whispered as he rose above her. “Do you want me to take you now?”
“Yes,” she panted. “Take me long and hard.”
“I didn’t bring a condom,” he moaned with despair.
“Don’t you dare ruin this!’ she bellowed. “I want you to take me now! If we have another kid, then we have another kid. Now, do it.”
He hesitated only briefly before he drove his rod deep into her shaft. The sensation was so good, he felt it all the way into his toes as he pumped into her fast and hard. She met his powerful thrusts with her own. He questioned how she could tolerate it. He was ramming himself deep into her, yet she kept asking for more.
“More,” she whimpered. “I want more. Don’t finish until you’ve given me more.”
He got onto his knees so that he could hold her hips. Her breasts flopped to and fro as she bounced upon the mattress with each powerful thrust. Her body was light and petite, so she was easy for him to lift and maneuver as he rapidly drove himself into her. When he could hold out no longer, he squeezed her breasts in his strong hands, twisting them with every pulse of release that flooded him. He knew he was being a little too rough, but the sensation of her soft mounds beneath his calloused flesh was too good to ease up on.
He fell onto the bed next to her, sweaty and exhausted.
“Damn,” he panted. “I forgot what a good sex partner you are.”
She reached across him for a cigarette. He held the lighter to light it for her. She laid back on the bed and took a long drag off the cigarette while running her hand over her reddened breasts. “I thought you were gonna tear these babies off.”
“I thought you were going to get them pierced,” he said as he rolled onto his side and supported his head with his hand. He traced her almost purple nipple with his fingertips. “I was looking forward to a little ring right there.”
“What do you do with those rings?” she asked cautiously.
“Oh, a little tugging and pulling,” he said. “Mostly, I play with it with my tongue.”
“And that feels good?” she asked with surprise.
“So, I’m told,” he sighed as he hopped off the bed and headed for the bathroom. “Do you still have that soap I like so much?”
“Who else comes to use it?” she snapped. “It’s probably all dried out by now, though.”
He popped his head out of the bathroom door and said, “Are you trying to tell me that I’m the only one coming around for sex?”
“Is that such a surprise?” she asked.
“It’s a lie I don’t believe,” he growled as he hopped into the shower.
“Well, believe it,” she shouted as she laid back to enjoy her cigarette. “I’m a one-man woman.” After a brief silence she asked, “How many women are you sleeping with, anyway?” When he didn’t answer, she rolled off the bed, smashed her cigarette into the ashtray and joined him in the shower. “I said, how many women are you sleeping with?”
He looked down at her long black hair as the water slowly drenched it. “Damn, you’re sexy.”
“That’s not an answer,” she pouted.
“Want to do it in the shower?” he asked seductively.
Before she could respond, his lips consumed hers. Water flooded over them as he backed her against the shower wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pumped himself deep into her. This time, he was slow and methodical; almost gentle. His chest muscles pressed against her sensitive nipples in a way that only served to arouse her even more. She wrapped her arms around his strong neck while she squealed into his mouth. He reached his peak at the same time as she did. He pulled his body free from her limp legs and arms and left her panting against the shower wall as he quickly washed away all signs of sex and exited the shower. By the time she’d come to her senses and quickly washed herself, he was long gone.
With a sigh of disappointment and a shrug of acceptance, she made her way to her pack of cigarettes while her son’s cries sounded from the next room. It was time to switch from seductress to mother.