A few hours pass, Danny ordered everyone pizza so we were all sat on boxes in the sitting room. Belle was the last to walk in sending me a smile as she went, she took her box seat beside me starting to eat her pizza.
"Can you believe it?" Danny asks randomly, making everyone stare at him confused "we're all in our new home together, in school we always said how this would happen and how amazing it would be, I can't believe it's actually happened" he continues looking at all of us, I mean it was true, we'd always say it but I didn't know if I fully believed it would happen.
"Yes, I crunched the numbers and it never made sense, I'm glad I never told you because that would have made me wrong, and I'm never wrong" Cam chimes in taking a bite from his pizza, I laugh a little as something crashing outside causing us all to jump and look at one another.
"Okay, before we all jump to conclusions, it was probably the wind knocking something over in the back" I say knowing full well what was running around these guys minds, as the sentence left my mouth the crashing noise returns but sounds closer.
"Can I start jumping to conclusions now?" Danny asks over at me, I roll my eyes slowly getting up to walk towards the window, but an arm stops me.
"No Paige, you two girls wait here while we go check" Brendon says while pulling me back to where I was sitting, Danny runs into the kitchen walking back out with the frying pan from last night, him and that frying pan!
"Come on Cam" Brendons nudges him as they begin to walk out but Cam doesn't get up, I mean he technically is "one of the guys" but he isn't at the same time.
"You two go, he can protect us" I say holding onto Cam's hand knowing he really didn't want to go outside, Brendon just nods telling Danny to follow him, soon it was just us three left in the room.
Belle gets off her box seat and sits on mine holding my arm scared, no one spoke for what felt like forever as we waited for the guys to return.
"What are you doing out here, you're on our property!" We hear Brendon shout after a few minutes of silence, we hear faint talking but it wasn't close enough for us to fully understand.
"I don't care! Leave now before I call the police!" Brendon responds rather angry, we hear movement around the house and a car door opening, I quickly get up running to the front window just as the car was pulling off.
The same car as before! That cannot be a coincidence, the back door soon opens where Brendon and Danny having an annoyed discussion with each other enter. I finally look away from the window going back into the room, Danny throws his beloved frying pan to the side as I walk in.
"So find anything?" I ask crossing my arms looking over at the guys, I knew from the conversation I heard that they found a person.
"Yeah, some idiot saying he was exploring, I told him either he sling his hook or I'll call the police" Brendon explains sitting down on his box once again, Brendon did sound annoyed when he was talking to them.
"But what I thought was strange was he was in a full suit, why would you explore in a expensive suit?" Danny asks leaning us against the wall, this is getting weirder and weirder as time is going on.
"You know what it's getting late, why don't we all get some sleep before we freak each other out" I suggest moving into the middle of the room "we can talk more about it in the morning, we'll lock all the doors and windows if it makes you feel better" I say mainly looking over at Belle who still looked pretty shaken up, she nods rising to her feet going over to lock all the windows.
"I still don't understand" Brendon says to himself, as everyone else goes around the house locking everything "I'll put a strong padlock on the back gates tomorrow, see him try to get through it then" he says looking over at me, I smile placing my hand on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't think about it now, get some sleep, me and you have work to do tomorrow" I smile before walking out the room leaving him alone.
What we didn't know, was the locks weren't gonna do much.
The next morning I woke up bright and early, I had an early morning run and showered before 7am. This meant I had loads more time to help Brendon, maybe Belle will get off his back afterwards. I walk out my bedroom as the man himself walks up the stairs, to say he was shocked to see me was a huge understatement.
"I didn't think you'd be up at this time" he says shocked with a smile, it's then I noticed he was holding his tool box.
"Well I'm helping you today, I thought we'd get an early start" I smile closing my bedroom door behind me, Danny makes his way down the stairs with his rucksack in hand.
"Stop looking so happy and cheerful this early, why can't you just be gloomy like the rest of us?" he whined pulling his rucksack over his arm staring at us "don't look at me like that, this is what college does to man" he continues to whine, as he walks passed us down the stairs.
"Have a nice day!" I shout down the stairs, he groans in response making Brendon and I just laugh.
"I was just heading up to fix the roof" he tells me pulling his toolbox up to show me, I smile following him up the second flight of stairs heading towards the attic.
He pulls the door to the attic open, where we're just covered in dust, it doesn't seem like this door has been opened for a very long while. We both send each other a look before he tries the light switch, it turns on for a second before the light blew.
"Another item on my list" Brendon says basically to himself, he opens his toolbox pulling two torches out handing one of me.
As he switch his on it revealed the very creepy staircase, Brendon says he'll go first and starts the very slow journey up the old stairs. I'm close behind holding onto his shirt so I didn't fall. After what left like forever, we reach the attic where we see a full attic with some really old stuff.
"It seems like the people that lived here before, forgot about the attic" I say shinning the torch at the old stuff, how can spiders make this many cobwebs?
There were old chests, pictures and furniture just dotted around the place, when we have time we're gonna have to go through this. Maybe if we work out who these belong to we could give it back to the family, if that's even remotely possible. Brendon walks off a little looking for a way into the roof, after a little while he notices a little window on the roof.
"I'll go get the ladder, be careful" he says to me before walking out the attic leaving me alone, I wonder around making sure to watch where I was putting my feet.
I manage to make it over to the end of the room, where a really old chest stood under a window, I knell down taking ahold of the padlock it was attached to. Something strange stood out to me though, the padlock looked much newer than the chest. It looked much newer than everything in this attic, like it was put after the people moved out.
The sound of Brendon walking back in with the ladder snap me out of my thoughts, I stand back up walking over to him making sure to stand on the beams.
"I think this will reach the roof" he says propping the ladder against the wall lifting it up, it stops just below the window leaving a little gap for us to climb "I'll carry the toolbox, are you gonna join me on the roof or wait here?" He asks picking his toolbox off the ground starting to climb the ladder, does he really think I'll wanna stay in this attic alone?
"I'll be right behind you" I smile enthusiastically, he nods climbing higher until he reaches the window, it takes a few pushes but he manages to push the window open, a bit more dust falling down.
He pulls his toolbox out first before lifting himself up and outside, once the ladder was clear I begin to climb it myself, feeling fresh air as I get higher. Once I make it to the top he puts his hand down to help me, I smile taking it climbing out myself joining him on the roof. You could see for miles up here, I turn to see the park I always run down on my morning runs and my dreaded work, I do hate that place.
"Be careful, we need to find the hole above Belle's room" he says slowly standing to walk around the roof, I decide against walking and slide on my butt following him "found it" he says after awhile opening his toolbox, I bum shuffle over to him where I indeed saw a little hole in the roof.
"All that trouble over this little thing" I smile looking at the hole, while Brendon pulls out a different tile out of his bag.
"And all that money from Belle's fathers bank account, I found kind of the same roof tiles but you're not gonna see it, so I don't think it actually matters" he tells me sizing up the tile to the roof, the old roof tiles were a shade of grey, the new one was also grey but a different shade of grey, I said shade a lot then.
I couldn't actually do much so I just look around, the little street we live on didn't have that many houses. Maybe five including ours, two of which were totally abandoned, unlike ours, they had no for sale sign it was literally just left to rot. As I was taking a look around I notice the same car at the end of the drive, two men standing outside of it looking at our house. This is just getting creepy, apart from us on the roof no one was home, what if they try to break in?
"All done, first thing to check off the list, Paige are you okay?" Brendon asks me taking my hand in his, that snaps me out of my thoughts where I look to him then point at the car.
"That's the same car with the same two guys, yesterday when I left for work that car was there, but when they saw me they drove off" I start to explain, while he moves up a little to see better "than last night, the guy that was in the back garden left with that dude in that car! Now they're back again" I say as they start walking towards our house, please don't say they're actually trying the break in.