It was the same night, no one was speaking to each other. I was sat in my bedroom flipping through an old photo album when my door knocks, I tell the person they can come in where Brendon appears.
"I've just come to check you on" he smiles standing by the door, he looks over at my book in my hands confused "what's that?" He asks pointing at it with a smile, I take a look down at the book smiling.
"Come in I'll show you" I smile moving aside so he could sit next to me, he closes the door walking over sitting beside me "this is an old photo album, my parents aren't the whole photo memory people, so I put this together myself" I explain putting it in the middle of us so he could see, he sends me a sympathetic smile but turns to look at the photos.
"I remember this, school had a fancy dress day I was a prince and you were a princess" he smiles pointing at a photo of us and Danny when we were about nine "Danny being well Danny, wanted to be a horse" he laughs looking at the photo, yeah Danny was always and still is rather strange.
I turn the page over to see a photo with me and someone else.
"That's the first time I met Belle, she was new at school and thought she could order everyone around" I explain pointing at a photo, he smiles looking at me while I spoke "I felt bad, so I said she could hang with me and that's how we became friends" I smile as he leant his head on my shoulder looking at the book, it was nice to see all these memories again.
"You should make a new one in this house" he yawns as he spoke, I laugh looking down at him.
"Well let's see, you and Cam having a fight in the front garden, Belle's destroyed clothes oh and a chest full of money, are great editions" I laugh a little looking down at him where he was asleep, I smile putting the book to the side moving so we were both laying down with the blankets over us.
Soon I was also asleep, but someone in this house was not.
I just got back from my morning run where Belle walks out the house, she sends me a tiny smile as she went. I walk into the house where Cam was sat at the table eating his morning toast, I'm glad he's still going about his normal day. I give him a wave before running up the stairs for a shower, where I pass Danny on the stairs, he completely avoids eye contact with me as he went. I shrug it off to him still in a mood about last night and head to my shower.
Once I was done, I start making my way down the stairs, Cam sends me a little wave walking out the front door, wow no one is really in the whole conversation mood.
"Just us two again" Brendon smiles drinking a coffee leaning against the door frame, I laugh walking into the living room to finally unpack it.
I've had enough of sitting on boxes when we went to do something, I look around at the boxes hoping in a few hours, it'll all be done.
I was halfway through when the doorbell begins to ring, I get up walking towards the door but Brendon was already there. He opens it but immediately, falls to the floor holding his face. I run over pulling him up his nose bleeding everywhere. In slowly walks a middle aged guy in a black suit, followed by the two guys from yesterday, he looks around then down at us on the floor.
"Hello my names John, now I know these two didn't make a very good impression on you yesterday, I hope mine was better" he smiles taking the cigarette from his mouth throwing outside, what the heck is happening right now?!
"Now this will be just a quick visit, you have something of mine that I want back" he says looking down at us, I immediately knew what this was about and was rather glad I didn't let Danny take any money.
"What would this something be?" I ask playing dumb, somehow I got enough courage to speak, he looks down at me the smile still on his lips.
"A chest, a rather big one hard to miss" is all he says looking around the house as he spoke, did he think we'd put the chest on display? "now we don't want any trouble, all we want is what is rightfully ours" he continues looking over at us, Brendon gets up walking towards him but he's punched around the face once again, causing him to crash to the ground.
"We have no idea what you're talking about, we only moved in a couple days ago and haven't come across any chest" I say pulling Brendon so his head was in my lap, he was bleeding all over, I was surprised he wasn't unconscious!
"Well mind if we go and get it?" He asks over at us, Brendon sits up saying he would where the dude kicks him in the stomach "I don't know if you realised, but that wasn't a question" he smirks down at Brendon, who was clutching onto his stomach.
"Just go and get whatever you want than get out!" I shout just wanting this to be over already, the dude points to Brendon who’s picked up by the two men, while boss dude takes my arm pulling me up too.
"Leave her alone!" Brendon shouts but was too weak to really fight back, boss man John holds onto my arm laughing.
"Oh don't worry, you're both coming with us" he laughs starting to drag me upstairs, the two guys behind basically having to carry Brendon up the stairs.
In no time, we arrive at the attic door where he looks over at me, he opens it wide dragging me in there with him. Once we reach the top he tells me to sit on the ground, while the others throw Brendon to the floor, I crawl over once again putting his head in my lap stroking his hair.
"This is all gonna be over soon, they're gonna take what they want and it's gonna be okay" I whisper stroking his hair as I spoke, he looked in really bad shape.
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop them" he manages to say through the pain, I shake my head as the boss man John throws the padlock on the ground in anger, causing us both to jump from shock.
"I thought you didn't know anything about this!" He shouts turning around towards us, I send him a questioning look but deep down I was hoping he hadn't noticed the different lock "than why is the whole chest empty?!" He asks getting closer and louder as he spoke, this was news to me!