Wednesday, February 17th. Magnus Mansion, 11:25 a.m.
—Are all the preparations ready?
Alexei questions as he lies in his office chair with a cigarette between his fingers and his usual cold face.
—Adrik already has the three men ready with whom he will be watching our position on Saturday — Yaakov expresses with a slightly scowled face, sitting in front of him on his desk —. After you talked to the men Nikon gathered, they have been properly trained and prepared. There should be no problem with their weapons, you know how meticulous the asshole is about shit like that — he snorts with a half-sided smile —. Fredek, as discussed in the meeting, must give me the explosives tomorrow. So far, so good.
They stare at each other for a few moments while Alexei seems to process the information, takes one more hit of his cigar before continuing.
—Hmm, and the transport to move the merchandise? Did you get it yet?
—Yes, I've made all the arrangements — says his cousin as he gets more comfortable in the chair —. I've sent him to the workshop for a little check-up, just to make sure it won't cause us any unnecessary problems.
The Alpha watches Yaakov closely, who seems unusually nervous, causing that bad feeling that has been eating away his guts to grow even bigger. From the day of the reunion his mind has been wandering about the operation, even waking up thinking of the many ways his enemies can use to screw him over.
He tells himself it's paranoia, trying to calm down, but still he can't help but feel anxious in an inexplicable way. As if every inch of his being warns him that something bad is going to happen. And Yaakov's attitude only makes it worse.
—What's the matter? — He carefully scrutinizes Yaakov's expression as he asks the question, confirming his suspicions that something is not right when the man darkens his gaze and his whole body seems to be in tension.
—Well, it seems that Reiji detected an infiltrator in our database yesterday.
Reiji is the programmer delegated to take control over the digital information of his operations, nationally and internationally, making sure that in all the headquarters of the organization things are being handled at an optimal level of efficiency.
He's also in charge of the security cameras: daily reviewing the recordings, their proper functioning and strategic placement without any blind spots. He is a pretty efficient Omega Eagle. Been working for Alexei for 2 years now.
—What the fuck are you talking about? — already starting to get irritated by the situation, even without knowing all the details —. I thought the security system he was operating was impenetrable, or so he implied when he explained it to me.
Yaakov can't help but get more nervous than he already was when he felt Alexei's authoritarian tone. He' s his cousin and he knows that he would never harm him unless the cause was highly justified, such as a betrayal against him, which would never happen since he swore his loyalty to the Alpha after saving his life in the tragic past that haunts them both.
But Magnus is an extremely fearless and dominant Alpha. He can make even the bravest man waver, and he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated, even though he's an Alpha himself.
—Well... — Yaakov says before clearing his throat to continue —. I went to see him today to make sure that all the preparations for Saturday were being properly arranged. When I arrived, he seemed rather uneasy, so I decided to ask him what was wrong.
He takes a short break before continuing.
—It seems that he detected an infiltrator in our system, snooping around the organization's files during the early hours of the morning — he feels the penetrating gaze of the Alpha as he speaks —. It seems that there was no manipulation of any documents or information, nothing happened at our other bases that could give any indication of having conducted any command on our behalf to confuse the men, and all the merchandise and properties remain intact. So practically the "intruder"... — making the quotes with his fingers —. Just wanted to snoop around, that's all.
The feeling of anxiety in Alexei only got worse. He didn't believe there was anyone more skilled with technology than Reiji. He had met the Omega on one of his trips to Tokyo when he was in the middle of an exchange of supplies with one of the Yakuza he frequented.
The boy was practically being held as a slave, sleeping in a small room inside a warehouse, surrounded by computers and security cameras to keep an eye on him, with nothing more than a small, worn-out mattress in the corner. They would take him out of there just so he could relieve himself in the on-site bathroom, sometimes without even giving him a chance to bathe.
Alexei, seeing this, couldn't help but be outraged. He wasn't a good man, he never pretended to deny it. He had committed cruel and ruthless acts against enemies that had given him his sinister reputation, but he would never treat his employees that way, especially if they were in charge of such delicate information as his operations.
So when he realized that the Yakuza he was making the deal with wanted to get smart and camouflage pirate products, he didn't hesitate to retaliate and kill him and all his subordinates. Not without first taking the Omega under his protection, who has since done an excellent job of looking after the security of the organization.
—He's sure about it? — asked, putting out the cigarette end between his fingers, leaning into his seat, resting his elbows on the desk, drilling Yaakov with his eyes — I'm not in the mood for bullshit, Yaakov. I don't want us to be surprised later because we're not ready. We're not fucking amateurs and we're not in the damn high school. I want things to be done as neatly as possible, with no fucking margin for error, because if that happens... — pointing at him with his right hand and muttering —. You and you alone will be responsible. That's why I gave you command of this operation, you know I don't handle deception very well.
The Alpha felt all the hairs on the back of his neck stand up because of the shiver that ran down his spine. He knew it. Oh, yeah, of course, he knew. Alexei was never a man to mess around with. Everything with him was concise and direct, and he never, ever gave second chances.
To anyone.
He discovered this by working for him for so many years and although he had faith that he could forgive him for having blood ties in common, he did not want to put his life on the line to prove it.
—Of course, he's sure, Magnus — he manages to articulate when he can finally find his voice again —. I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you if I wasn't, but with Reiji solving the problem — despite feeling challenged, he manages to successfully keep his eyes on Alexei. With a colossal amount of effort, however.
—-Perfect, I hope so — He waits a few seconds before continuing —. I can't help but feel a little bit upset about this whole thing and it's already fucking up my mind all this shit.
—What do you mean? — Yaakov asks a little more quietly.
—I don't know, I have kind of a bad feeling and all that crap Nikon said is making it worse. I couldn't help wondering a hundred times if we should trust Franchesco's dog — he sighs heavily and looks at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression —. We both know that this bastard is not exactly the most loyal being on the planet.
Yaakov is a little surprised by the words of the imposing Alpha. Of all the years he has known him, he would never have expected that superstition would be part of his character.
—Come on, Magnus — he says with his eyes wide open at the disbelief he felt —. Are you listening to the shit Nikon's saying? Fuck, I can't help but find this situation a little funny — Alexei looks down to connect with his cousin gaze, finding a mocking expression on his face.
—Explain yourself and stop playing bloody games, Yaakov. I'm not in the mood to stand you right now — frowning and clicking my tongue impatiently.
—What I mean is for you to stop tormenting yourself and avoid being paranoid — making hand gestures towards Alexei's big office —. Look at all this, Magnus. You've forged it by keeping a cool head and thinking clearly, with no room for insecurities or superstitions. You're an excellent leader and the most powerful Alpha I've ever met. And it's not easy for me to admit that being an Alpha too, huh? — raising one of his eyebrows, curving one of the corners of his mouth into a half-smile.
Alexei couldn't help but snort at his cousin's words.
—And your point is...? — making a one-handed gesture for Yaakov to continue.
—That you cut the crap and take the attitude of the insolent, cold, calculating piece of shit you've always been and command your army. Men can't sense your insecurity, or they will feel unstable and suspicious — warns him with a serious tone, emphasizing his words —. You're our leader, so get your balls in place and act like one.
The Alpha tries hard to avoid being offended by the words of his second-in-command because he knows he's right. His insecurities have been playing tricks on him, making him lose sight of his obligations. He'd put all that aside, buried deep within him. He had doubted enough.
It wasn't time to stop for cheesy stuff, it was time to act.
—Very good — he nods, taking a mocking tone, smiling with apparent calm. Looks at the Alpha in front of him —. I've been rambling, I admit it. But now, as your boss, I remind you that if you talk to me like that again, I will cut off your balls and make you eat them for dinner.
He can't help but laugh out loud at the look of shock on Yaakov's face.
—Damn it, Magnus. You're kidding, right?
—Hmm, I don't know. Maybe — sighing deeply, he bends over his desk pretending to type something into his computer —. Now get the hell out of my office, I imagine you still have more work to do — emphasize, pretending to ignore him.
Yaakov gets up and prepares to head towards the door. When he opens it, still with his hand on the knob, turns to see the mafia boss.
—You were joking... Right? — he asks with a little tremor in his voice.
All Alexei does is give him a mocking smile for a few seconds before turning his attention back to the computer.
Yaakov leaves the office feeling a little scared by the threat of his cousin, so he sets out to seek comfort with an extravagant Omega Peacock that drives him crazy.