The headquarters of the Magnus empire was located on the outskirts of Russia, in a large rural area surrounded by nothing but wide meadows, with no trees too close to prevent any kind of surprise attack. The property is a gigantic mansion in the best rustic style, remodeled by Yurik years before his death.
It is highly secured by a qualified team, all trained by Adrik, human and shapeshifting in equal parts. With heavy weaponry and trained to deal with any threat if it is warranted. The Mansion is divided into three sectors, each with its surveillance and immunity measures, with active cameras around the clock and continuous rotation of the guards' shift, watching over even the smallest of corners.
In section "A" are the bedrooms of "The Gang". Adapted according to their needs and with limited access, right at the end of the huge corridor is the one occupied by Alexei. There he has several monitors where he can personally inspect The Mansion and the other headquarters of the organization around the country. This area also has commodities such as a gymnasium, a kitchen with a common dining room, a cinema lounge and a minibar.
In section "B" is the organization's meeting room, designed for exhaustive planning of operations and for establishing partnerships. Its composition is an immense office with a vast round polished wooden desk, with different technological equipment at hand. Humble? That offensive word wasn't in Alexei's dictionary.
It also has a surface adapted for the training of the subordinates, built as a playing field, where they are instructed to be disciplined with different types of weapons. Indoctrinating them physically, mentally and emotionally so that they are ready and willing for battle. Also there is an arsenal, to which access is strictly restricted.
Finally, in section "C", located in the basement of The Mansion, there are rooms equipped to carry out the interrogations or to imprison the hostages they may have at the time. The walls have old blood stains and deep scratches engraved in painful agony, with no windows or ventilation ducts.
The odor coming from the cells is repulsive and nauseating, as the cleaning staff is not allowed to enter. And no matter how much experience Alexei has or how empty the space that should occupy his heart is, that place still causes him nightmares at night.
Russia. Monday, February 15th.
—Then let's review. Yaakov, you told me that... Damn it, Lev! — Alexei grunts in anger —. Will you stop looking at yourself in the mirror for five fucking minutes and pay attention to what we're talking about? — exclaims, banging his fist on the desk.
Magnus was having a meeting with The Gang to discuss guidelines for the next attack to be carried out in 5 days.
—And who says I'm not paying attention? My ears work perfectly, Magnus! — Lev replied, turning the mirror upside down so hard he had to make sure it wasn't shattered.
—Fuck, we're not playing a game here — Magnus strikes back, all his patience running out —. There's business to be done and I need you to concentrate one hundred percent. This is a very important transaction and I want it done with the least margin of error.
—Well, just because I appreciated my obvious beauty doesn't mean that, I go back and repeat, I didn't know what you were talking about. So, go on — he leans over the back of the chair and stares at Magnus, shrugging his shoulders slightly —. Besides, we've gone over the plan three times now. I think it's more than clear what we have to do.
—Sure, just like the last time when you were supposed to keep an eye out for the police and got so distracted with your makeup that didn't even notice — Adrik intervenes with a mocking tone, intentionally to annoy Lev.
—I wasn't putting on makeup, asshole! — Lev claims through his teeth —. I was grooming my feathers. You're a bird too, Adrik — points at him with accusation —. You should understand me and take my side, you idiot.
—Okay, I get your point — Adrik nods in agreement —. But I wouldn't choose to do it in the middle of a mission, especially if I'm in charge of something so delicate. We almost got caught that day because of you, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even...
—That's enough, dammit! — Alexei roars and the silence is deadly —. Am I in charge of a fucking kindergarten? Yaakov... — He watches the Alpha sitting on his right side of the table, who immediately straightens up —. Go over the plan one more time and I don't want to hear a fucking peep out of anyone while he's talking. Especially you, Lev — he warns, pointing his index finger at him with that characteristic piercing look.
—All right, but just one more time, I'm getting tired of the same shit, so listen up — Yaakov exclaims, watching all of them carefully before continuing —. The transaction we will be making is with Franchesco Graziani, the little Italian of whom you have all heard, so I will not stop to explain the details — he makes a gesture with his hand, dismissing it —. The fact is, we have reached an agreement with him for an arms shipment that will arrive on Saturday at twenty-three hours. It will be ten boxes of C-four, fifteen boxes of AK-forty-seven, five boxes of Desert Eagles, fourteen boxes of grenades, seven boxes of gas grenades and twenty-five boxes of ammunition. The ship that will bring the cargo is called "La Signora In Nero”* , and will be managed by sixteen guards and Rocco Giordano, who is the right hand of Franchesco.
—Fuck, I don't like that son of a bitch one bit —. Nikon intervenes with a worried frown —. Why would he send him and not have Franchesco come personally?
—It's his second in command, Nikon — Alexei clarifies —. It's the same as when I send Yaakov to represent me in any business — he says as he watches him across the desk.
—I understand, Alex — Nikon assures, looking at him closely —. But the guy doesn't give me a good feeling — his fists tightly clenched on the desk —. There's something about him that I just don't like, it makes my neck shiver.
—Oh, is the kitty scared? — Yaakov mocks —. Ha! I didn't expect that from you, Nikon — he bursts out laughing when Nikon stares at him.
—It's not fear, you prick! — He defends himself —. It's being cautious. On the few occasions we've met with him, I haven't been able to stop wondering what the fuck he's up to. I'm always waiting for him to pull out a gun at any moment and send us all to hell if we get sloppy.
—You are trained precisely to not be sloppy, Nikon — Alexei declares abruptly —. I won't say that you are exaggerating, I just expect everyone to be on their guard, so everything goes smoothly and bring me the merchandise I negotiated in perfect condition. There's no room for bullshit, so concentrate and do what you do best — he watches his cousin —. Go on.
—Perfect, then — Yaakov applauds animatedly —. Since you all know what the shipment is, you must be aware that it will be complex to transport, so the groups must be vigilant throughout the operation and await the appropriate orders for execution — he turns to see Adrik —. I need you to go with three of the new subordinates that day. It's a tedious mission and one that must be carried out carefully but choose the best ones available at the time. This will help them get acquainted with this type of operation.
—Okay, no problem. I already have the right ones in mind — Adrik says as he types something on his mobile screen —. What will be our position?
—The pier has two side buildings — Yaakov clarifies —. These are not very high but can give you a perfect hiding place. You are a talented sniper and have an excellent sight thanks to your Omega side, it will be advantageous for us if you are watching from that height.
—Good. Don't worry that I won't be distracted by "grooming my feathers" — he snorts, not being discreet about facing Lev as he recites the sentence, receiving the attractive sight of a middle finger as an answer.
—I will ignore that you keep bothering Lev just because I want to end this meeting as soon as possible — Yaakov tells him with a frown —. Continuing, Nikon... — He turns to face him —. I need you to put together a group of ten men, no matter if they are human or shapeshifters, but they must be the best we have on hand right now. Needless to say, equip them properly for the kind of work we'll be doing, yes? — raising an eyebrow and smiling halfway up at Nikon's annoying expression.
—Do you think I'm fucking five years old and still suck my thumb? — he mumbles and Alexei rolls his eyes, exasperated.
—Ha! I don't know about your thumb, but I suspect you suck on other things with great agility — Yaakov bursts out laughing when Nikon's face turns an obvious red with shame and rage, while Adrik snugly shrinks in his seat, hoping to disappear by magic.
—Fuck you, Kozlov! — His claws grow, sharp and threatening —. What I put in my mouth is not of your fucking business, you piece of shit! — he protests, rising abruptly from his seat to confront Yaakov, who starts laughing harder just to provoke him.
—Goddamn it, the same shit again? — Magnus pinches the bridge of his nose with his eyelids tightened —. Can you all focus on the fucking subject of the shipment again? — he says, glancing back and forth between Yaakov and Nikon, the last-named one sitting slowly in his chair again, while he threateningly watches his rival.
—Fine, you're right — Yaakov announces, placing his palms on his knees —. Nikon, if you already have the men in mind, I want them all gathered in the training area after we finish this meeting. Magnus wants to discuss the situation directly with them, okay?
Nikon nods his head slightly, biting his tongue so as not to utter another sarcastic comment or send Yaakov to hell for the tenth time during the day.
—Fredek — Yaakov stares at his cousin and younger brother of his boss, who is sitting at the other end of the table near the door and has been completely silent since the meeting began —. I really want to hope that your services will not be needed in this operation, but it wouldn't hurt to manufacture something in case we need it — Fredek nods his head in agreement.
—What do you have in mind? — He responds with a low, neutral tone of voice.
—Hmm, something small and compact, but still lethal. Smaller in scale than a hand grenade, totally discreet — Yaakov details as he makes movements with his hands.
—All right, I'll have them delivered to you by Thursday. Should I go with you too?
—Forget it, you'll stay here — Alexei declares strongly, lighting a cigarette and throwing the lighter away indifferently —. Fabricate what you were asked to do and deliver it to Yaakov in time for him to have a chance to explain its workings to his subordinates.
— I'll arrange the transportation so that we can move the merchandise, Magnus — Yaakov emphasizes —. I located a truck big enough to fit everything without any problems — Alexei nods, expelling the cigarette smoke and disposing of the ashes in the ashtray.
—And what will I do? — Lev questions with emotion, intercalating his interest between Alexei and Yaakov.
—You'll stay too — Yaakov says, trying to match the intimidating tone that Alexei used before.
—Wait, what?! — Lev shouts offended —. But why? I'm tired of sitting here all the time waiting for one of you to break a leg or get the flu so I can help out. I'm bored, Yaak! I want to go out and get some action — his tone increased as he expressed himself quickly. Adrik snorts at Lev complaining and Nikon can't help but burst out laughing.
—Yes, Yaak — Nikon sneers —. The poor guy is bored, take him out. Maybe with his feathers he can pluck out some enemy's eyeball — again, he'll burst out laughing, wiping away non-existent tears.
—Shut up, you son of a bitch — Yaakov orders him in a rage, the muscles in his jaw throb from the pressure —. And you... — looks at Lev severely —. No way, prince. You're not going this time either. I don't doubt of your fighting skills, but I'll be too distracted watching your pretty ass and I need to stay focused. If you're bored you can go shopping or something, but you're not going to this transaction, so don't even think about arguing — warns him decisively to keep his mouth shut.
As if he' would listen to him...
—But, Yaakov! — Lev yells —. Please, you've got to be kidding me. I know how to defend myself perfectly, in the last four meetings you haven't let me assist either. I want to go! — He gets up in a hurry, a frown creasing his forehead and his cheeks bulging into a pout.
—It doesn't matter how much you scream, prince, you're staying here. And that' s the end of the discussion and this conference too, so you can all leave now — when he finishes saying the words, everyone shoots out of the room, except Lev, who keeps knocking him down with his fiery black irises.
—Are you sure that I won't go? — he asks, deceptively calm.
Yaakov swallows thick before answering. When Lev looks at him like that it' s because he normally has something on his mind that is not usually good news for him.
—Absolutely sure — he says without being intimidated, trying to hide his nervousness. His partner straightens up and crosses his arms over his chest, looking down at Yaakov with all the swagger he could summon.
—Good — Lev states, grinning halfway. Yaakov swallows thickly again, moves uneasily on his chair and clears his throat slightly before speaking, the whole situation being contemplated by Alexei, who cannot help but enjoy the show.
—Good? — Yaakov asks, hating himself for having his voice shaken a little.
—Yes, good — Lev says, widening his smile —. But don't even think about going to my room for the rest of the month — and without further ado, he moves away from the desk and leaves the room before he can hear Yaakov's complaints.
—What the fuck? — The Alpha hesitates —. Lev! — calls for him, getting no answer —. Lev, get back here right now! — goes out running after him.
Alexei lies there for a few more minutes while he lights another cigarette. He turns around in his chair to look through the large window of the office, pushing away the feeling that something is somehow wrong. A stab of unease churning in his gut, especially since Nikon's words have not left him alone since they slipped through his ears.
—Maybe I'm being paranoid — he whispers to himself in an attempt to cool down.
Hopefully his omens won't come true.
*“Lady In Black” in Italian.