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Kendall felt like her whole body was being crushed. She tried to move and heard a moan, holy shit, Blake had his leg and arm totally over her body. She pushed him off her but the big baboon didn't budge. "Get off me!" Again trying to shove him off.

"Ask me nicely…." The smug asshole was awake.

"I'm being crushed... Move already."

"Ask me nicely." For fucks sake!

"Please get off me." Dickhead…

"Good girl, see that wasn't so bad?" He moved away from her and sat up. "Now that you’re up, I would like some breakfast please. Eggs on toast will be nice." Kendall stared at Blake like he was totally insane.

"Yes I would love some too, sunny side up for me." She said as she walked into the bathroom. She freshened up and once she was done she thought about whether or Blake was serious about her making breakfast. He couldn't be serious, she didn't know the first thing about cooking or heating or anything along those lines.


Blake waited for his bride to come out before throwing a tea towel at her and walking into the bathroom. She was going to make breakfast or starve. If she thought he was going to wait on her hand and foot boy did she have another thing coming. She would pull her weight around here if it’s the last thing he made her do.

Blake walked in the kitchen and he actually smiled, his bride look concerned. She had crushed four eggs and threw them out. "Whoa there, I think we are limited on food supplies." He took the egg out of her hand and showed her how it’s done. "How many do you need?"

"Enough for us..." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Four, three for me and one for you." He cracked another egg and showing her how it’s done. "Have a go." Kendall grabbed and egg and was giving it a go. "Don't bang so hard."

She did it.

Her smile actually reached her eyes, Blake was in awe by her beauty. Kendall cracked another one and clapped when it cracked open perfectly. "See you’re a natural."

"So with what do I fry it with?" She really didn't have a clue what she was doing but she was giving it a go. Blake took the butter out and added it to the pan, he put four pieces of bread in the toaster and directed her to add the eggs. He was there guiding her and she pulled through.

"Breakfast is served." She sounded so proud of herself. Blake poured them both a cup of coffee and placed a cup in front of her. Blake was impressed at her cooperation, he didn't think for a moment she would attempt to make breakfast.

Funny enough Kendall left him to wash up after breakfast.


KENDALL decided to put some clothes on and have a look around outside. She opted to wear a short summer dress and strappy sandals. She tied her hair in a high pony tail and applied some gloss, not going to any effort to apply a full face of makeup, there was nobody she wanted to impress here anyway.

Walking outside Kendall felt the crisp breeze, it was glorious. The sun was shining the sky was blue. She walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the ocean, wow it was such a peaceful sight. Kendall was taken by the motion of the ocean, it was very relaxing to just hang about and watch.

Kendall finished her walk and decided to head back, she had walked into bush land and didn't think it wise to continue, now if she could only remember what direction back was. Shit Kendall what if you can't get back? And what if he doesn't find you? Or what if he deliberately leaves you here to die?

Starting to panic and finding it very hard to breathe Kendall was almost in tears. "What in god’s name are you doing here?" Kendall turned so fast and spotted Blake. Oh thank The Lord.

"I was just looking around and I think I wondered too far and I couldn't remember the way back."

"Good it will teach you to wonder on your own again. You wouldn't survive a night here alone I assure you." Blake turned around and headed back. Kendall followed his every step.

When they finally reached the house Kendall ran to the fridge and opened up a soda. She gulped in down.


Blake watched KENDALL drink her beverage, fuck everything this kid did was sexy. And what the fuck was she wearing? For heaven’s sake did she not know that she couldn’t walk around like that, it shouldn't be fucking legal. Blake dropped onto the sofa and leaned back just observing his pain in the ass wife.

"Well this is going to get old fast."

"What is?" Blake was intrigued to hear this one.

"Us in here, What are we meant to do for two weeks, I'll lose my mind. Can't we go somewhere else and like pretend we stayed here? Nobody will know."

"They'll know. Do you honestly think for a second that we are not being monitored? Come on bride I'm sure there’s something in that pretty head of yours." Kendall threw off her sandals and sat beside him.

"Seriously, do you think we can stay this long and not kill each other? Hey maybe that was Michaels plan. Kill each other out."

"You are ridiculous." Kendall rolled her eyes.

"I need to know how many partners you've been with."

"Why could you possibly need to know that? It's not your concern."

"Okay this is getting tiresome, it is my concern, firstly because you are my fucking wife and secondly because if we are going to consummate our marriage I want to know if you’re safe."

"We are not consummating anything. I don't care what the requirements of the pact is. You my dear can go consummate yourself. For your information I'm safer than any girl you've been with. I wouldn’t allow just any fucker to touch this." Kendall pointed to her body up and down. Blake was getting pissed at her high and mighty attitude. Keep it together Blake.

"Kendall you’re trying my patience. Answer the goddamn question, give me a number."

"Ask me nicely." She was playing him and Blake was not impressed at all.

"You know what I’ll check myself, as I told you yesterday, you can tell a lot by fingering a woman's. ..."

"Stop it your vulgar! I've already told you that I haven't been with anybody before. Father wanted me to be pure for my marriage. Of course that was a complete waste of time considering I ended up with you. I guess I'll have to make up for the lack of sex now. Suppose I can have my fun while being married."

"You honestly think I'll allow my wife to fuck around? And again I don't think I believe you about your partners." Kendall was fed up with Blake.

"I don't see how you can stop me! Anyway again I couldn't care less whether or not you believe me." Blake was getting riled up. Kendall wanted to laugh, he was such an easy target. Pretending that he was always so calm and collected. Whatever dude! Kendall liked to piss him off. "Hey, don't be sad, you still have Jade."


That's it Blake had enough of her smart mouth, he grabbed her nape and moved her in closer. "Kendall stop talking about Jade or my family or so help me god I'll fucking have you bound and gagged for the remainder of our stay. Is that understood?"

"Such a delicate topic, don't cry big boy, she'll still have you. I'm sure she's crying for you every night thinking about you fucking your brand new wife because it’s a requirement not because your dick gets hard every time you are around me." Blake's patience just ended. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up to stand. She winced, he was obviously hurting her.

"Get your fucking hands off me! How the hell dare you?" He was hurting her, and he looked furious.

"How the hell dare I? You are just itching for a punishment aren't you? Let's get this over and done with, you need to learn your place." Blake dragged Kendall into the bedroom, she was a fighter alright, kicking and punching at him widely, it was laughable, he was way too strong and he wasn't even trying very hard. Blake grabbed her wrists in a tight grip while he tossed her onto the bed. He was atop her straddling her, he still had her wrists captured and now he had her legs secured between his.

"Get off me! This is rape!" Blake's black eyes bore into hers.

"Who said anything about rape?" Blake could feel his dick harden, he was actually very turned on by the struggle.

"Let me go Blake... Please" He smiled at her feeble attempt to play nice now.

"Please? A little too late to play nice now Princess." Blake was looking around for something to restrain this little hot head with, He found the dress she wore yesterday on the floor by the bed and picked it up. Putting her hands under his knees to keep her still he tore her dress in half.

"What the hell? That dress cost me a fortune."

"Yes I’m sure it did, guess what? I don't give a crap."

Blake roughly turned her onto her stomach and grabbed both her harms tying them together behind her back. The more she tried to struggle the more his dick hardened against her butt, that stopped the struggle almost immediately. Turning her back around he secured her ankles together. "Blake, you son of a bitch, untie me now. You have not right to do this!"

"Wrong again princess, I'm your fucking husband and you will learn to respect and fucking obey me."

"Obey you? Doesn't Jade play the obedient lover with you? Is that why you feel the need to force me into that role?"

"You don't fucking learn. Fine let's play this your way." He moved off the bed and searched the room for something to shut her fucking mouth with. He opened her suitcase and pulled out her underpants and stuffed them in her mouth then securing them to stay in with another piece of material from her ruined dress. "You will learn to fucking respect me." With that he left her in the room helpless and closed the door behind him. By god he was losing his sanity.

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