Kendall was sure to keep her mouth shut. That had been too real, her body finally stopped shaking but she was far from over the whole incident. Blake looked really pissed. She noticed how he refused to acknowledge her and just kept driving. She thought it better that nothing was said. It was dark out and Kendall wondered if they were ever going to reach their destination. She was holding her tongue because she really did want to complain. To her utter relief he seemed to have found the place. He drove down a long driveway that went on forever.
Kendall was trying to focus where they were headed. She smelt the sea but could not see further then where the headlights glowed. When Blake turned on the high beams Kendall almost choked. A cottage on a cliff with the sea under them. She noticed a light house in the distance. Her mouth dropped, was he fucking kidding her?
Blake was glad to finally stop driving. He was tired, they'd been on the road for over five hours all up and was glad that it was over. Following the instructions on his phone he retrieved the key from the pot plant and opened the door to this little cottage in the middle of nowhere. Turning on the lights he was surprised at how cosy and romantic it truly was. Set up in a Balinese style decor, it was very beautiful. He noticed there was champagne and chocolates and red rose petals thrown loosely on the tables around the house. He heard Kendall walk in behind him and gasp. She must approve.
"I need my luggage." She said as she kicked off her shoes
"Ask me nicely." Infuriating woman.
"Can you please bring down my luggage…" Again with the roll of her eyes.
"Good girl, yes I can... See how much easier that was?"
Finally in the shower, Kendall wasn't disappointed with the bathroom. It was immaculate, a huge free standing tub in the centre of the room and a huge shower divided by a tiled wall. Big shower head that dropped from the ceiling.
When finished drying herself Kendall wrapped a towel around her body and one around her hair and walked to the bedroom. For Fuck sake she had to unpack herself! Great.
Opening her suitcase on the floor she rummaged to see what nightwear her mother packed for her. Of course it with all lingerie and skimpy underwear. Fuck! Kendall opened his luggage and pulled out one of his tee shirts and put in on, sure it came to her knees but at least it was better than wearing her skimpy lingerie. About to close his suitcase Kendall saw something that caught her eye, it was a picture of that Jade girl he had kissed in view for all to see. Interesting... That done she placed his suitcase outside the room and locked herself in. She needed to have some time to unwind and get her head around it all.
Blake undid his shirt taking it off. He heard KENDALL in the room, he decided to take a shower, maybe the hot water would relax his muscles a little. Little bitch locked him out of the room. Fair enough… He showered in the main room not ignoring the fact that his suitcase was all messed up and was sitting outside the room…
His bride nearly killed the both of them. He needed to set her straight. If they were to remain together even just for appearances then she was definitely in need of a few lessons. When he was finished his shower, he quickly dried himself and wrapped a towel around his waist.
Blake went to heat up some food, He realized she was in the room still with the door closed and decided to get the food ready for her royal highness, he would serve her today only because he was starving and exhausted. He needed to choose his battles with her, he knew there would be many battles ahead of them.
When Kendall decided to join him, Blake almost choked on his food. Damn women was wearing his black tee shirt looking sexy as hell with her hair wet and no makeup on. It actually shocked him that she wore makeup at all, her face was flawless. She didn't need a thing. Why she would think to need makeup was beyond him. He looked at his bride and knew he was in trouble, her fucking body would tempt a saint.
Kendall was aware of how affected Blake was. She actually drew in a breath as well, he was completely without any top on and only a towel wrapped around his waist. He was so tanned and extremely well built. His chest looked very hard as did his abs. His arms were muscly and his entire look was sexy as hell. Still she acted like he didn't affect her one little bit. Sitting on the small dining table Kendall filled her plate with rice and a beef curry. It smelt glorious and she was just happy to be eating.
Blake was having a hard time trying to concentrate, his dick was reacting to his wife and he had no control over it. Again always losing control when it came to Kendall. Blake hated himself for reacting to her body. He was betraying Jade just by thinking about Kendall sexually. He needed to get his shit together, it wasn't right! It wasn’t his fault, she paraded like that and expected him to remain unaffected... He wasn't made out of stone. This issue needed to be addressed.
"Kendall, I see you are comfortable enough to go through my luggage, I'm sure you have your own clothes."
"Yes and yes." Kendall wasn't concentrating on what he was saying pissing him off.
"Kendall! I don't like to be ignored."
"Sorry what? Did you say something?"
"Yes damn it I did, listen Kendall, I'm going to get straight to the point, your clothing is a no go. I'm sure you have never been told what is considered as appropriate attire. Now as you have pretty much lived as you pleased for the last twenty five years of your life I get that perhaps you don’t get that parading yourself is not on. But this is where it ends. We are married and I'll not have you walking around like something that came out of a wet dream."
Her face when he said that… She looked shocked as hell.
"Listen Blake, I will dress as I please, do not think for a second that you can tell me how I should and should not dress. I'm a big girl and do not need your approval or your consent to do as I please. It's quite insulting how you would assume I care that you worry about how I make you look. Trust me honey, I'm doing you a favour, I'm making you and your entire family not seem so pathetic. So please refrain telling me what to do."
Blake tensed. He was going to fucking end this bitch.
Little bitch was hitting every nerve, she was openly insulting his family, how was he to deal with her, if another person had dared to whisper her last remark they wouldn't live to see another day. And here she sits with a smug look on her face, like his whole presence actually annoyed her. Like her conversing with him was actually a chore for her. "You dress like a whore! you nearly killed us back at the fucking diner or have you forgotten about that? I will not accept you walking around having every man lust over you."
"Too bad... Suck it up! You'll have to do a lot better than that to get me to abide by your rules. Let me put it to you in a way you can understand, I don't really care what you want, I answer to nobody, especially not an oversized baboon. So I hope your feeble mind can understand that." Kendall stood up and left as though his mere presence was annoying her…
"Don't fucking walk away from me!" He barked out.
"Goodnight." She waved to him not bothering to look back. Blake would never accept that sort of disrespect. He was on her in seconds, he pushed her hard against the wall.
"I told you I don't like being ignored" He had her pressed against the wall holding both her hands on either side of her head. She gasped clearly not expecting that.
"And I've told you before I don't care what you want." Blake moved his head closer to her, he whispered in her ear.
"You really are playing with fire." He ran his nose over her neck. "Do you want to see what happens when you play with fire?" Blake moved his mouth till he was just inches from her mouth. His mouth was almost on hers and Kendall slightly opened her mouth as though anticipating his kiss. Until she turned her head away. "Princess afraid of a little heat?"
"Let me go, it's not your style to force a lady big boy, I'm sure Jade wouldn't be amused." He abruptly let her go, she had a lethal tongue on her. She graced him with a victorious smile. "It's okay Blake, I'll keep your secret, I'll not say a word to Jade about how your wife turns you on." Kendall turned and walked back into the room, leaving him feeling like a fucking fool. This bitch was getting under his skin. He needed to focus, she was going to ruin everything if he didn't get her under control. Fuck me, he thought, two weeks of this...
Blake poured himself another scotch, and skulled it down. This pompous princess was going to screw up his life… He had a feeling that she was not going down without a fucking fight.
Kendall was finding it hard to sleep, she was too worked up, Blake’s behaviour had affected her, she was in a state of shock. She had felt his arousal earlier on and that actually had sent her body in a wave of lust. Keep it together Kendall, he is the fucking enemy, you cannot allow him to affect you!
Feigning sleep quickly when she heard him walk into the room, she could smell the alcohol on his breath. He moved into the bed beside her and turned his back to her. Kendall opened her eyes and looked at his back, he was fucking hot and on his back he had a massive tattoo that covered most of his back. It was of a cross and looked fucking sexy as hell. Forget him Kendall, he was your father’s sworn enemy...